I love being consumed by motherhood.
And that doesn’t mean I love every moment.
Because I don’t enjoy
the arms and legs flailing in the air, tantrums,
cleaning up messes,
laundry, laundry, and MORE LAUNDRY,
and middle-of-the-night wake-ups.
And sure, I'd like more "me time,"
to go to the gym,
go to the bathroom alone,
or work on something I’m passionate about with no interruptions.
But I love my life centered around them,
waking up to kids in my bed and listening to their laughter through heavy eyelids,
always having a child on me and a day planned around their activities,
and getting to be the biggest influence in their lives.
Because being consumed by motherhood,
also means being consumed by our children’s giggles and smiles,
getting to be their safe harbor no matter the storms they’re facing,
getting to know everything about their different personalities,
and giving and receiving so much love.
And sooner than I'll ever be ready for, I’ll be wondering what to do with myself.
Because time is fleeting, and this is the most time I'll ever have with them—
where they’ll choose to be with me.
So, I’ll choose them back
by soaking up every exhausting minute
of this consuming time in motherhood,
I can.
Words by Living FULL