Day of Coordination💍
From seating charts & designing
From set up, to I Do's..
Passion Weddings will execute your special day, so your mother, sister, best friend, etc, don't have to!
Your family and friends can enjoy,
Plan with them, go to tastings with them, when it comes close to the special day, let a professional step in and start executing your dream wedding💙
Your friends, family, and yourself will love it!
#dayofcoordinator #dayofcoordination #weddingplanner #weddingprofessional #weddingprocess #dayofweddingcoordinator #dayofwedding #nostressplanning #nottodaystress #affordableservices #leaveittotheprofessionals
Happy New Year!
Cheers to you all,
I want to give a special promotion for this year 2020 bookings. Take 15% off wedding services AND I will design your stationary invitations for FREE! 👍
Consultations are FREE! We have limited openings for 2020 already so contact us soon.
970 424 8308
[email protected]
Passion Weddings- "Enjoy your engagement, let me handle the rest."
#weddingplanner #weddingcoordinator #weddingdesigner #weddingstationary #servingallofcolorado #coloradosprings #denvercolorado #utah #ouraycolorado #montrosecolorado #newyear2020 #cheers #starting2020right #promo2020 #gettingmarried #engaged #weddingseasonhasbegun #cheerstoweddings #grandjunctioncolorado
Happy Holidays
Wedding bells ring💍💎 Hope you get the ring you've been waiting for 💙!! And when you do, you know where to go next! Passion Weddings Colorado
#happyholidays #holidayengagement #gotengaged #christmasproposal #holidayproposal #weddingbells #weddingbellsring #merrychristmas #happynewyear #2020 #wishyoudo
These table settings are so delightful,
Festive and elegant☃️ #tablesettings #christmas #christmasparties #christmasdinner #christmasdinnertable #tabledecor #christmastime #countingdownthedays #wishingforsnow
Oh Christmas Tree! Oh Christmas Tree!
These are so cute!
Question 🤔
Do you keep to the same tree style every year? Gold, or blue, silver ornaments etc?
Personally I stick to the same. Keep it for a few years, then try a new style. Currently I'm at Blue and Silver ❄ what about you!? #ohchristmastree #christmastime #christmastreedecorating #christmasparties #christmastreetheme #christmasdecor #christmasquestion #underthetree #treedecorating #1moreday #christmastraditions
Those special dances 💙🥂
Mother & Son
Father & Daughter
Bride & Groom 💙
Shelby & Preston 8/31/19
#specialday #specialdances #weddingdances #dance #weddingday #weddingdaytears #fatherofthebride #motherofgroom #brideandgroom #weddingplanner #sohappy #weddingtoremember
BOHEMIAN! One of the early 2019 wedding style trends! It has been blooming into such a beautiful wedding trend. These bohemian dresses are so beautiful, and the destinations of these photos!!?? Props to the photographer! AMAZING!
Here in Grand Junction, we have so many amazing Vendors in town with Bohemian style.
Stay tuned! This is our TOPIC OF THE WEEK!
I will be sharing many BOHEMIAN trends and LOCAL vendors. If you are a local with BOHEMIAN decor, give me a shout to be featured this week!
#bohemian #bohemiandress #localbohemian #bohemianweddings #grandjunctioncolorado #grandjunctionvendors #localvendors #weddingtrendoftheweek