Our mission is to foster the appreciation of live stage performance for all generations by establishing Greenville as a cultural center for live stage performance and to bring affordable and quality entertainment to the Hunt county area! This season's selections feature a wide variety of musical entertainment including musical tributes, country originals, traditional holiday music, and classic roc
k and roll. Season tickets are just $75 for adults, family package (2 adults and 8 children under 18) $175 and students $25. Season ticket holders get all concerts for the price of just 2 concerts at the door! Memberships are still sold annually during the membership drive held each spring. We also now offer individual concert tickets for sale at the door for $35 for adults and $10 for students. The expense of the series is only partially paid for through membership sales. A large amount is collected through a Series Sponsorship Program, commonly referred to as the "Patron Program," in which individuals and businesses donate tax-deductible money. These donors are listed in the Patron Program, which is given out at every concert. The Greenville Entertainment Series is a non-profit organization run entirely by volunteers. All the money collected during the drive goes toward the hiring of the artists, the expenses associated with their performances and campaign expenses.