Need your makeup done in a hurry so you can scurry to the dance floor? 🤣🤣🤣
Time is ticking away!
Early Bird special end June 1st @ the stroke of midnight!
If you need help with entries, give me a call 816-506-3653. Always willing to help when I'm needed!!
Thursday, June 13 @ 6p Carlye and Patrick Stone will kick is off with a special workshop (cost is $25/person).
Here's a hint: You might want to take Shari's line dance workshop. It will come in handy for Saturday night!!
Trish Drake and Mike Spencer will have the big workshop on Friday late afternoon.
Saturday will be filled with wonderful instructors staying with our theme of keeping your connection 😎🥰😎🥰
Rowdy, Pris & Merlin the tooting pooch
June 1st is the early bird cutoff!!
If you have never been to MDF, here are a few good reasons you should make it:
Plenty of social dancing Thursday, Friday & Saturday nights
Dancer Appreciation Ice Cream Social on Friday night
We need energy to dance Cheesecake bites on Saturday night
Fabulous workshops
Lots of laughter
Over a dozen vendors to buy from
Here's a sneak peek at what a couple of ACDA event directors look like after a long weekend of hardly any sleep! Rowdy, you will be missed!!
And here's the game plan....
Patrick & Carlye Stone
Not sure about coming to the workshop on Thursday night? Check out Patrick and Carlye Stone in this video! You really don't want to miss it!!
$25/person prepay or $30/person at the door [email protected] or
Venmo: Midwest Dance & Fitness Center,
Please be sure to mark it for the Stone workshop!
Social dancing afterwards
Pris [email protected]
send a PM
You definitely want to come to Terri's workshop! She is just fabulous!!
We love Mike and Trish!
Fabulous dancers, coaches and humans!!
We look forward to having them join us again!
A special workshop instructed by a beautiful couple both inside and out! One of my favorites, Carlye and Patrick Stone.
Thursday, June 13th @ 6pm
90 minutes followed by social dancing
Are you ready for some line dance fun? If you are, then join us for a night of music, moves and merriment! Just bring your boots, your smile and your enthusiasm. We can't wait to see you on the dance floor!