Inspirations Christian Entertainment

Inspirations Christian Entertainment Inspirations is a performance venue for Christian Artists. We host "Inspire Night" monthly to inspi

Inspirations Christian Entertainment is an establishment where people can enjoy the presence of God, fellowship with other believers, and bible based entertainment. Our mission is to unify the body of Christ through the Arts for “there is one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Eph 4:4-6). Our aspirat

ion is to create an atmosphere that will cultivate creativity inspired by the Holy Spirit. Primarily, Inspirations provides a venue for local Christians to minister their gifts while aiming to inspire others to develop and utilize their artistic abilities to glorify God. Subsequently, Inspirations provides an alternative to night clubs and other forms of entertainment that are not align with bible principles. As a result, we serve in the capacity of an evangelistic outreach for those in attendance that have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord. Therefore, we strive to show the love of God, joy of the Lord, and His glory (goodness) through entertainment with hopes to ultimately inspire non-Christians to become Disciples of Christ.

Hi Everyone, We are trying to find out why Christians stop volunteering in church. Please click the presentation below f...

Hi Everyone, We are trying to find out why Christians stop volunteering in church. Please click the presentation below for details and feel free to share with others.

Help us understand why Christian church members disengage from volunteerism.


We settle for what we have when we do not know what we are entitled to ~ Selah

Lord, give us eyes to see all of your promises that we have not discerned that are missing out of our lives.

"For as many as are the promises of God, in Christ they are [all answered] “Yes.” So through Him we say our “Amen” to the glory of God"( 2 Corinthians 1:20 AMP).

Go take your Mountain."Now, here I am this day, eighty-five years old. 11 As yet I am as strong this day as on the day t...

Go take your Mountain.

"Now, here I am this day, eighty-five years old. 11 As yet I am as strong this day as on the day that Moses sent me; just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, both for going out and for coming in. 12 Now therefore, give me this mountain of which the Lord spoke in that day" (Joshua 14: 10b - 12a)

“Word Wednesday”Acts 6:3 (MSG)So, friends, choose seven men from among you whom everyone trusts, men full of the Holy Sp...

“Word Wednesday”

Acts 6:3 (MSG)

So, friends, choose seven men from among you whom everyone trusts, men full of the Holy Spirit and good sense, and we’ll assign them this task.

How do we choose? What qualifications do we have in place to make sure we are choosing according to God’s will and His plan? Time is up for giving people tasks that God has not authorized. If God is not building the house our labor is most certainly in vain!The church is a living organism, but we treat it as if it is an organization. God is at the helm of His church and before we place people in position we need to look to Him and His Word for guidance. There are questions that we have to ask. Are they trustworthy? Full of the Holy Spirit? Do they have good sense? God doesn’t leave us out there to fend and try to figure out the criteria in our choosing. He lays it out in plain sight. God is wanting to restructure what we’ve ill advisedly done. Now the question is...will we let Him?

~ Tonya Cox

“Word Wednesday”1 John 3:10 (NIV)This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: ...

“Word Wednesday”

1 John 3:10 (NIV)

This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.

The Bible is truly a book that’s black and white. There is no middle ground. There are no gray areas. There is no straddling the fence. We are either in or out. For or against. We either love or hate. It’s not complicated. God says there is a distinction in who is His and who is not. He makes it clear in His word what we should look for in us and others to make the determination. God is love! And if we are His offsprings then we are love. Beloved we can disagree and still love. We can debate and still love. We can have differences of opinions and still love. There is decency and order in love. In all things because of our love for God and our brethren we can in all circumstances do what’s right. The world will only come to know God through our genuine love one for another. This is an awesome responsibility and it is not for the faint of heart. But when we allow the world ways to consume and play out through us then who have we really been fathered by?

~ Tonya Cox

“Word Wednesday”John 10:10 (ERV)A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came to give life—life that is full and...

“Word Wednesday”

John 10:10 (ERV)

A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came to give life—life that is full and good.

This scripture is quoted more times than we can number and yet the emphasis always seem to be on the part before the but. But is a transitional word that’s used to introduce something that is in stark contrast to what has already been mentioned. Which brings us to this...our focus is to be on what comes after the but. Jesus says listen this is what I came to do and that is what stands. No matter what the enemy tries to do know that I am bringing life that is full and good to overflowing. Yes we ought to be aware of the thief’s schemes and tactics it is wise to do so. However, we spend a massive amount of time preparing for the thief. But, if we begin to focus on the full and good life that Jesus came to give it will prepare for the thief. Jesus’ abundant life is the security system against the thief, that’s why we should never focus on him!

~ Tonya Cox

“Word Wednesday”Proverbs 4:23 (GNT)Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.If we took an evaluati...

“Word Wednesday”

Proverbs 4:23 (GNT)

Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.

If we took an evaluation of our lives and found that we are not pleased we can apply the same principle of contact tracing. We can go back and trace our thought life and pinpoint that thought or thoughts that led to this life’s harvest. Friends it matters what we think. We cannot allow all thoughts to take up residency in our minds. We have to qualify each thought to see if it’s worthy of remaining. Some would say that they weren’t thinking like that’s a pass to the life one wants. Us not thinking is worse. It takes on a persona of I don’t care and then is taken aback when I don’t care shows up. If we want a life full of value and substance, then we must on purpose begin to think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of a good report, virtuous, & praiseworthy. These my friends will usher in a worthy life’s harvest that will keep us content and very much satisfied!

~ Tonya Cox

“Word Wednesday”Proverbs 3:7 (KJV)Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.‭‭It’s a fact that ...

“Word Wednesday”

Proverbs 3:7 (KJV)

Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.
It’s a fact that we do not know it all. It’s a fact that we are not in control of our lives. It’s also a fact that it’s evil when we try to do life by our own wisdom. Our own strength. Thinking more highly of ourselves than we ought to. Beloved we should never be impressed with our own wisdom. Our wisdom, without God’s word, originates from our flesh. It’s only concerned about our comforts and conveniences. It doesn’t look out for others. It’s not submissive nor considerate. All our wisdom wants is our own way. However there’s hope! We repent. We revere the Lord. We run from evil. We allow Him to be Lord and not just Savior.

~ Tonya Cox

“Word Wednesday”Jeremiah 33:14 (KJV)Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will perform that good thing which I h...

“Word Wednesday”

Jeremiah 33:14 (KJV)

Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah.

The days have come for that good thing that God promised. Today is the start of something fresh. Something brand new. It really is out with the old and in with the new. God’s promises are still yes and we say amen. Don’t allow outside circumstances and voices keep you from believing and receiving all that God has. Nothing is as it appears to be. What looks like chaos and uncertainty is a sure set up for unprecedented blessings. If it’s not good then God’s not done. Great days are up ahead. We are moving in the direction of something so beautiful, something so incredible it would be as if it were a dream. The Bible is emphatically clear we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Just wait!

~ Tonya Cox


“Word Wednesday”

Exodus 32:26 (KJV)

Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the Lord's side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.

We must be extremely careful where, who and what we look to for sustenance and life. We must be careful of whose side we’re on and what side we choose. Please remember that we cannot be a part of any and everything. That’s not to say we’re better, just wise. We should always stand with and for the Lord. Forever aligning ourselves to His word. Everything must be weighed in and through Him. We must test all spirits to see if they really be from God. When we became Christian that took precedence over everything in our lives. Let us be as the sons of Levi and gather ourselves always unto Him.

~ Tonya Cox


“Word Wednesday”

Hebrews 11:29 (GNT)

It was faith that made the Israelites able to cross the Red Sea as if on dry land; when the Egyptians tried to do it, the water swallowed them up.

The eleventh chapter of Hebrews is all about faith. In verse 1 it gives us the meaning of faith. In verse 6 it tells us that without faith it’s impossible to please God. And then we get to verse 29...Through faith the children of Israel cross the Red Sea as if they were walking on dry ground. Then the Egyptians followed and got swallowed up. The same Red Sea. One made it; the other did not. One in faith; the other in presumption. Presumption kills. Anything that’s not of faith is sin. So to presume that we can move in anything other than faith is simply not wise since faith will always be required.

~ Tonya Cox


“Word Wednesday”

Psalms 118:24 (NLT)

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

We shouldn’t put off rejoicing and being glad in the days that God has made because conditions as we see them are not favorable. The major part of this scripture is...this is the day that the Lord has made. Our rejoicing and being glad is our response. We ought never magnify the works of the enemy over the day God has made. Remember anything is possible. So with each day we rejoice and be glad. Today is the day of the Lord’s victory. We will not allow the forecast of the news and world events to overshadow this day. For in the days God makes there is always provision and protection. Don’t allow life’s issues and situations steer and steel from our days. God is never out of control. So we will declare each day that this is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it!

~ Tonya Cox


“Word Wednesday”

Psalms 91:2 (NIV)

I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.

God is worth talking about. But when we speak of Him what will we say? We can only say of Him what we know about Him. Not what we’ve heard but what we’ve experienced. God desires relationship. He doesn’t want rituals or legalism. Nor does He want us to have only a head knowledge of Him. He wants our hearts to beat in unison with His. A heart that pants after Him. David had such a heart. And that’s why he could say of the Lord. The truth is David had to go through some things to move from a head knowledge to a heart knowledge. That’s why he said it was good that I was afflicted. Yes there are things we simply need to hear about to stay clear of. But it’s something about adversity that allows us to experience God in a new and living way. Adversity isn’t our enemy. It’s our trainer. Our developer. It’s what’s used to get us to experience God so we too are able to say of the Lord...

- Tonya Cox

"For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and sp...

"For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires" (Hebrews 4:12, NLT).


Today’s Spiritual Vitamin

Isaiah 59:17 (GNT)

He will wear justice like a coat of armor and saving power like a helmet. He will clothe himself with the strong desire to set things right and to punish and avenge the wrongs that people suffer.

‭‭The word is clear, God has a strong desire to set things right. He will avenge us of every wrong we’ve suffered. Make no mistake He is for us! So who can be against us? If it seems like a long time in waiting for God to act, don’t fret He’s clothing Himself. He will address all matters concerning us. Be Blessed!!!

~ Tonya Cox

Today’s Spiritual Vitamin James 5:11 (MSG)You’ve heard, of course, of Job’s staying power, and you know how God brought ...

Today’s Spiritual Vitamin

James 5:11 (MSG)

You’ve heard, of course, of Job’s staying power, and you know how God brought it all together for him at the end. That’s because God cares, cares right down to the last detail.

Jesus asked His disciples a question when others started leaving Him. He asked will you leave too? Peter said, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life.” Let’s echo Peter’s sentiment. Let’s have this resolve that no matter what happens or does not happen in our lives, we’ll have staying power. It’s a guarantee that God will bring everything together in the end. He cares right down to the last detail. Be Blessed!!!

~ Tonya Cox


Fayetteville, NC


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