Valley & Oak Events

Valley & Oak Events Event design, Planning & Consulting

One year ago. Freshly a mom, I stood with my 19 day old at the ceremony spot and I felt a little out of place. The day w...

One year ago.
Freshly a mom, I stood with my 19 day old at the ceremony spot and I felt a little out of place. The day was rolling smoothly, there were no emergencies & everyone was smiling. It came time to do some final detail checks to get the ceremony finalized. I was swaying in the aisle, soothing the beginning-to-fuss little body I was nervously toting about. These two families entrusted me to handle their day & I wanted nothing more than to make it perfect but here I was with the next generation strapped to me. The parents of the groom came over and his dad just couldn’t help himself any longer - he HAD to hold the lil guy. I said of course and it was a moment etched into my mind.
I think of it every time I catch myself swaying.
You see, his dad lit up like the spark of flame in the dead night. As he gushed and coo’d, mom & I both swaying despite our empty arms - it hit me: these are the moments.
The innate sense of joy a little one reveals.
The future that lies ahead, while remembering all the moments of the past.
The muscle memory of swaying in sync.
The little days of accomplishments; no meltdowns, slept thru the night, getting a puzzle together, tying shoes, swinging at the park, riding bikes.
The big days of accomplishments; 1st steps, 1st words, 1st date, 1st heartbreak, all graduations, and now a wedding.
These are what parents live for.

Here I was thinking I imposed on the day but really, I think I made it that much more joyful for the family to see the full circle of LIFE they’ve gotten to witness in their time with their child.
The joy of past & present all lumped into one.

I’ll remember their day for that moment alone. Happy anniversary M + R. Thank you for allowing me to see all the moments alongside you & your families.


Once back in 2012, I was sent home from the country club I was working at because I asked WHY too much. The manager I wo...

Once back in 2012, I was sent home from the country club I was working at because I asked WHY too much. The manager I worked alongside, my equal in title but who had 15+ years of experience on me - was frustrated because he thought it was me challenging his decisions in management. In reality it was me learning the full picture of how his brain worked to help enforce the actions.
This day came to mind as I listed to an audio book, on “Extreme Leadership” by a retired Navy Seal and it made me say ‘SEE!’ out loud while in my car alone. It confirmed that I was on the right track.
That my instinct was correct.
The statement in the book was along the lines of “if you don’t understand or believe in the decisions coming down from leadership, and if you’re not asking questions to best understand - you’re failing the whole team”.
When the word team was said over and over in the book, I of course relate it to a Vendor Team on a wedding day. Without the TEAM working together, with a single goal - it’s tough to have a successful day. Sure the overall goal is to be wed at the end of it, but it’s clearly more than just that.
Enter a great PLANNER. I ask ‘why’ in client meetings so many times, it’s probably annoying; but I need to know the full picture to help bring the day to life to the best of my ability AND to help instill the same goal with each vendor that even touches the day. To remind them that it’s not just a ‘job’, with a ‘get paid & get out’ goal. (Sadly, I’ve encounter some vendors with this mindset!)
Your wedding day should have an Extreme Leader, who can gather and guide the Team to the most beautiful & successful wedding day possible. Do not settle for a so-so leader who barely knows HOW, let alone WHY. I am unabashedly that kind of leader, it’s my default; I have the receipts to prove it - ask my old coworker.

Holding onto the sunshine & warmth captured this week on this CHILLY day. At first I thought this vision was just too bo...

Holding onto the sunshine & warmth captured this week on this CHILLY day. At first I thought this vision was just too bold for me- but so happy to have been a part of it as it really helped my creative bones come back alive.
Thanks for the push Laura!

Florist and Visionary |
Planner |
Photographer |
Makeup & Hair | .emerald.bridal
Tux |
Wedding gown |
Stationary & Flat Lay Design |
Emerald ring |
Linens |
Table set rentals |
Chairs |
Couple | .lynnn
Baker |

Yesterday was so fun! 💚😍

Yesterday was so fun! 💚😍

From the best man’s toast: “keep in mind that you’re not just marrying the version of you today in this moment, but who ...

From the best man’s toast: “keep in mind that you’re not just marrying the version of you today in this moment, but who you’ll be a year from now;
5 years.
A lifetime of the versions you will become.”

A wedding is more than one day. It’s not the ‘most important day of your life’… it’s one of many, many versions of important days. Of course we want it to be perfect, but the perfection is in the imperfection of that exact version of the most special day.

Cheers A + C to this version & the many more to come!

This past weekish there was a lot of ‘pain’ in my life:- wisdom teeth came out- met with accountant & had to review all ...

This past weekish there was a lot of ‘pain’ in my life:
- wisdom teeth came out
- met with accountant & had to review all the monies in the past year and what actions to take moving forward
- worked at an ultra luxury event with a secret headliner act, loads of creative displays and a gilded guest list

None of these things made me feel like a winner. Not physically, not emotionally, not professionally, not financially.

But ya know what, the PRODUCTIVE PAIN, that lingering strain like the few days after a tough gym class - that makes it feel like you really DID something with all your efforts (even if the activity was filled with many, many curse words directed at it)… that pain is starting to kick in and I couldn’t be more pleased about it. I wallowed yes, more than I should’ve but I am now seeing the light. The light of moving towards a better way to do things, towards bettering our family and this not so lil business here. This is not the million dollar place, but we’re inching that way. A cm at a time; but progress is progress.
Productive pain to move forward.

**Sorry this isn’t at all weddings related, but I’m a real person with real thoughts that need to be shared to release the weight in my head & heart.
And really, sorry I’m not at all sorry.

Happy 1st anniversary to one of my most favorite couples ever!! So much has happened in just a short year - married, mov...

Happy 1st anniversary to one of my most favorite couples ever!! So much has happened in just a short year - married, moved across country, so so so many laughs. I hope you both find the joy always and keep each other on your toes always.

Honored to have been a part of your day and your time here in GR. Cheers to many more years! 🥂🎉💚

Hot take: planning your own wedding does not make you a wedding planner. The same way doing my own taxes does not make m...

Hot take: planning your own wedding does not make you a wedding planner.
The same way doing my own taxes does not make me an accountant.
The same way changing your own brakes does not make you a mechanic.

It makes you capable. Is every couple capable of planning their own wedding - yes, majority of the time. Will they have a more enjoyable experience working with a skilled professional - yes, majority of the time.
I totally acknowledge that my role is a luxury to a lot of folks on a wedding day. But you know what’s going to last longer than the sting of the dollars… the memories you’re able to create and cherish on the day vs the stress that irks for years when looking back on the day.

Over the last month, I’ve been seriously questioning my ‘WHY’ and what it is I am doing in this position. Any wedding ve...

Over the last month, I’ve been seriously questioning my ‘WHY’ and what it is I am doing in this position.
Any wedding vendor knows this feeling as it’s the off season which leaves loads of time for self-reflection & questioning. It sometimes leads to good paths and sometimes hard paths.
However, I received the best description from the outside looking in that brought me back to the big WHY. Those words were:
“Kate, such a reflection of the incredible blend I have always seen in you, of traditional respect with your own unique and beautiful threads of glamour & sophistication. I have so much respect for the way you know and honor yourself. Thank you for sharing you with us this way.”

I didn’t expect it from this person, and honestly teared up reading it. They have known me from the beginning of this journey, 15ish years ago. They helped form and shape this version. I still hear their voice in my head in some situations. It was so needed and they had no idea the hand it will play in helping me hold onto the big picture of being here.

So, get used to seeing these words floating around here a lot. Defining the HOW & WHY of every interaction with clients, vendors, family, friends, etc.

This season, I encountered a few select vendors that lead with compassion & kindness. Whose first reaction when hearing ...

This season, I encountered a few select vendors that lead with compassion & kindness. Whose first reaction when hearing of a hardship or pain-point is to say ‘I’m so sorry you’re going through that’ instead of trying to minimize or deflect or relate with a similar experience or jumping right to possible solutions. And the thing is, they each whole-heartedly mean it. They hear your strife and want nothing but for you to know you’re heard & what you’re going through sucks.

For 2024, I want to bring that with me. To be my first reaction. To have each encounter led by compassion & understanding before taking a stand or relating or my natural first instinct to problem solve it (best & worst quality I have).

Each time I speak with these vendors, I walk away feeling so comforted and seen… and I want nothing more than to be that source for others as well. Baby steps to get there, but I hope by this time next year it’s second nature to show compassion first. (Despite my fix-it instinct).

Cheers to 2024!

I just stumbled on an old post-it note buried on my desk that says “differences are not deficiencies” and it’s a perfect...

I just stumbled on an old post-it note buried on my desk that says “differences are not deficiencies” and it’s a perfectly timed message.
In the off season, vendors catch up on the admin stuffs, the social media shares, the ‘fun stuff’ that builds up all season long until we finally come up for air. There’s a bunch of galleries of the most lovely days created throughout the year or excitement for the upcoming season being shared almost hourly it seems. While I have more than a handful of those as well, it’s still hard to not compare to what is floating in the interwebs.
I’m seeing straight MAGIC by some vendors I dream of working with or being a fraction of. Seeing styled shoots with vibrant color or grand homes decked out for the holidays & celebrations I’ll a) never be invited to & b) wouldn’t even know how to talk to people if I were attending… it for sure makes me feel more than a little bad about where I’m at in life. The if only’s & the could’ve been’s don’t skip over me. Yes, I need to work hard, but I’m not lacking anything just because ‘they’re doing it different’. They’re not better than, just further down the journey than I am and that’s ok.

As I type this it sounds sad .. but it’s really just a reminder as all of the ‘I accomplished xx’ end of the year recaps are about to happen, that I’m not deficient, just different. If we were all the same, life would be wayyy more boring.

Happy Christmas, Merry New Year - enjoy all the gathering over the next few weeks!

((Still not sure on hashtags, so adding a few for good measure. ))

One morning of waking up to snow and I’m already dreaming of warm greenery filled days… good thing we can always build o...

One morning of waking up to snow and I’m already dreaming of warm greenery filled days… good thing we can always build our own outdoors on the inside like this ^^^. Bringing trees and all the greenery to warm up the space.

Greens for life. 💚

Manifesting more rooftop champagne cheers-ing for the 2024 season. If you’re newly engaged or know a couple that is - pl...

Manifesting more rooftop champagne cheers-ing for the 2024 season.

If you’re newly engaged or know a couple that is - please reach out! There’s quite a bit of 2024 availability and I would love for you to be SO stress-free that you can pop bottle with your loved one all night long! 🥂🍾🎉

CHERISH: a. protect and care for lovinglyb. hold dearc. keep in one’s mind d. treat with affectionI’m gonna go with e. A...

a. protect and care for lovingly
b. hold dear
c. keep in one’s mind
d. treat with affection

I’m gonna go with e. All of the above.

Endlessly thankful for a lot of things these days. Helping hands.Trusting hearts.Kindness when it’s unexpected. Grace wh...

Endlessly thankful for a lot of things these days.

Helping hands.
Trusting hearts.
Kindness when it’s unexpected.
Grace when it’s very needed.

It’s been a great respite. Much needed & cherished. Savoring these last few days.

Soaking up as much of this final 50° day of the 2023 year as possible in the few hours of daylight left. 🤣Tbh- I don’t k...

Soaking up as much of this final 50° day of the 2023 year as possible in the few hours of daylight left. 🤣

Tbh- I don’t know how to ‘Saturday’ without a wedding.. there’s SO many possibilities, I just end up with decision-overwhelm and end up doing nothing. Any recommendations on how to best Saturday this off season?

As the Spring ‘23 Season is about to take off, I am filled with excitement and hesitation. I am about to bring a new hum...

As the Spring ‘23 Season is about to take off, I am filled with excitement and hesitation. I am about to bring a new human into this crazy world and it’s scary & unknown. I know how to plan, how to problem solve and how to think on my feet. But not knowing when or how this new life will arrive is hurting me; mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, relationshiply… The un-plan-able-ness of the next 6 weeks coupled with the necessary planned portions, has my head swimming.
I’m praying my physical body is able to do the things I need it to do in both areas, to support celebrations & bring life earth-side.
I’m praying I’ve prepared our home enough to host this new resident for 18ish years.
I’m praying for a boom of engagements for next season to counterbalance the slump the industry’s seeing this year.

I’m also praying a note of thanks, to Mother Nature for the reminder of the growth in this season, not just spring - but in life.

These images: the namesakes of this little space… Oak & Valley. Both sprouted anew in the last 10ish days. Lily’s have a short lifespan, but a glorious scent. Oak leaves hold strong and are some of the last to fall in autumn, their trunks known for strength and shelter.
I hope to hold them as a reminder through the next months; it’s all just a season. We grow with each one passing. Each come back a little healthier & a little stronger every year.

From a weary mom-to-be, light & love. Xoxo

It’s been exactly 100 days since all of these little details were strung together to tie us forever… and in just 30 days...

It’s been exactly 100 days since all of these little details were strung together to tie us forever… and in just 30 days the smallest detail, yet biggest of them all will arrive to flip our lives as we know it, for the better.

Can’t wait to witness the smallest of details of our lil babe together, knowing that although this year is WILD - there’s no one else I’d rather have by my side for it all.

Happy 100 days & cheers to many more!

(I can’t wait to slam some champagne! 🥂🍾😅)

💍: Craft-Revival
👗: Bridal Elegance
👔: Jurgens & Holtvluwer
💄: The Pretty Committee
💐: Truer Design
🧺: Special Occasions, LLC
🍰: Nantucket Baking Company
📸: Katie Huff Photography
🎥: Inspiration Video
📋: Futtitinni Events
🏛: Bissell Tree House at John Ball Zoo
🎶: Yours Truly and The Funk
🍽: Kangaroo Kitchen & Catering

“Take three deep breaths. This is the only moment you need to be worried about.There's no yesterday. There's no tomorrow...

“Take three deep breaths.
This is the only moment you need to be worried about.
There's no yesterday.
There's no tomorrow.
There's just right now.
You're not late for anything, and you're going to miss anything. You're exactly where you're supposed to be... and you're exactly who you're supposed to be.
You're absolutely perfect.
And whatever happens today is exactly what's supposed to happen... and if you want, I'll spend every moment with you for the rest of your life.”

- Hit & Run (2012)

((Thanks for the most thoughtful words.))

These two were the first wedding of the season and as full planning clients, we chatted almost daily. The love that surr...

These two were the first wedding of the season and as full planning clients, we chatted almost daily. The love that surrounded them was magical and it was a honor to be the ring-leader of such a FUN crowd.
When Lex saw her bouquet for the first time she teared up, I teared up, the florist handing it to her teared up… her words were “it’s like my Pinterest board has become real!” It’s not just clients celebrating, these are friends who I am overjoyed right alongside.

My hope for all clients is to have the space and ability to feel that joy & love all around them on their day - knowing everything else is in good hands.

This season will be so short and so long simultaneously with the new life joining us soon, but I hope each couple who has entrusted their day to me knows how much they mean to me.
It’s not just a job here, it’s my heart invested in celebrating your love too. 💚

A day late, but no shortage of love in wishing these to crazies a very Happy 1st Anniversary! With a house, monster pupp...

A day late, but no shortage of love in wishing these to crazies a very Happy 1st Anniversary!

With a house, monster puppy girl, chicks and now grad school (despite the color) - these two set the tone for rolling with the punches & making life together oh so fun!

Cheers to MANY more years R + J! 🥂✨

As an adult, it’s hard to make friends and realizing the gap of who was there only 12 months ago vs who’s not here curre...

As an adult, it’s hard to make friends and realizing the gap of who was there only 12 months ago vs who’s not here currently is a weird thing. No one really mentions how isolating and kind of lonely this industry really is. There are loads of people we consider close friends surrounding us as vendors almost every weekend for over 1/2 the year- chatting with weekly, if not almost daily… but when it comes to building a bigger connection, beyond the work at hand and keeping up on that over the course of the winter months, many relationships fall into the shadows.
This time last year, I was even considering closing the V&O doors to join a team I considered the best choice for a stable and responsible future… but the opportunity felt rushed, sort of forced and in the long run would’ve been a lot more work on both of our parts to make it happen to the best of its abilities.

While this year is scary with all the unknowns of our growing family, I can say that I am so frickin’ happy I didn’t close up shop here, as Valley & Oak Events. There’s been days where I question what I’m doing and why I’ve chosen this path - then I have a single meeting with a couple or just a quick chat with a bride & I am instantly reminded that my experiences, heart & soul truly adore the industry and the honor celebrating Love on a monumentally Big Day. I step away from those conversations ignited in the ‘why’ and feel so confident in my chosen path.

Last night coming home from W.I.N. I felt that same fire. I want to continue to grow the community of friends, not just co-vendors of the same area. And I know others want it too, based on the messages I woke up to. I hope to continue to grow the community & friendships outside of ‘business realm’ and to keep hosting more Wedding Industry Night gatherings in the slower times. Without our roles working together, there’s no future or growth for the industry and that’s the opposite of what any small business wants to hear.
If you’re feeling lost, without a community or friends like me - please let me know! I’d love to be your support & new friend! You’re not in it alone, despite how it feels. Trust me, I’m in the same wallow. Let’s be friends!

Remember that time we made awesome plans and Mother Nature said ‘Nope!’..? Well, it’s Spring now & we’re here for commun...

Remember that time we made awesome plans and Mother Nature said ‘Nope!’..?
Well, it’s Spring now & we’re here for community and networking! W.I.N. is happening again to make up for that moody winter day.

Thursday April 13 | 5:00-800pm
Old Souls Studio | 1111 Godfrey Ave SW, Grand Rapids MI 49503

This event is for any role in the Wedding Industry - none are too small or too big, too new or too old. This is to meet the folks behind the social media, the workhorses and hearts of the industry we all adore.

Lite refreshments & snacks provided, but byo a bottle or six pack to share with new & old friends!
RSVP through Eventbrite (small donation to cover any costs)! If you purchased a ticket for the winter one, it’ll transfer! Just send a message if you’re planning to attend for our guest count.

Hope to see you on Thursday April 13th!

So excited to celebrate A & B today! They are the most fun couple and planning with them has been a joy. The friendship ...

So excited to celebrate A & B today!

They are the most fun couple and planning with them has been a joy. The friendship we’ve built may have a local expiration date as they’re both DOCTOR’s both awaiting new offers on the other side of the country… but I’ll always cherish the honor to participate in today with them.
The love that radiates between them and the laughter is contagious.

It’s going to be a GOOD day, even with a little rain. Congratulations! 🎉

Happiest of birthdays to my oldest & dearest friend, Tori! It’s been magical to stand by your side and have you at mine ...

Happiest of birthdays to my oldest & dearest friend, Tori!
It’s been magical to stand by your side and have you at mine through almost 20years. Just this weekend I was thinking about all of our adventures together: pier walks with a digital camera, first (& only) car accident, the road-trip back from my GA internship, SAV St Patrick’s Day & the shenanigans that ensued and all the nail salon & lunch trips in between.
So excited to walk through this next chapter of life as MOMS together and I hope you know just how cherished you are always. 💚

Happy birthday AND baby arriving week, my spring chick! ✨

The groom insisted on a first look to shake some nerves, but the bride was against it - and so hatched a PLAN. His besti...

The groom insisted on a first look to shake some nerves, but the bride was against it - and so hatched a PLAN. His bestie was not who he expected, however it had the best effect and did shake a few laughs out. The groom was chock full of emotions and demanded to see his bride (for real this time) and I think it made it that much sweeter.
You could feel his heart thumping on the front steps of Pillar Church, filled with joy and excitement of such a dat-gum lovely day. Tears of joy for both of his favorite people of course, but so much heart in the second first look. All the nerves floated away and he was downright giddy the entire rest of the day.

There’s no right or wrong answer to “should we do a first look?” There just needs to be a good PLAN.

Last night, well early this morning really I woke up from a pretty vivid dream. I usually have pretty realistic dreams a...

Last night, well early this morning really I woke up from a pretty vivid dream. I usually have pretty realistic dreams and have to check emails or texts to confirm if something was real or a dream sometimes. This was one of that type. In the dream I was at a store of some kind and chatting with the cashier about my purchase, I said it was for work - she asked what I do. I proudly stated “I am a wedding planner” and her eyes immediately lit up. She gushed about how it must be so fun to play with all the pretty things every weekend but asked what I did during the week. That’s when I woke up.
I couldn’t believe my ears and what my brain was telling me. There’s folks who think it’s just playing with pretties on the weekend?! Oh Lordy, it is SO much more than that.
- There’s building an overall vision for the day. The cohesive ties that feel uniform but are oh-so-different from couple to couple.
- There’s the timeline construction that contains more than just the wedding couple & photos. Usually there’s minimum 10 timelines combined into one to cover everything from hair & makeup, catering, bar, photo, rental load in & out, dessert delivery & set up, band arrival/sound check/order of events and many, many more moving parts.
- The collection of rental quotes: knowing the best vendors to call for the parts of each vision and then sometimes making dozens of tweaks to the quote to get it just right.
- There’s weaving tidbits of the couple’s story seamlessly into the day so their full love story gets shared.
- There’s working through the opinions & views from family that invade the couple’s psyche to make them question everything. It’s basically a therapy sesh.
- There’s the actual business stuff of accounting, marketing, networking, learning & growing.

There’s SO much more than just playing with pretties on the weekend.
It’s not just a hobby, it’s a passion for some and it’s our chosen lot to witness endless love amidst a lot of logistics.

Keep that in mind as you search for vendors. Find the passion that shines through.


The MOST lovely day ever. 💚

Alright, now that our winter wedding is over - I am SO ready for hot sticky days summer again. I’d have the heat of this...

Alright, now that our winter wedding is over - I am SO ready for hot sticky days summer again. I’d have the heat of this weekend for everyone if possible.

Dreaming of the summer season while plotting away the office redesign over here. ☀️🌿✨


Grand Rapids, MI


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