Rookie mistake? Leaving your turn around time on Etsy as 1-3 days on a weekend that you are out of town....and ALL of these orders are due out today. That number in the circle are individual orders. They only take 1hr to print 10. Brilliant 🫠😵🤦🏾♀️ feel free to get snowed in with me...for the first time, the Ching Ching cash sound on Etsy is giving me incredible anxiety.
It's volleyball season in our family....and so these clippy clothespins are for my daughter's team. Makes my heart happy that they want to encourage other people they meet (or just pass by) at the tournament 😍 we need more of that in the world.
I had so much fun hanging out with little miss bootsie!
I'm so thankful for clients that's what I saw. Take it up a notch? Be Extra?!? Who me? Of course. Consider it Done.
One of my favorite things to make are handwritten recipe boards. Y'all! Get those recipes handwritten down!
we love bulk orders! these 160 tumblers as a Christmas gift for teachers turned out just perfect. ...and before someone comes for me in the comments, I don't always use gloves with my press. yes, it's hot ....but not that hot at the angle I pick them up at. With little hands like mine...gloves just get in the way.
Find your passion ...but baby....don't ever sell your peace. Ever.