Our team is raising funds for American Cancer Society, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 🩷
In 2020 my sister Karina Vasquez, was hit with the worst news anyone could hear, my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer, Karina is such a warrior and still fighting Metastatic Breast Cancer.
Your donation, no matter how small, can create a significant impact. Thank you for your support!” “Help me make a difference in the lives of many people fighting!
I Also invite you to join My “Team Karina” to walk our fight against Breast Cancer. Please click the link to join our team!
Event :
OCTOBER 7, 2023 - 8:00 AM
13220 Central Ave.
Chino, CA 91710
I joined Making Strides Against Breast Cancer to fight breast cancer. Support me with a donation and you'll be helping the American Cancer Society fund breakthrough breast cancer research, free rides to chemo, a 24/7 help line and so much more! Donate now