Happy 34 anniversary! I love you!
What a difference a couple of weeks makes! We are definitely planners! One of our favorite things to do is to work in our planners to prepare for the week ahead, maximize our productivity, and set long and short term goals. Social distancing has changed our plans, but we have found more than enough to do to stay busy! From making precious memories with our granddaughters and kiddos, to trying out new recipes, gardening, teaching virtually, mailing cards to friends, and decorating for Easter - there is still plenty to plan! But most importantly, we are learning to relax and enjoy this gift of time!
#guesthousequarantine #day15 #planneraddict #planner #planners #socialdistancing #lolliandpop #lilyandlayla #qualitytime #makingmemories #makinglemonadeoutoflemonsš #positivevibes #positivity #thebestlaidplans #coronacooking #gardening #virtualteaching #timetostopandsmelltheroses #learningtorelax