Willie G'S WAX

Willie G'S WAX Playing the very best music from the 60s, 70s, and 80s plus a few you probably had forgotten about!!


A Real Foundation

“For no one can lay any foundation other than what has been laid down. That foundation is Jesus Christ.” – 1 Corinthians 3:11

If your sport is played on a field, you have probably played on a wet field at some point.

Football and soccer, for example, don’t necessarily cancel games for rain, and the water can make it difficult to get proper footing. If you watch games played in the rain, you will see athletes slip and fall. That is frustrating for fans, coaches and especially the athletes. Having sound footing is essential in athletics.

In all sports, you need to be able to set your feet, launch or push off. That requires a firm foundation. As a person of faith, do you know how important it is to have a solid spiritual foundation? If your feet slide, you won’t be able to stand firm. But if you are in Christ, you have a firm foundation: Christ Himself.

In 1 Corinthians 3, the Apostle Paul wrote about the role he and others had in laying foundations and planting and watering seeds of faith. The foundation they set is Christ. That is the only foundation God will use to build and form us as He desires. No other will withstand the onslaught of the world and culture of today.

As important as it is to stand solidly in a game or practice, it is more important that we stand firm to live for the Lord, which needs the firm foundation of Christ. Let us work to draw closer to Him and make that foundation as firm as possible.

Have you ever played in a sporting event in the rain? How did it go?
How does it feel to try to move quickly on a wet field?
How can we make Christ our firm foundation?

1 Corinthians 3:5-11
Ephesians 6:10-17

“Father, I am so grateful that I can build my life on Your Son, the only real foundation. In His name. Amen.”


Choose Jesus First

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.” – Matthew 6:33

Whenever students get to pick their own team in gym class or a fun event, they pick based on a worldly basis.

The first picks are usually the most athletic kids, hoping they help win the game. The next is usually the close friend or the popular, funny, and loud kids. The third picks are kids whom they know. And the last pick is those whom they don’t know well. People often pick and choose based on themselves.

If we stop and read Scripture, we see this is the opposite of how God tells us to choose things. He tells us in His Word to not think of ourselves but think of Him. He tells us to always choose the Kingdom of God first, before anything else. That means we choose Him before we choose what we want. This means we choose God over our phones, social media or money. That means we choose God before we choose a girlfriend or boyfriend. It means we choose God before we choose how to respond to an action or a circumstance. It means always looking to God and His Kingdom before we look to ourselves and our kingdom.

When we seek God’s Kingdom, we find His righteousness, goodness, glory, love and commands. When we seek Him first, our actions will result in obedience to God’s Word. Every single time we respond out of His Word, we respond faithfully. Every time we react out of ourselves, we respond sinfully.

When we choose and decide things based on His Kingdom, we are being more like Jesus. When we choose and decide things based on our small, broken and sinful human kingdom, we are being less like Jesus.

Let’s check our choices, decisions and ways of life and see how many times we seek the Kingdom of God first before our own.

Have you ever chosen to do something based on what you wanted, not God? What happened?
Why does it hurt God when we choose something over Him?
What is one way you can remind yourself to seek the Kingdom of God first?

Psalm 27:4
Proverbs 3:5-6
Matthew 22:37-40

“God, I choose my ways most of the time, but I know Your ways and Your Kingdom are better. Help me to seek You over things of this world. I want to think of Your ways over my own. Help me encourage others to do the same so that we may live in Your righteousness and goodness. Amen.”

The Fabulous Doo VaysPlaying Greatest Music from '50 thru '70!!Come and Dance or Listen:The Fabulous DOO VAYS will be bu...

The Fabulous Doo Vays
Playing Greatest Music from '50 thru '70!!
Come and Dance or Listen:
The Fabulous DOO VAYS will be busy for the balance of 2024, our Semi-Centennial Year. We will be at Rotolo's Collierville on the patio from 5:30 to 8:30 next Monday the 16th, then back to Booth's BBQ on South Lamar in Oxford on Thursday the 26th before the Ole Miss-Kentucky game. We'll be at Huey's Midtown on Sunday 10/13 from 3-6, and at the Pocket Park on the Square in Oxford Thursday 10/17 from 5-7. We return to Booth's on Thursday 10/24 before the Ole Miss-Oklahoma game, and then again on Thursday November 7 before the Ole Miss-Georgia game. Holiday dates are filling up!


There IS a Reason

“I will praise you because I have been remarkably and wondrously made.” – Psalm 139:14a

When I began character coaching for a local college football team, I encountered athletes who were discouraged. Especially just starting out, they wouldn’t get much playing time, if any, and would make rookie mistakes. They would start questioning why they were there.

I reminded them that if they were on that field, they were there for a reason. They were recruited and on the team because the coaches saw something in them that could enhance the team. They needed to remember that.

We need to remember that, too. We may look at our mistakes and sin that trip us up and wonder, “Why am I here?” or “Why does God care about me?” Remember, if you are a child of God, if you are in Christ, that is a special place to be.

In Psalm 139, King David speaks of the magnitude of God: how big and powerful He is, how He is everywhere. He tells us that God knit us together with His hands. Then he says, “I will praise you because I have been remarkably and wondrously made.” (Psalm 139:14a) The word “remarkably” means we have a unique design. “Wondrously” means we were made for a distinct purpose.

You may look at yourself and wonder why you are here and for what purpose. Only God can answer that. But believe what the Word says. There is a reason God made you. Seek Him, and you will find it.

Was there a time when you wondered why you were on a team? How did you get through it?
What goes through your mind hearing that God made you?
What goes through your mind hearing that God has a purpose for you?

Psalm 139:1-18

“Father, You are so much bigger than I and on a level I cannot comprehend. Thank You for creating me. Help me to fulfill the purpose You have for my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”


The Mouth Can Feed Us

“From the fruit of a person’s mouth his stomach is satisfied; he is filled with the product of his lips. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
– Proverbs 18:20-21

Whenever there is a dramatic win, the audience waits to see what the coach and star player say in their postgame interview.

Now more than ever, your words stay with you and define who you are and what you represent. These coaches and players should know that what they say on live TV will either help their careers or ruin them. Their career feeds their family, so in their case, as Proverbs says, what comes out of their mouth can determine if their stomach is satisfied.

Our words matter, and in this proverb, we are given a very real look at what being foolish with our words can mean for our lives. You have seen the consequences of your words, either speaking wrongly toward your coach and sitting on the bench to disrespecting your parents and getting punished at home.

When you get older, the consequences become much steeper when we use our words loosely. Not being wise and watching our tongue can lead to us losing a job, which provides income and food for ourselves and our family. We risk losing our reputation, and if we are Christians, we risk making the Kingdom of God look poorly due to our lack of control.

The Bible talks substantially about guarding your tongue and being wise when you speak. Don’t let impulse and your flesh trap you. Rise above and look at the larger picture of the power of your words. Choose today to let your words fill your stomach and heart with love, not destroy it.

In your life, who do your words affect?
How have someone’s words negatively affected you recently?
How can the right words end up providing for you and your family?

Proverbs 18
Matthew 12:36

“Heavenly Father, each word You say matters and gives life to Your children. We say many words throughout the day. Please help us think before speaking. Guide us to use words that bring life to this world and not death. Remind us of how You speak to us and the love we can give to others if we choose to speak in the same manner. Amen.”


For the Things We Cannot See

“Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.” – Hebrews 11:1

Have you ever wondered why football coaches spend so much time watching film of their opponents or their team?

When you film and watch a game later, you can see angles you could not see from where you were standing during the game. Watching film helps the coaches and players see what they couldn’t see before, thus helping them improve their game and awareness of the other team.

There are many things in life that we do not see happening around us. Unfortunately, we don’t have an extensive video of life following us around, giving us different angles and insights into what’s happening around us.

Scripture tells us that our faith comes into play when we can’t see what’s happening. It’s hard to believe in things that we cannot see, especially in this modern world where everything can be searched, tapped and attempted to be proved.

That’s why faith is so important and valuable. When our human knowledge reaches its limit, instead of feeling lost and confused, we can have peace that our hope is in Christ. Faith is what keeps us grounded in a world of unknowns. All of us wonder about our future, but I challenge you to put your faith in the hands of Christ. He sees what you do not see and knows what you do not know. God is guiding your life, so wait patiently in His love.

What is the hardest part of living in the unknown for you?
Do you consider yourself to have a strong faith?
What can you do today to strengthen your faith?

1 Chronicles 28:20
Isaiah 41:10

“God, You remind us that You are all-knowing; nothing is beyond Your understanding or foresight. Help me grow my faith in the many things I cannot see. Help me to not depend on worldly things but place my trust in Your Spirit. Guide me each step of my way and show me how to wait on You. Amen.”


Just Trust Him

“The Lord looks down from heaven; he observes everyone.” – Psalm 33:13

In the movie, “Greater,” there is a scene between Brandon Burlsworth and his quarterback, Clint Stoerner. In the scene, Clint was upset with how the plays were being called and questioned the coach’s decisions. Frustrated, he began to doubt and get upset. He says, “These plays aren’t working. Can you believe what these idiots are calling?” Brandon grabbed him by the jersey and responded, “We can only see what’s in front of us. Coach has got eyes in the press box. He can see the whole field.”

Many times, in our walk with God, we are like Clint. There are moments in our lives when we shout in frustration and anger, “God, what was that? You mean to tell me that is the play You wanted to happen? That was awful!” But just as Brandon reminds us, we often get upset and angry at God because we only see what is ahead of us; we cannot see beyond that.

God is King over all. Scripture teaches us that He is in control of all. Worldly kings control only their own kingdoms or country limits. However, God is the King who sits on His heavenly throne and controls and sees every single thing on this earth. He is like the coach in the press box because He sees the whole field and makes all the calls.

As we go about our athletics, academics and personal lives, we must remind ourselves that we see only what is in front of us; God, however, sees everything. This reminder should urge us to do two things: trust Him and obey Him.

If He sees and controls all, even when the play doesn’t seem right, we must trust God’s game plan.

Has there ever been a moment you’ve questioned God’s timing or plan for your life?
Did you react like Clint or Brandon?
How does it make you feel knowing that even if everything seems to be going wrong, God is working it out for your good?

Romans 8:28
1 Corinthians 3:19
Hebrews 11:1

“God, sometimes I don’t like the plays You are calling. Sometimes I don’t understand them. I know You are in control and see the entire picture, and I do not, so help me trust, love and obey You. Help me as I live out my life under Your game plan. Amen.”


Commit and Complete

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” – 2 Timothy 4:7

In 2018, a National Football League (NFL) player retired at halftime of a game.

The late Vontae Davis, then of the Buffalo Bills, suddenly retired during halftime of a game with the Los Angeles Chargers. Afterward, Davis said that with seconds to go in the first half, he realized he should be done. “I don’t belong on that field,” he said. Even though his teammates were unhappy, the former Pro Bowler said his departure was “therapeutic.” It is not unusual to see players retire suddenly, but not usually during competition.

The book of 2 Timothy was the last epistle written by the Apostle Paul before he died in Rome. In this last letter, Paul said that he felt he had finished the work God had set before him. In 2 Timothy 4:7, he said, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” Paul not only struggled his way through the fight of his calling and completed his work, but he also held onto his faith in Christ. In verse 8, he said he had earned his reward from God.

There is a reason that mid-game retirements are rare, and compared to Paul, there is a valuable lesson here. If you have committed to something, finish that something. If it is a workout for your sport, if it is studying for a test, if it is a project of some kind, complete the work.

Finishing is a reward in and of itself. Quitting before you get to the end will reward you nothing. Mostly, when you complete the job at hand, you honor the Lord.

Do you know anyone who quit in the middle of a competition? What happened?
How does it feel to complete something hard?
Why is it important to complete the commitments you make?

Galatians 6:9
2 Timothy 4:6-8

“God, help me understand how I have been building my life and what I am placing my faith in. Forgive me for building my life upon myself. Help me rebuild it on You, my solid rock and base. Thank You for giving me a strong foundation that can never be moved. Amen.”


The Basics

“Tie them to your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.” – Proverbs 7:3

I began ballet at the age of 3 and continued until I was 22. The one thing I learned about ballet, and it goes for every sport, is that one never graduates from the basics. I used what I learned when I was 3 until I was 22.

In the early years, athletes learn the basics of their sport. The basics vary per sport but are usually rooted in correct form and stance, rules and regulations, and technique and proper movements. As athletes get older, they do not move farther from these things but add to them. If athletes forget the basics, they will get sloppy, mess up, and can get hurt. Athletes never graduate or move away from the basics and foundation of their sport.

The same is true for our faith. When people first hear about God, they learn about His love for them and what He did for them. This is called the Gospel. The Gospel is the foundation, the basics, the very thing in which our faith is rooted and placed. Everything else we learn is built on top of the Gospel. But sometimes, we drift away from the Gospel. Sometimes, we get bored, forget it, or feel like we have graduated from it and can move on. But, just like sports, if we move away and leave the basics of the Gospel behind, we will get sloppy, mess up, and even get hurt.

We never graduate from the Gospel and constantly need to go back to the core of our faith to be reminded that we are sinners and God lovingly saved us. When we live in a constant mindset of the Gospel, we will always remember the beauty of the first time we said yes to Jesus.

What is the first thing you remember learning in your sport? Do you still use it?
How can you remind yourself of the truth of the Gospel daily?
Why can we never forget the Gospel?

Proverbs 7:1-3
Lamentations 3:21-22
John 14:26

“God, sometimes I forget the Gospel. Sometimes, I even get bored hearing the same message. But help me see that the Gospel is the core of my faith and relationship with You. Let me live in remembrance of the Good News of the Gospel. I pray I hold it close to me and build everything on top of it. Amen.”

Well, I'm a little late today but it IS the 3rd of September!!! What a great one!!!

Well, I'm a little late today but it IS the 3rd of September!!! What a great one!!!

Papa Was A Rolling Stone was written and produced by Barrett Strong & Norman Whitfield. Not necessarily on a "My Girl" level but this is one of The Temptatio...


Living in the Light

“But you, brothers and sisters, are not in the dark, for this day to surprise you like a thief. For you are all children of light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or the darkness.”
– 1 Thessalonians 5:4-5

I had a friend who worked extremely hard one offseason and significantly improved their game. I knew that by the time the season rolled around, our coach and other teammates would hardly recognize my friend.

The first day of practice rolled around, and to my horror, my friend had slipped right back into making silly mistakes and playing like they had last season. Halfway through practice, I approached them and asked what was going on. My friend told me that as soon as she stepped back onto the practice field, she no longer believed that she had truly changed. She felt just like her old self and not the new self she had worked so hard to achieve. My friend had no confidence in the latest creation; all she could see was the old.

This is a common reality for many of us throughout our lives. We all have a past, things we would leave in the darkness. Instead, God calls us out of the darkness and into the light. He takes our sins and shame and washes them clean.

God’s forgiveness and love put us in the light, but often, we don’t choose to stay there. We can easily fall back into the darkness due to our unbelief that we are really changed. Just like our passage states, “We do not belong to the darkness.”

The darkness in our lives has no hold over us. It’s up to us to live like the forgiven children we are and not slip back into the habits of the darkness. Don’t let all your hard work in life go to waste because you cannot believe that you belong in the light.

What triggers cause you to fall back into the darkness?
What does living as ‘children of the light’ mean to you?
Are you actively living in the light of God or choosing to remain in the dark?

Hebrews 4:15
Colossians 1:13-14

“God, we thank You for pulling us out of the darkness and into Your light. Often, we feel like the darkness is trying to pull us back. Give us the strength to continue to live freely in the life You have now provided us. Give us the courage to believe that we are truly redeemed in You. Amen.”


A Strong Base

“Everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” – Matthew 7:24

A solid base is crucial in athletics. When stunting, cheerleaders need a solid base beneath them to hold them up and catch them after being tossed into the air. Linemen must hold a solid baseline, not allowing the opposing team through. Basketball players post up and hold a solid base. Pitchers pitch using the entire base of their body. Gymnasts engage their core as they soar through the air and land on a four-inch beam. Swimming, wrestling, soccer… every single sport demands a strong base. Without it, athletes and teams will fail.

Our faith is the same. The Bible is clear: what we build our faith upon determines how strong and steady our faith will be.

Matthew 7 gives two pictures of bases. If we trust and obey God’s Word, we build our faith and lives on solid rock and will have a solid base. When the storms and rain of life come, we won’t be shaken.

However, if we don’t trust or obey God’s Word, we build our faith and lives on sinking sand. Sinking sand isn’t just a weak base; it is no base at all. When the storms of life come, our faith will easily be shaken and blown over.

God desires us to have a solid base to build our lives. The base we trust to hold us up shouldn’t be our talents, accomplishments, grades, wins, losses, or even how many times we go to church. Our base that we trust to hold us up is Christ! He is our solid base. We should put our entire faith in Him. Building our lives on Christ means we may get shaken up by the storms of life, but we will never fall.

In your sport, why is a strong base important?
Why is it dangerous to build our lives on things that will pass away?
How can you build your life on Christ, the solid base?

Exodus 15:2
Psalm 62:2
Psalm 62:8
Matthew 7:24-27

“God, help me understand how I have been building my life and what I am placing my faith in. Forgive me for building my life upon myself. Help me rebuild it on You, my solid rock and base. Thank You for giving me a strong foundation that can never be moved. Amen.”




Impress Him over Others

“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them.”
– Matthew 6:1a

Some of my worst performances in basketball took place in front of either my parents or a girl I was trying to impress.

My parents could not make every game I had, and since junior varsity games were not well-attended, I knew when they, or the girl, were there, and I would try extra hard to impress them. All that would do was make me self-conscious about my performance, and I would make error after error. I allowed my desire to impress distract me from focusing on the matter at hand: winning the game.

When it comes to living a life for Christ, who are we trying to impress? Jesus, during His Sermon on the Mount, spoke specifically to this. In Matthew 6, Jesus spoke about giving, praying and fasting. But He advised us to do them for the glory of God. He said if we boast about our giving or pray lengthy prayers just to be heard or look like the fasting is killing us, we are doing them for the wrong reasons. He also said in verses 2, 5, and 18 that those who practice such things “have their reward in full.”

It is natural to want to impress a coach to get playing time, your parents or even that special someone. But when it comes to the things of the Lord, don’t make a show of it. Do it to draw closer to your God and do it in secret. Jesus also said this is the way to impress the Lord.

Have you ever tried to impress someone during a competition? What happened?
Have you ever tried to impress someone by acting godly? What happened?
How would it look to try to impress God over impressing others?

Matthew 6:1-18

“Father, glorifying You is all I want. Help me to not worry about impressing other people and to make You my focus. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”


The Fabulous Doo Vays
Live and in person at Booth's BBQ
in Oxford tonight on the eve of
the Rebels' first home game, at 5:30pm
See the details below:
Inline image
BREAKING NEWS! The Fabulous DOO VAYS performance on Friday Aug 30 to kick off the Ole Miss football season with what is expected to be a “RAUCOUS THROWDOWN.” Booth’s will be pulling out the stops to make this a night to remember. Please email [email protected] if you would like to reserve a table for you and your guests. IT STILL AIN’T OVER YET!!!


He Gave Us Value

“Then the LORD God formed the man out of the dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.” – Genesis 2:7

As a character coach, there are truths I continually tell the team I serve. One of those truths is that their value is not wrapped up in their sport or performance.

After a tough loss, there are feelings of frustration, maybe regret over mistakes made, perhaps physical and mental pain. As an athlete or a coach, you want to win. You play because it’s fun, and winning is part of the fun.

God proclaimed our value at creation. In Genesis 2, it is written that God formed man out of the dust of the ground. A cool part of the verse is that “formed” means “to mold into shape, as a potter.” Let that sink in a moment: He made us like a potter makes something from clay. The term we sometimes use is “image bearer.” We are all image bearers of the One who formed us with His own hands. We were made in the likeness of our Creator.

Another reminder of our value is Christ. Jesus came to earth in obedience to the Father to pay the price for our sins on the cross. Jesus could have called down angels to save Him, but He stayed there. That way, anyone who believed in His work on the cross would have their sin debt paid.

This gives us value, too. If you are in Christ, remember that God formed you Himself, Jesus died and rose again for you, and the Spirit lives in and guides you.

How do you feel when you lose a game?
How does it help you to know that God gives you value, not sports?

Genesis 2:7
Romans 5:8

“Father, thank You for making me as You did. I know that it is You who gives me value. Please help me to feel joy in Your love for me. In His name, I pray. Amen.”


False Teachers

“There were indeed false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, and will bring swift destruction on themselves.” – 2 Peter 2:1

One of the hardest aspects of being a coach’s kid was to endure people speaking badly about my dad.

I have heard people tell lies, twist the truth, yell and curse at my dad. You name it, I’ve seen it. When I was little, it was hard to understand why these people acted so harshly toward my dad. As I got older, I still didn’t understand it, but I have come to accept that some people will speak falsely and create trouble no matter the situation.

These people exist outside of the world of sports as well. Plenty of people will enjoy spreading lies and false truths about the Gospel. Their goal is to trick us and twist the truth of scripture to fit their narrative.

In the early Christian church, false teachers were a real problem. Since the early Christians were trying to establish and spread the Gospel, false teachings confused people. What made these false prophets so troublesome was that they claimed to be Christians but spread lies and false teachings in the name of Christ. They were internally trying to hurt the name of God by turning people in the wrong direction.

To this day, we still have false prophets around us – people who look and act like Christians but spread false ideas wrapped in Christian language and customs. That’s why holding tight to the Truth in scripture is so important. To be knowledgeable about Christ is not just for our gain but also for our protection. We must listen and trust the Holy Spirit to help us discern what is true or false.

We know what is false if we hold tight to what is true. I knew what was true about my dad and how he coached, which made it impossible to believe the lies. Let us know the Truth of our faith to discern the lies.

Have you ever heard a false teaching and felt the Holy Spirit guide you to the Truth?
How do you figure out if something is false?

Matthew 7:15-20
2 Timothy 4:3-4

“Lord, You are the author of all things true. You have given us Your Spirit and Word to help guide us away from lies and abide in the Truth. Let us discern what is true in this life and what is not. Protect us from false teachings, oh God. Amen.”


In All Things

“Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

The facilities you have at your school are a gift; no matter if you have state-of-the-art stadiums and locker rooms or have to share a field with another team and change in the bathrooms.

My father is a baseball coach who has spent years upgrading the facilities for his team. One of his go-to punishments when the team acts up is to take away the use of their locker rooms for a few days. He reminds them that they did not pay for these buildings and that it is an honor to get to use them. It’s a reminder to be thankful for what you are given and not take it for granted.

It’s easy to compare what we have in this world to what others have. Comparison is an invitation for envy to creep into your heart. In 1 Thessalonians, Paul said to ‘give thanks in everything.’ We are commanded to give thanks even when we are without. A Christian life does not promise a life of ease. Thousands of Christians around the world are persecuted for simply believing in Christ.

Could you imagine giving thanks to God in jail? Or maybe someone you loved is killed because of their beliefs? In everything, give thanks. We thank God for being in control and for the fact that no matter how bad things get here on earth, He has provided us with a way to be reunited with Him in Heaven.

So, no matter where you find yourself today, whether in a place of plenty or want, choose to give thanks to our Creator.

What is something in your life that would be hard to give thanks for right now?
What could an attitude of gratitude do to your daily life?

Psalm 100:4
Colossians 3:17
Philippians 4:4

“Lord, we come to You now to thank You. Thank You for providing a way out of this sin-filled world to live forever in Your company. Help us approach each day with gratitude for our relationship with You. Amen.”


Flowood, MS

Opening Hours

Wednesday 8:30pm - 11:30pm
Saturday 6pm - 10pm
Sunday 6pm - 10pm


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