These sweethearts.
Congratulations Kait and Ricardo. Your calm smiles say it all. ♥️
I used to do birth work, and in doing so, I made many intimate human connections while being present with women ad they transitioned from a single body into two, and couples became families.
Being a florist has that same energy of being a part of a transition in the human journey, although no where near actually intimate, (we met in Trink's parking lot to handoff the bouquet) but it still feels important and sacred to me.
It is truly an honor and a pleasure to create for people who are in love and choosing to move forward into togetherness.
I always ask couples for pictures of themselves so I can have an image of who I am designing for, and keep a prayer going for them as I work.
Thank you again .hsu for allowing me use these photos on instagram. Best to you and Ricardo! Into the future!