Take a step into the world of Draft Horses and Donkeys, a therapeutical experience like none other ThunderRidge is also home to HAPPY HOOVES therapy Donkeys.
Our Main Objective is to protect and promote the European Brabant Belgian. To accomplish this goal, we acquired Earths End Atlas a 100% European Brabant Stallion for our Program. 3 Blue Roans Brabants also reside here. 2 Geldings and a Mare. Atlas is a second generation European Brabant, with some strong lineage and will be available for the 2022 Breeding season. Jack, Frosty, Eeyore (and Benny, o
ur little class a mini pony ) make up this joyous bunch. They are guaranteed to put a smile on your face! We welcome you to our Ranch, our Haven.. meet our Kids, experience the Human like temperaments of the Brabants, feel the love of our rescues. Set up a therapy session with one of our sweet souls.. find yourself within the eyes of the animals. �
Message, or email for more information. [email protected]
I can see Ben doing this 🤣
It’s been too long since we’ve posted anything..
without a long winded explanation, let’s just say it’s good to be back on my feet.
Someone got a little pudgy. 🤦♀️😮😂
(both of them.. no fault of their own.. back on track now ✨)
Had to refit the harness… ALOT .. no worries though, just means we get a little more one on one time.. 💕 oh darn
🐴 Aquí hay 15 hechos interesantes sobre el cerebro de un caballo:
1. El cerebro de un caballo es relativamente pequeño comparado con el tamaño de su cuerpo, y representa sólo alrededor del 0,1 % de su peso total.
2. A pesar de su pequeño tamaño, los caballos tienen cerebros muy complejos, con una corteza cerebral altamente desarrollada, la parte del cerebro responsable del pensamiento consciente, la toma de decisiones y la memoria.
3. Los caballos pueden aprender y recordar tareas complejas, como navegar por un curso de salto o realizar una rutina de doma, a través de un proceso llamado aprendizaje asociado.
4. Como los humanos, los caballos tienen un hemisferio izquierdo y un hemisferios derecho en el cerebro, cada uno con funciones especializadas. El hemisferio izquierdo es responsable del procesamiento de la información lógica y analítica, mientras que el hemisferio derecho está más involucrado en el procesamiento emocional y el pensamiento creativo.
5. Los caballos tienen una gran memoria y pueden recordar personas, lugares y experiencias concretas durante muchos años.
6. Los caballos pueden aprender por observación, y a menudo pueden adquirir nuevos comportamientos y habilidades simplemente observando a otros caballos o humanos.
7. Los caballos tienen un sentido del tacto muy sensible y pueden detectar incluso la más mínima presión o movimiento en su piel. Esto les ayuda a responder a las sutiles señales de tu motorista o guía.
8. Los caballos pueden procesar información visual muy rápida y precisa, permitiéndoles evitar posibles peligros y navegar por su medio ambiente con facilidad.
9. Los caballos son animales sociales y dependen de la comunicación no verbal para interactuar con otros caballos de su manada. Esta comunicación es facilitada por el cerebro del caballo, que puede interpretar cambios sutiles en el lenguaje corporal, expresiones faciales y vocalizaciones.
10. En última instancia, como todos los animales, los caballos tienen una personalidad única y rasgos individuales que se moldean por sus experiencias, genética y entorno, todo lo cual se refleja en su función cerebral y comportamiento.
11. Los caballos tienen un fuerte sentido del olfato y su bulbo olor, que procesa los olores, es relativamente grande comparado con otras partes de su cerebro.
12. El cerebro, que es responsable de coordinar el movimiento y el equilibrio, también es relativamente grande en caballos. Esto se debe a que los caballos deben ser capaces de moverse rápida y eficientemente para escapar de los depredadores o navegar por terrenos difíciles.
13. Los caballos tienen un umbral de dolor muy alto, que se cree que está relacionado con cómo sus cerebros procesan las señales de dolor. Aunque esto puede ser beneficioso en algunas situaciones, también puede significar que los caballos no muestran signos obvios de dolor, lo que hace más difícil para sus cuidadores detectar y tratar los problemas de salud subyacentes.
14. El hipocampo, una parte del cerebro involucrado en el aprendizaje y la memoria, está particularmente bien desarrollado en caballos. Esto les permite recordar no sólo experiencias concretas, sino también conceptos y patrones generales que pueden aplicar a nuevas situaciones.
15. Finalmente, los estudios han demostrado que los caballos, como otros animales, son capaces de experimentar emociones como el miedo, la felicidad y la ira. Se cree que estas emociones están mediadas por el sistema límbico, un grupo de estructuras cerebrales interconectadas que juegan un papel clave en la regulación del estado de ánimo y el comportamiento .
Barn buddies… 🩷
During World War II, the Coast Guard Beach Patrol played a crucial role in protecting more than 3,700 miles of coastline. Around 24,000 men were enlisted to serve in these patrols, which operated on horseback. Working in pairs, they maintained a distance of approximately 100 feet from each other while effectively patrolling a 2-mile stretch. Referred to as "Sand Pounders," these highly skilled individuals demonstrated exceptional speed and efficiency as they navigated through difficult terrains. This historical account can be traced back to the year 1945.
We have had several questions on the Solar Eclipse today and if there is anything special you have to do with your horse(s).
The sun's rays are not any different than any other day. It’s just that during the eclipse, people are staring at the sun, which they would not normally do. Horses are not going to be out there staring at the sun, so it should not be a concern.
During the partial phases of an eclipse all the wavelengths of light are lessened in intensity, but there is still enough ultraviolet radiation to damage the eyes. Since the intensity of all light is reduced, the body's natural response is also reduced.
If you have any specific concerns please don't hesitate to give us a call 😎
Ever wonder what this surcingle contraption is? It's a Birth Watch System used to alert mare owners that foaling is imminent. Check out this great write-up "Foal Speed Ahead," that covers all things foaling - https://www.europeanbrabant.com/post/2nd-quarter-2022 -5boi2
Eeyore and Frosty. The infamous mischief makers. 🤣
I’m waiting for them to duck under the fence… they know it’s not hot right now 😂
Guesses on how long it’ll take em?
Happy Easter from STBDR.
I thought some of you may appreciate this legend.
Happy Easter from our shedding bunch to yours! 🤣🤷♀️
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Our Draft Teams: Andrew & Abraham, Fred & Fritz. Abraham, Aka: BooBoo, and Andrew, aka Drew, are Brabant (European) Black and Blue Roan Belgians. Both of these teams are utilized in many aspects of Farm work, Logging, Public Promotional Events, Pleasure Riding, Lessons and educational events. They all have integral parts in Ranch operations and daily lives.
Fred and Fritz are Blonde American Belgians. Our semi-retired Father Son Team. Stead fast and reliable as they come. Both with extreme Heart and Willingness. Fred is the “Beast” of the 2, and his Son Fritz, the comic relief.
Our Brabant Yearlings: Ben, Indigo, Atlas. Atlas is our hopeful Stud C**t, and Indigo our hopeful Brood Mare. She is also Ben’s sister. Their personalities as well as their bodies are growing into Beautiful Brabants seemingly overnight.
Ben is our Ambassador Horse. He is our Educational Example for the Brabant Breed. Our ‘Go to’ for Clinic’s, Demonstrations, and Introductions. He is also in Training to be Licensed as a Therapy Horse. We really don’t think he knows he is a Horse. His behavior and mannerisms are human like, his perception is spot on, and seems to know just what to do to make a person smile. Even those scared to death of Horses, have walked away smiling with that fear put to rest and horse smell on their hands.
Our Beautiful Lizzie, And Beloved Pat (Casanova) Both Rescues, Both American Belgians. Lizzie came to us with very bad feet. After a year of corrective shoeing and trimming, she is now as sound as ever, and a wonderful riding horse. Pat came to us just after he lost his teammate. He was an emotional mess, and riddled with arthritis. With a change in diet, some supplements, corrective Farrier work, and LOTS of love, he moves around like a young adult, and has earned the name Casanova. Each and every time he looks at you, his eyes are filled with love. Both of these wonderful Belgians will also be implemented into the Therapy program at the Ranch.
Our Mini Donkey’s: Jack and Eeyore, and Mini/Standard Cross Donkey, Frosty. Jack is our oldest (now 25 in 2019) and most stubborn Donkey. He also ‘runs’ this ranch, well, we let him think he does. Eeyore was a ‘security donkey’ of sorts. He turned 10 spring 2018. He guarded a herd of sheep. Now, he guards his handlers and hay piles. Frosty is our youngest Donkey, turning a year old in Dec 2018. He is our youngest handler’s Best Friend and Companion. Also in training for Therapy with Eeyore. Jack is not a social Donkey, no therapy program for him.. lol. He has earned his retirement after countless hours of training little human’s to drive, and dealing with pasture mates 4 times his size. He now controls the donkey herd under the pines and is perfectly content.
Last, but certainly not least. Our Saddlehorses, or Misfits as they are lovingly nicknamed.
Leo, Retired Cutting/Roping/Riding Horse. The Head of the Herd, the Prince. Then there is Stella, his Princess, a 38 year old (in 2018) rescue Appy that arrived here nothing but a bag of bones. Almost 2 years later, proper feed, and health care, she is now an active love sick mare.. Diz, 29 year old Rescued Thoroughbred with an injured stifle is the “Professor” of the herd.. keeping an eye on the young ones, keeping order when necessary, but staying clear of all the commotion. Jet, a 10 year old gaited paint takes residence with us to have companionship. As a single horse, he was lonely, so his owner boards him with friends his own size. Then, there is Carmel. The 13? maybe older Pygmy Goat that has long lived past her life expectancy amongst all her horse friends.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know all of us here at Thunder Ridge. Please feel free to contact us if you would like more information on our Ranch and what we do.