Hey Folks - as the season comes upon us, here's a note about sponsorship. Cars & Coffee Greensboro DOES cost us money to put on. We pay for the use of the lot, facilities service, police presence, and advertising, and we seek to recoup some of that from our loyal sponsors. In return, there is a dedicated place for them at each event, addition to our websites, and exclusive posting rights here on Facebook. Here's what Rod has to say:
"Cars & Coffee Greensboro is supported by Sponsors who benefit from printed advertising and display opportunities at the eight monthly events from March thru October. There is opportunity now for sponsorship. If you are interested please call, Rod Moore, 10am - 4 pm Mon thru Friday at 336-337-1165. This is a limited time opportunity and sponsors are limited to an association with automobiles or services. Merchandise and food are not being accepted."
General Greene Chapter of the AACA, Inc is a 501(c)(3) organization.
As always, please be mindful that there are a ton of scammers and spam posters out there attempting to represent as legit members of the group and our organization. The ONLY official request you will see regarding sponsorship comes from us. If you have any questions at all, message the page directly. Do not DM anybody else. Thank you for all your support, and we'll see you in a few weeks!