For those that have heard the story of the businesses demise, I’d like to put a few points straight.
Sylvia Cardillo and I were the owners of Every Bloomin Thing. (In fact we still are the owners.) My husband, Gene Kinder, was never an owner.
Sylvia, Gene, and I had an intimate relationship that started before the business began.
Over the last 2 years that relationship deteriorated and we were unable to continue a business relationship when the personal relationship was no longer viable.
The story that involves money being stolen and me &/or Gene running away to NC and leaving Sylvia is a complete fabrication.
I moved to NC in March. I did not steel any money from her or the business. I did pay $21.5k to Amex for shop expenses.
While Sylvia had an amazing talent as a florist, her business acumen left much to be desired.
I tried to gracefully retire and give her the entire shop without the need to buy me out. Instead she fired everyone and stopped conducting business as usual.
I invested heavily both financially and personally in Sylvia and the shop. In return she chose to spread lies about me and my husband.
I was her girlfriend and he was her boyfriend in every way imaginable. When things got tough and she chose lies over the truth and Gene chose me over her, it was time for us to move on.
I didn’t sue her. I didn’t force us into the sale of all business assets. I didn’t make up stories. That was her, her choice. Her decision to hire a lawyer. Her choice to make this a “difficult” situation. Her choice to liquidate. Her story is just a story that she tells to try to protect the truth of her choices from coming to light.