We have some wonderful new things available in the studio, from incense, palo santo, and sage to tarot books, decks and crystals! Check everything out during one of our workshops or email is to schedule a time to come in and shop!
Crystal Kits are coming soon to Ritual + Root!
We have some amazing workshops coming up in November! Visit our website to learn more and register.
Absolutely in love with this Seasons of the Witch Mabon Oracle deck 😍
New Ritual + Root Studio
Starting today, we will have open studio hours on Fridays from 12pm to 5pm and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm! Come out and say hi, see our new studio/workshop space and shop our Wicked Soaps Co. and Ritual + Root lines!
The studio will be open tomorrow 12-5pm and Saturday 10am - 2pm! Come in and say hi, shop our Wicked Soaps Co. and Ritual + Root products and see our new studio space!