
Divadeva Divadeva productions is a conscious event promotion company based in Maui focusing on enlightened da

RELATIONSHIPS ARE THE GREATEST DEVICE FOR SELF EVOLUTION Relationships are the essential dynamic of human existence, we ...


Relationships are the essential dynamic of human existence, we simply do not exist apart from them . Although we might think we are an individual, separate and unique, it is actually only possible to know ourselves in our relationship with another .

In fact the illusion of others is for this very reason; for when we share who we are with someone it is only in their witnessing of us that we truly know who we are .

Many people are attracted into relationships to make themselves feel good . They wish the ‘other’ to make them happy , yet happiness is an inside job .

Recognizing that what we seek in another is only existent in ourselves, when we use this connection for its true purpose. To reveal all we are, both the shadow and the light, to another in humble vulnerability.

For the relationship for both parties is at service to our evolution. For whenever we wish to withhold , or hide an aspect of ourselves, instead we can take the opportunity to reveal and therefore truly heal who we are .

For when we trust another to hold us and courageously share all we have been hiding, is when we truly accept ourselves and see the gift of their compassionate observing presence in our lives .

What reflection in your relationship are you avoiding that could bring about your own evolution ?

If this resonates Please like , share with someone who needs to see this , and comment below and join my mailing list at my website for more on the new Human operating system for life HUMANITY vr3.0

IF YOU ARE READY FOR YOUR OWN SELF REVOLUTION , then For Self Revolution Coaching Sessions email [email protected].

The BIG U - A Guide to Self Revolution now available in Ebook a Audio

DON’T BE AFRAID TO GET A LITTLE MESSY WHEN HAVING FUN So often in life, we are trying to avoid making a mess. Mostly fro...


So often in life, we are trying to avoid making a mess. Mostly from our childhood, we learned that the idea of being messy is something that we should grow out of as we become adults. However This way of being loses an important opportunity to discover and learn.

When we become restrictive and try and avoid being messy in our lives, we are trying to live up to some ideal that seeks to remove the chaos of evolution from our lives. Yet, not only is this not possible, for life is ‘messy’, but it creates an immense amount of stress on ourselves to always have it together , and losing the joy in our lives.

Instead, if we allow ourselves to have fun and not care about the messiness, trusting the perfection of its unfolding , we open ourselves up to new discoveries about who we are now becoming in each new moment.

Our evolution will always go through constructive and deconstructive phases, and it’s in the latter that we learn the most about ourselves and from this become ignited to create a whole new life vision in the process.

What fun experience are you avoiding because it could get messy ?

If this resonates Please like , share with someone who needs to see this , and comment below and join my mailing list at my website for more on the new Human operating system for life HUMANITY vr3.0

IF YOU ARE READY FOR YOUR OWN SELF REVOLUTION , then For Self Revolution Coaching Sessions email [email protected].

The BIG U - A Guide to Self Revolution now available in Ebook a Audio

COMMUNITY is the understanding that what we have in Common is our Unity The word community invokes feelings of an extend...

is the understanding that what we have in Common is our Unity

The word community invokes feelings of an extended family , a tribe that has similar values and beliefs that align with ours. When we come together from different origins yet are unified in a common vision .

Sometimes we try to conform to these norms and find ourselves challenged to change ourselves to fit in , to belong !.. Yet this is missing the essential invitation of community. We are not there to be the same but to celebrate our differences in our common Unity .

We are one being revealing ourselves to ourselves in an infinite variety of personalities, each with its own unique perspective . The gift of our presence in every situation is to show up as authentically as possible. To celebrate our individuality , adding our own chemistry to the mix. Understanding we are all an essential ingredient to the recipe, together creating the experience of our multi faceted, ever changing, Unified Whole.

What can you offer your community that would bring more Unity to all?

If this resonates Please like , share with someone who needs to see this , and comment below and join my mailing list at my website for more on the new Human operating system for life HUMANITY vr3.0

IF YOU ARE READY FOR YOUR OWN SELF REVOLUTION , then For Self Revolution Coaching Sessions email [email protected].

The BIG U - A Guide to Self Revolution now available in Ebook a Audio

SELF ACCEPTANCE COMES FROM DROPPING OUR JUDGEMENT OF OTHERS We all observe other’s behaviors in our lives and often with...


We all observe other’s behaviors in our lives and often without realizing it have this observation move to judgement, when we make an assessment that what we observe is different from us. If it is not what we want to happen we judge it as negative and if it aligns with us we see it as positive.

However this way of navigating is based on separation and leads to us seeking to trying to avoid things we don’t want and being frustrated when we cannot , like if it’s our child or family member or a work situation. In these cases we either become outwardly hostile or inwardly withdrawn which leads to disruption and depression.

Yet what if instead of judging others we observe what is coming up for us in these situations. To develop equanimity, so when judgement arises we look within ourselves and look for what we are judging in ourselves that is showing as a result of this.

Recognizing that the exterior situation is leading us to release our own self judgement, forgive ourselves and lovingly accept that hidden part of us , bringing us to a deeper peace both without and within .

What are you judging in another that could lead to acceptance of yourself ?

If this resonates Please like , share with someone who needs to see this , and comment below and join my mailing list at my website for more on the new Human operating system for life HUMANITY vr3.0

IF YOU ARE READY FOR YOUR OWN SELF REVOLUTION , then For Self Revolution Coaching Sessions email [email protected].

The BIG U - A Guide to Self Revolution now available in Ebook a Audio



Many of us are very aware, the concept of manifesting, yet what we don’t realize is that we are actually manifesting all the time.

Everything that happens in the outside world is actually a reflection of an interior conscious or subconscious request that we have made. So it’s not whether we can manifest but whether we are consciously aware and wish to take ownership of that which is happening to us, is actually happening through us.

Why we often do not feel this is true is because what we think we want does not turn out the way we expect it and so we believe we are not the origin of its manifestation.

However, rather than what you want, what is manifested is what you need to support your highest evolution.

The BIG U’s interpretation of what you asking for is the end result; the feeling you wish to have from the experience you’ve requested .

So often we believe we have the best idea of how this should happen yet we are actually limited in our perspective and so things shift and change to bring us a more direct route to our outcome, which can feel at odds with our desire.

The key here is to Trust the process.

To allow the details to change and the outcome to be fluid, knowing that everything is perfectly aligning in our favor and all losses are purifications, clearing the way to allow for the next greatest opportunity to be manifested.


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WHEN WE CHOOSE JOY FOR OURSELVES IT NATURALLY SPREADS TO OTHERS Many teachers have shared a simple but profound truth wi...


Many teachers have shared a simple but profound truth with us , that it is by following your Bliss , your Joy that you will be guided to the best life . Yet so many of us are so concerned about not being perceived as selfish that we put our joy second, often only taking time for pleasure as a reward for hard work or seeking it from others.

When we believe that joy is something we have to earn , we fill our time doing things so that we feel we deserve it . Yet this is missing out the real reason for this beautiful experience we have been created with the ability to feel.

Joy is the feeling of complete happiness in the present moment, it is the feedback mechanism that we are in alignment with our authenticity and true desire .

So when we follow its guidance and give up trying to get it from others as a reward for our sacrifice, we lose all fear and doubt becoming ignited with positivity that naturally overflows to all we interact with.

Can you CHOOSE your JOY TODAY !

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IF YOU ARE READY FOR YOUR OWN SELF REVOLUTION , then For Self Revolution Coaching Sessions email [email protected].

The BIG U - A Guide to Self Revolution now available in Ebook a Audio

Everybody wants to be heard by themselvesThere is a very famous saying, “What does everybody want?…is to be heard! “ Yet...

Everybody wants to be heard by themselves

There is a very famous saying, “What does everybody want?…is to be heard! “ Yet there is a deeper level to this because what we all really want is to be heard… by ourselves!

Many of us seek attention from others and will manipulate our own behavior to get it. Generally, what we seeking is positive attention, but as any parent knows, if we can’t get positive attention as children will do something naughty to obtain any attention, even if it is negative.

The root of this desire to be heard is because we have stopped listening to ourselves. When we live an inauthentic life, we are constantly compromising to gain the approval of others. When this approval comes at the cost of inauthenticity, It never actually fulfills us.

Self betrayal is a refusal to hear our own in a voice, for the sake of being heard by others. the way out of this is to start listening to ourselves and to use that authentic voice as a positive guidance in our life.

Commit to start listening to yourself today!

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IF YOU ARE READY FOR YOUR OWN SELF REVOLUTION , then For Self Revolution Coaching Sessions email [email protected].

The BIG U - A Guide to Self Revolution now available in Ebook a Audio

Seek inside for all that you would look for on the Outside Many of us choose to seek outside of ourselves , feeling that...

Seek inside for all that you would look for on the Outside

Many of us choose to seek outside of ourselves , feeling that there are qualities and attributes that can be added to us that will contribute to our own value. We acquire many things, both material and physical and believe we are more because of it .

Yet when we seek outside of ourselves what we don't not realize is that this is making a statement about who we are . By looking to add to ourselves, we are saying we are not enough as we are. We have judged ourselves less than we are and therefore try to improve on something that does not need improving.

Everything we ever added to ourselves is actually less than what we came in with. For we were born perfect and it is when we remove that which we have added, that we discover this is true. So instead of trying to add to yourself look within and remove that which is holding you back.


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IF YOU ARE READY FOR YOUR OWN SELF REVOLUTION , then For Self Revolution Coaching Sessions email [email protected].

The BIG U - A Guide to Self Revolution now available in Ebook a Audio

When we find ourselves alone, we have something to learn from who we are.Humans are social animals , and evolved to be i...

When we find ourselves alone, we have something to learn from who we are.

Humans are social animals , and evolved to be in tribes to support each other and thrive, so its no wonder that many of us seek to be in the company of others and shy away from being alone .

Yet, just like the in-breathe and out-breathe ; we all need the reflection of aspects of ourselves that are seen in the relationship with others, and also the time alone to reflect on this. and discover the truth that is revealed.

When life gives us the opportunity to spend time alone wether unexpectedly or chosen it is because there is something to learn from that inner contemplation, a deeper truth to be discovered within.

When we stop our outward activities, space opens for us to look within and harvest the bounty of those external interactions. Dropping the internal stories which no longer serve us and clearing the way for the next chapter of our lives to be walked along a more authentic path .

Make space for Internal reflection as part of your weekly routine .

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IF YOU ARE READY FOR YOUR OWN SELF REVOLUTION , then For Self Revolution Coaching Sessions email [email protected].

The BIG U - A Guide to Self Revolution
now available in Audio

When we are provoked on the outside we reveal a wound to heal on the inside When we feel provoked by another commonly ou...

When we are provoked on the outside we reveal a wound to heal on the inside

When we feel provoked by another commonly our first reaction is to defend ourselves which can be either in a form of attack or retreat.

The attack is often a self defensive explanation which seeks to push away the blame to another , or the retreat is in the form of avoiding the situation or person in the future hoping it will disappear on its own .

However both of these reactions are missing the gift that is being offered. Every provocation is actually touching a place of inner wounding that we seek to hide yet is subconsciously directing our behaviors that ultimately doesn't support us.

So instead when this occurs , stop , breathe , be grateful and then seek to look inside and see what is coming up for you to heal and make peace with within yourself.


If this resonates Please like , share with someone who needs to see this , and comment below and join my mailing list at my website for more on the new Human operating system for life HUMANITY vr3.0

IF YOU ARE READY FOR YOUR OWN SELF REVOLUTION , then For Self Revolution Coaching Sessions email [email protected].

The BIG U - A Guide to Self Revolution now available in Ebook a Audio

WHEN WE COURAGEOUSLY SPEAK OUR TRUTH IT SERVES EVERYONE INVOLVED In any situation in life, whether it be business or per...


In any situation in life, whether it be business or personal, it can be challenging to speak our truth. For many reasons we withhold being authentic because we do not want to have a negative outcome, especially if we're not confident of all the details in the situation.

In most cases, we will choose to swallow and hope the situation will somehow resolve itself without us having to step up and speak up. However, this form of self betrayal does not feel good and in the swallowing we build resentment for the other person and situation. Which pollutes our relationship with them as time passes.

What many of us do not realize is that when we have the courage to speak our truth, not only will it release this resentment and make us feel better, but also ultimately serves the relationship, as this brave authenticity builds a secure foundation for the future.


If this resonates Please like , share with someone who needs to see this , and comment below and join my mailing list at my website for more on the new Human operating system for life HUMANITY vr3.0

IF YOU ARE READY FOR YOUR OWN SELF REVOLUTION , then For Self Revolution Coaching Sessions email [email protected].

The BIG U - A Guide to Self Revolution now available in Ebook a Audio

BE FLEXIBLE AND  TRUST THAT ALL CHANGES ARE in your favorMost of us have a schedule and plan things into our day,, our r...


Most of us have a schedule and plan things into our day,, our responsibilities and fun things that we are attached to. This is a great habit yet unfortunately, sometimes we become a slave to it.

We decide what is the best way to do something or the best way to spend our time and when this changes unexpectedly, especially if it is due to somebody else changing plans on us, we can become irritated and often this is directed at someone or something outside of ourselves that we blame for this situation

We become attached and then get very disappointed when we feel we're not going to get the fun or joy or benefit of the experience we planned.

However, this mindset comes from the idea that we know best and yet often when we make plans this sets the things in motion, which can lead to the universe, upgrading the opportunities that are possible.

If we are willing to detach from our idea that we know what's best for us and instead choose to trust the universe, we will find that all changes are in our favor and the opening in our schedule will be filled with an unexpected experience that is always for our benefit.

What plan change has happened that you could open up to the idea that it's going to end up being a more beautiful experience than you had expected?

If this resonates Please like , share with someone who needs to see this , and comment below and join my mailing list at my website for more on the new Human operating system for life HUMANITY vr3.0

IF YOU ARE READY FOR YOUR OWN SELF REVOLUTION , then For Self Revolution Coaching Sessions email [email protected].

The BIG U - A Guide to Self Revolution now available in Ebook a Audio

DON'T LET YOUR NEEDS REMOVE YOUR CHOICES We all have things we feel we need to have in our lives , and things we need to...


We all have things we feel we need to have in our lives , and things we need to get done and can feel anxious if we don't get things taken care of, or take care of our needs .
Often the reason we can let these things slide is because we are putting others first and we fail to take care of ourselves.

We often feel we don't have a choice and in meeting the needs of others we can build resentment towards ourselves . Yet the thing to remember is that a lot of the needs we have are based on choices we are making and to remember that no matter how it seems we are always the one choosing how we choose to spend our time and what we make important.

When we realize we are the ones at choice we can take ownership and recognize that yes there are consequences to every choice yet to be willing to face these rather than choosing inauthentically .
If we choose to be courageous and always be authentic, we also invite others to be so without trying to control the outcome. We develop resilience and choose to trust that whatever the outcome , authenticity will always bear the richest fruit .


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The BIG U - A Guide to Self Revolution now available in Ebook a Audio

WHEN WE AVOID  DISTURBANCE WE AVOID GROWTH When we feel disturbed by something or someone in our lives we normally try a...


When we feel disturbed by something or someone in our lives we normally try and avoid it yet when we do so we avoid our own growth. whether it be another person, a place or a situation, if we feel something is off, "a disturbance in the force", then we usually seek to navigate away from it , feeling that it has a negative consequence.

If we can't avoid it, then normally we try to change it, and if it's another person, who's opinion we find aggravating then we look to convince them otherwise, so that they change their attitude to make ourselves feel more comfortable..

Yet what if this exterior disturbance is actually a reflection of something that is within us? So instead of resisting and trying to force another person to change,When something disturbs us, it is an invitation for us to find the peace within. To move to our center and hold that space as an example for them to find that peace within themselves.

So the next time somebody says something that disturbs you, be resilient and hold fast to your own inner peace. Trust your knowing that everything is perfectly working out as it should be and then watch as they come into alignment and things shift in remarkable and miraculous ways.

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WHAT WE JUDGE IN ANOTHER WE REJECT IN OURSELVES All of us when threatened feel justified in being judgmental . We look a...


All of us when threatened feel justified in being judgmental . We look at another's behavior and assess wether it feels positive or negative , if the later we become righteous and blame the other. Often demanding that they change their ways or suffer the consequences.

Normally these consequences are some form of rejection . We are effectively trying to distance ourselves from the person and avoid the uncomfortable feelings it brings up . However what we fail to see is that which we judge in another is something we reject in ourselves.

We all have secret sides to us that we have judged , wrong or not good enough, so we hide them away and feel ashamed for them to be seen . So the outward reflection of another's trigger is actually directing us inwards to our own healing .

Instead of rejecting them we can look within and make peace with our own self judgement. Inviting those aspects of ourselves to reunite with us for they often hold some lost childhood, creativity, spontaneity and innocence that we thought we had lost but has been waiting within to be rediscovered.

What have you been judging in another that is really within yourself ?

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The BIG U - A Guide to Self Revolution now available in Ebook a Audio

BEFORE YOUGET LOST REMEMBER TO FIND YOURSELFMany of us get lost in our day-to-day activities and responsibilities, we ar...


Many of us get lost in our day-to-day activities and responsibilities, we are so full with our busy lives that we forget to make time for ourselves and consequently, we lose ourselves in the chaos.

Without fully realizing it we define ourselves by what we do and we are so invested in our to do list, being productive and achieving things, that we actually lose sight as to whether that what we are doing is actually serving us. Very often burning ourselves out because it is not actually in alignment with who we truly. Are .

So before you get lost in the activities of your day, remember to find yourself first. This is the gift of meditation and why most people do it first thing in the morning before the world has awakened. Whether you meditate sitting in nature or in a quiet place in your home, remember to give yourself a moment each day where you reconnect with the source within and find yourself once again .

Make time to find oneself today !

If this resonates Please like , share with someone who needs to see this , and comment below and join my mailing list at my website for more on the new Human operating system for life HUMANITY vr3.0

IF YOU ARE READY FOR YOUR OWN SELF REVOLUTION , then For Self Revolution Coaching Sessions email [email protected].

The BIG U - A Guide to Self Revolution now available in Ebook a Audio

IN THE DARKNESS BE YOUR OWN LIGHT Darkness is often associated with negative ideology.  That there is something hidden w...


Darkness is often associated with negative ideology. That there is something hidden within it that could be dangerous , therefore we seek to avoid the dark.

However, rather than choosing to fear what is unseen, we could instead be optimistic, and choose to understand that what we cannot see is a gift waiting to be discovered.

When Life places us in a situation where we cannot see, it is actually prompting us to stop. Like when we close our eyes in meditation, in the absence of visual information from the outside, we are invited to look within.

The darkness is calling us to shine love onto the situation. For when we are willing to look with the light of Love, we become a 'light unto ourselves' .

What is revealed that was hidden in the darkness , is an aspect of ourselves that we disconnected from in an attempt to protect ourselves. So what we feared is actually a lost part of us being invited back to reconnect as we take a step closer to wholeness..

Discover the light within yourself today!

If this resonates Please like , share with someone who needs to see this , and comment below and join my mailing list at my website for more on the new Human operating system for life HUMANITY vr3.0

IF YOU ARE READY FOR YOUR OWN SELF REVOLUTION , then For Self Revolution Coaching Sessions email [email protected].

The BIG U - A Guide to Self Revolution now available in Ebook a Audio

The savior is always seeking their own salvationThe world is full of savors in many forms hero's ; healers ; teachers , ...

The savior is always seeking their own salvation

The world is full of savors in many forms hero's ; healers ; teachers , who are all driven by an altruistic motivation to help others, which is the most beautiful expression of love. However, what is not realized is that underneath the surface there is deeper reason for this motivation.

For In order to save someone we need to find a person who needs saving. So although on the surface this seems to be worthy cause from a soul's perspective, where we are all One, those we seek are a reflection of ours that we are manifesting in order to heal something within us.

At a certain point we find ourselves exhausted by this never ending task and we turn around and realize we have been avoiding this ownership and that it is ourselves that need salvation?

When we have completed our own work , we no longer see others as broken and recognize that everyone is another aspect of the divine unification perfectly discovering themselves in their journey through life.

Then we can hold a place of support and guidance without defining worth by how successful we are at saving others. Instead of fixing , our lives become a living example of inspiration for others.

Who are you trying to save that is avoiding your own work ??

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1073 Nanihoku Place
Haiku, HI



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