Gonzales Art Group presents the Come and Take It Celebration Art Show!
RULES: October 4, 5, & 6, 2024
To be held in the The Crystal Theatre
There will be a limit of eight (8) entries per artist, with a maximum of 3 entries per category. Fees for each
entry in competition:
a. Members $4.00 per entry b. Non-members $5.00 per entry c. Students $ 1.00
Student categories for entries are defined by age and/or grade.
Adult categories for entries are defined by medium. (All work must be original not from a kit)
a). Oil b). Acrylic c). Watercolor d). Pastel/ Charcoal
e). Pencil/ Pen and Ink f). Sculpture/ Pottery/ Stained Glass g). Mixed Media
h.) Weavings/Textiles i.) Alternative Art J.) In and Around Gonzales County (art & photos)
*Photography category will be judged separately for Students and Adults. All entries must be matted.*
Any member, non-member or student artist entering work in the Come and Take It art competition show and sale shall not hold the Gonzales Art Group, the Crystal Theatre, Chamber of Commerce or the Come and Take It committee responsible for any harm or loss suffered in the competition show or sale.
Anyone interested in displaying or selling their artwork other than what is shown in competition should contact
the Chamber of Commerce about an individual booth. Exceptions are donations to the silent auction sponsored
by the Gonzales Art Group. Donations for Silent Auction accepted, and funds raised go to a Community
Scholarship Fund for supplies for art projects and murals in the community.
Times for the Art Show are Friday, October 4th, from 5-7 PM, Saturday Oct. 5th, from 1:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. and Sunday Oct. 6th, from1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
**Silent Auction will run from opening Friday until 4:30pm Sunday.**
Students - Pictures should be mounted on stiff backing, matting, posterboard, construction paper or the like.
The whole picture and mat should not measure more than 11 X 14, (high school age is allowed to have slightly
larger). Students entries will be judged separately from the adults, with ribbons awarded.
Categories: Pre school, Pre-K-K; grades 1-2; grades 3-4; grades 5-6; grades 7& 8; grades 9-12, Photography.
** No n**e or obscene work will be accepted for exhibition, adults or students.**
Adults entries should be framed unless it is painted on a gallery canvas. Art will be hung with S hook on wire
mesh display. Please bring easel with your name on it if painting is large or doesn’t hang on wire.
***All pictures must be ready to hang with wire or have their own floor easel.***
All artwork will be accepted at 2:00-4:15 P.M. on Thursday, October 3rd at the Crystal Theatre and must
be picked up on Sunday, October 6
th between 4:30 and 5:30pm, **All artists shall be responsible to bring
and pick up their own work. ALL WORK MUST BE PICKED UP BEFORE 6:00PM SUNDAY.
****If you cannot come at that time please make sure to have someone else pick it up, DURING THAT
TIME ON SUNDAY. This is so that the work can be admired by all, as once people start picking up early in
the day it snowballs and people coming in on Sunday afternoon have much left to see.**** There are other
possibilities for dropping off work, etc., please contact us ahead of time.
** Ribbons will be awarded in each category, adult and student. Best of Show will be awarded to adults and
For additional information please contact Janice Williamson at (830) 857-5694 / [email protected] or Sarah
Bailey at (830) 857-5695.
Gonzales Inquirer
Gonzales Independent School District