SAVE OUR EVENT INDUSTRY! I'm standing with All my DJ photographer caters wedding planers and many more asking that if you have a voice in our couples' decision-making to consider the following...
Anytime a wedding is postponed and then rescheduled to another peak date, it takes away TWO bookable dates from us. Of course, these are extraordinary circumstances, and our valued clients are going through unimaginable stress right now, so I'm going to try my best to work with them. But one easy way that we can ALL win is for you to do everything in your power to convince your couples to move their dates to off-peak but still fun dates like Fridays and Sundays or winter dates, preferably later this year rather than next year.
The good news is these postponements don't have to be lost income for all of us, but rather DEFERRED income. Those of us who can tough this out can still ultimately earn the same income, only later. By moving weddings to off-peak dates, we no longer have to give up additional peak dates to the same couples for whom we had already given up previous peak dates. And there are benefits to the couples. They won't have to lose their deposits or end up paying twice for the vendors with more stringent payment policies. They'll have a much better chance of retaining their original vendor team due to availability, who will be appreciative and give them the best day of their lives. And maybe they'll feel a little better that they have helped some of their own vendors stay in business by doing so.
The bad news is that if these dates are postponed to other peak dates, that deferred income does instead become LOST income. They would be taking away our ability to book those dates with new business, which we will need more than ever to rally from this situation. And sadly, that could be final nail in the coffin for some of our very talented peers who are on the verge of going out of business. And one of those peers could be YOU.
So PLEASE, if you have an influential voice with your couples, educate them about how this coronavirus situation has hurt our industry more than most, and how they can help support the industry as well as the very vendors they are relying on while still having the absolute time of their lives. THANK YOU! ❤️ God Bless we are all in this Together