Mayan Chocolate Spice Coffee for Valentine
Great start to my day today. Our Mayan Chocolate Spice creation. Billy Joel cranked right now and setting up the coffee truck for an event shortly! Did you recall your Valentine asked for fun coffee to sip slowly and savor the day? #victorianpantry #victorianpantrycoffee #victorianpantrywinteryum #victorianpantrymobile #victorianpantrymobile #victorianpantrymylifesofun
Family Foodie Fun 2019 Thanksgiving
No Turkey re Thanksgiving 2019, we instead did thick Cider Vinegar Pork Chops on the Bone. Seemed an appropriate Norman Rockwell day with family together and a dear friend. #victorianpantry #victorianpantrycoffee #popspearl #popslincoln #popsford #popsfoodfamilyfun
Meet Steve Stogdill
When my media team at TJ21 Media Group approached me about interviewing me on camera, I was apprehensive. I like to let my products speak for themselves. But after seeing what they put together, I had to share my foodie-fun perspective with all of you. Feel free to share!
Granger Business Association
Rhubarb Pie, Brown Sugar Pie, Great Coffee, Focaccia Bread are a great addition to your Thanksgiving. Call today 574/271-7881 to reserve yours. The best part of Thanksgiving is the table time talking, laughing, and enjoying flavors.
Another fun catering today, and the venue is rustic and fun. I can't express how fortunate I am to work with such professional., spunky, enthused individuals. I might have missed a few but they would not hold still for the camera. I am very honored to get to work with these folks. #victorianpantry
Some of you have contacted me asking where items are of ours at Whole Foods this week.....good question; this week was a reset of floorplan for products which is not uncommon....our Focaccia and Cookies are at the bakery counter, and the hummus is at the same cooler but 2 shelves UP, so.....look up!!!! Thanks, your continued purchase there is what keeps us in the door! #victorianpantry
Just Foodie Fun #victorianpantry #seeournewwebsite #weshipurcoffee