This is a time of year for reflection upon what you have created and achieved over the past year. I can't thank everyone enough for the support and encouragement to get my little business off the ground!
Here is this year's wrap up of accomplishments:
-Food Truck Management for 3 breweries and 1 tavern
-Food Truck Booking for 4 private events
- Obtaining vendors and management on 1 6 month long Country Market and 3 Holiday Markets
- Training Certification for Alcohol Beverage Training from www.alcoholbeveragetraining.com
While this may seem small to many, this is huge for me! I can't even count how many times that I have thought about moving on and closing the door on this venture, but each time I have that thought, something else comes my way. Cheers to small business and those that believe that small things can become big things!
Learn More The Whicker Hive, provides seamless food truck booking catered to the unique needs of each client. Amanda is able to provide the Denver Metro’s best food trucks for breweries, businesses, and events. The Whicker Hive offers food truck program management for breweries and businesses loca...