So in January, when the flower farm is pretty much dormant, it’s not the best moment to showcase your specialty cut flowers & greens to brides and local wedding vendors! But I managed by learning something new - I made a looping PowerPoint slideshow with over 180 slides of our specialty flowers & greens, converted it to a video file that played on a loop on my big monitor after I synced it to my laptop. Steep learning curve (and a lot of spent synapse) but step-by-step this boomer was able to figure it out! (Pats self on back.)
Thanks to all who came out today & grabbed my business card and a list of what we grow spring, summer & fall! It was so great to meet you all and to get to know many of the amazing wedding/celebration professionals this community has to offer. Meanwhile back at the ranch….we have an absolute onslaught of narcissus, fancy daffodils, tulips, ranunculus, snapdragons, stock and sweet-peas poking up - they will start blooming their heads off soon - in early Spring!
Flowers by, Girlie Girls