Congratulations @susanbenz_and_shylee for placing
1st in Classical
2nd in Contemporary
2nd in Pas De Deux
@yagp Denver this past weekend!
It was amazing to watch my #contemporarycostume come to life on stage... and what a performance you gave! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
#inspireddesignscostumes #ilovemyjob #costumer #costumedesigner #obredyed #customdyed #customcostumes #stageready #dance #ballet #contemporarydance #swarovski #yagp #yagpdenver2021 #yagpdenver
Congratulations @noelleburtschiballet for placing
2nd in Classical and Top 12 in Contemporary @yagp Denver this past weekend!!! 👏🏻🎉👏🏻🎉👏🏻
You were absolutely LOVELY as Giselle and made my peasant dress look absolutely amazing on stage! 😍
#inspireddesignscostumes #ilovemyjob #costumer #costumedesigner #customcostumes #customtutus #variationcostumes #variationtutus #gisellevariation #stageready #dance #ballet #contemporarydance #swarovski #stretchtutusarebeautifultoo #yagp #yagp2021 #yagpdenver2021 #yagpdenver
Kendal’s Solo Costume “Miracle”
This fun jazz costume went to North Carolina. @kendal_dancergirl
#ilovemyjob #sweatshop #costumedesigner #costumer #whatmonthisthis #customsolocostume #customdancecostume #dance #jazzdance #customcompetitioncostume #competitiondancecostume #dancecostume #stageready #customleo #customleotard #leotard
#swarovski #swarovskicrystals
Alyssa’s Variation Tutu “Flames Of Paris”
This sweetheart stayed here in Colorado and I was fortunate to see it on @yagp stage in Denver last weekend.
#ilovemyjob #sweatshop #costumer #costumedesigner #whatmonthisthis #dancecostume #variationcostume #variationtutu #customcostumes #customtutu #tutusofinstagram #tutusofig #stretchtutu #tutu #ballet #dance #stageready #flamesofparis #flamesofparisvariation #yagp #yagp2019 #yagpdenver #swarovski #swarovskicrystals
Michasia’s Solo Costume “Happiness Does Not Wait”
This custom dyed beauty stayed here in Colorado. @michasia.me_ha_sha @maria_m_randolph
#ilovemyjob #sweatshop #costumer #costumedesigner #whatmonthisthis #dancecostume #solocostume #customcostume #customsolocostume #dance #lyricaldance #stageready #swarovski #swarovskicrystals
Sarah’s Variation Tutu and Headpiece “Bluebird”
This vibrant Florine stayed here in Colorado. I created this tutu for @_sarah_pomeroy_ last year as a recital tutu and she’s using it for her Florine Variation @yagp Denver this weekend. All she needed to complete the costume was a headpiece. Et voila!
#ilovemyjob #costumedesigner #costumer #sweatshop #whatmonthisthis #customcostume #customdancecostume #customsolocostume #dance #ballet #customtutu #ombre #ombredyed #customdyed #florine #florinevariation #balletvariation #balletheadpiece #ballettiara #bluebirdvariation #bluebird #dancewear #competitioncostume #competitiondancecostume #stageready #swarovski #swarovskicrystals #yagp #yagp2019
Sunny’s Solo Costume “Woods”
This earthy leotard stayed here in Colorado. @_synergydanceacademy @synergydanceacademycolorado
#ilovemyjob #costumedesigner #costumer #sweatshop #whatmonthisthis #customcostumes #solocostume #customdancecostumes #dance #contemorarydance #dancewear #competitioncostumes #competitiondancecostumes #stageready #customleotard #leotard #swarovski #swarovskicrystals
Harley’s Variation Tutu “Coppelia”
This lovely lady stayed here in Colorado. I believe she’ll be on @yagp stage in Denver this weekend.
#ilovemyjob #costumedesigner #costumer #sweatshop #whatmonthisthis #customcostume #customdancecostume #customtutu #variationtutu #coppeliavariation #coppelia #dance #ballet #yagp #yagp2019 #dancewear #competitioncostume #competitiondancecostume #stageready #swarovski #swarovskicrystals #swarovskibeads #customdyed #headpiece #ballettiara #tiara #balletheadpiece
Gabi’s Variation Tutu “Grand Pas Classique”
This stunner in sapphire velvet stayed here in Colorado. @_gabriella_rae_ will wear it on @yagp stage in Denver this weekend.
#ilovemyjob #costumedesigner #costumer #sweatshop #whatmonthisthis #customcostume #customdancecostume #customtutu #variationtutu #grandpasclassiquevariation #grandpasclassique #dance #ballet #yagp #yagp2019 #dancewear #competitioncostume #competitiondancecostume #stageready #swarovski #swarovskicrystals #customdyed
Harley’s Headpiece “Bluebird”
Every now and then I get to create very elaborate headpieces and this was one of them. 💗 This beauty stayed here in Colorado.
#ilovemyjob #costumedesigner #costumer #sweatshop #whatmonthisthis #customcostume #customdancecostume #customsolocostume #dance #ballet #customtutu #ombre #ombredyed #customdyed #florentinevariation #balletvariation #balletheadpiece #ballettiara #bluebirdvariation #bluebird #dancewear #competitioncostume #competitiondancecostume #stageready #swarovski #swarovskicrystals
Sophia’s Solo Costume “Earth”
This two-tone dream in mint and forest green stayed here in Colorado. This color looks absolutely stunning on @sophia.boland !
#ilovemyjob #costumedesigner #costumer #sweatshop #whatmonthisthis #customcostume #customdancecostume #customsolocostume #dance #lyricaldance #dancewear #competitioncostume #competitiondancecostume #stageready #swarovski #swarovskicrystals
Ashley’s Solo Costume “The Beginning Of The End”
This two piece stayed here in Colorado. @ashleyy.kress
#ilovemyjob #costumedesigner #costumer #sweatshop #whatmonthisthis #customcostume #customdancecostume #customsolocostume #dance #dancewear #customdyed #ombredyed #ombre #competitioncostume #competitiondancecostume #stageready #swarovski #swarovskicrystals