Good morning from Freeport, how did we get to Friday already? This week has been such a blur! We have experienced so many wonderful people volunteering time to help others in the communities, this week, all of our city employees, and so many others, working long hours, I just feel so blessed to be a part of this coastal community!
Our city had our first delivery of water yesterday, for the pod which will run again today at the municipal park, we also had a great group of busses that pulled into town for cooling stations, these are available again today from 9-6, and we still need volunteers to host those for today. They are located at Freeport Elementary, Freeport intermediate, Velasco Elementary and the municipal park. Thank you so much to the hosts who worked yesterday!
We have more businesses opening up every day, as utilities are restored!
Frank and our extended family of worker bees got Sarah’s fence up and secured back in place, and Angel Demain-Leavey got electricity back to her house, when she got home, she found her sweet turtle basking under her heat lamp! I may just go take a warm shower at her house tonight! My sister, who did get electricity yesterday, lost her ac with all the on and off connecting other people, but hopefully she will get that repaired today.
Today is another long day of repairs, setting the fence posts at Angels house, to repair her fence. And assessing other damages there. Still lots of work to be done!