BlackStarz Entertainment is a new Entertainment Event team in process of perfecting its success through cutting-edge branding and holding upscale events to bring one of a kind party atmosphere for our young mature African audience. BlackStarz Entertainment has established itself as one of the leading event promoters, specializing in African parties in unique event experiences, high profile parties
and boutique summer music festivals. Founded in 2012 by Eddie Boye and Richard Agyei, BlackStarz Entertainment has organized and promoted many successful events with regular sold out crowds on each occasion. This includes:
BlackStarz’s very own original home grown brands – The BlackStarz New Year’s Eve Experience in Raleigh NC,
African night for African organization on university’s campus,
BlackStarz A List parties, Black and white party and many other successful events. These events frequently attract the young mature African audience, sophisticated fashion and beauty styled conscious crowd, mostly college grad and college student.