Our Story
To the fans of The Great Frederick Fair’s page:
Welcome to The Great Frederick Fair’s page! It is here that we hope you will have fun, connect with others, ask questions, share your stories and photos, as well as your constructive and respective comments.
While the aforementioned is encouraged, please know that our page is monitored daily; we reserve the right to remove any posts that include but not limited to inappropriate language/images or photographs, personal attacks, threats, information/images not related to the fair. No on-line solicitation is allowed without approval in writing by The Great Frederick Fair Inc.
Comments posted on this page by anyone other than The Great Frederick Fair, Inc. do not represent the opinions of The Great Frederick Fair Inc. and The Frederick County Agricultural Society, Inc. We are not responsible for any user content on this site.
Post responses are attempted in a timely manner by the staff at The Great Frederick Fair, but please do not consider any communication official unless specifically identified as official.
The Great Frederick Fair celebrated its 150th year in 2012. Our first fair dates back to 1822, and has been in continuous operation at this site since 1870, except for three years, the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic, and two years during World War II (1942-43).
Annually, some 230,000-250,000 fair goers attend our nine-day extravaganza, held the third week of September .
The Great Frederick Fair Inc. exists to promote Agriculture and the Education of our Youth about the Industry of Agriculture.
Strategies and Policies to carry out our Mission
The Fair must be the Premier Showcase for Agriculture and Agricultural Education
The Fair’s core activities encompasses the exhibition of livestock, farm, garden, and handmade goods, while encouraging improvements in techniques of Production and the Development of better Agricultural products through a system of Awards
Education is the Number ONE Priority accomplished by providing 4-H and FFA Members and Youth at Large with a means of Learning by Doing and Showing to the Public their Accomplishments
Partnerships with 4-H, FFA, and the Ag Community will promote Ag Literacy and Ag career paths
The Fair is in a unique position to foster understanding between the Agricultural Community and the public leader in this effort
We must conduct our financial affairs in a business like manner
Produce the annual Great Frederick Fair Guide
The Fair shall facilitate the display of implements of husbandry and advances in the technology of Agriculture
The Fair shall provide resources for educational endeavors and production agriculture promotions
The Fair shall generate resources from admissions, entertainment, carnival attractions, parking, commercial exhibits, premium lists, memorabilia, recreational agriculture, and non fair rental of facilities
The Fair shall strive to collect sponsorships, state appropriiations, private grants and any other public funding available to support our educational and agricultural endeavors
We shall promote a year round Farmers Market
Our Facility shall be a multi-use complex of quality structures to serve the needs of the Fair and the Ag Community
While the Fair maintains an Agricultural focus, we encourage and welcome involvement by all
Protect and Strengthen our Tax Free status