Thank you so much to everyone who helped get to the shore today & save his life. Me and my family are grateful for all the hands that helped. Was so scary not seeing him come up after falling on that wave. I’m here wishing I did more & got to him faster but I know he was in good hands & just tried to be there how I could for him in that moment. Thank you so much to whoever grabbed him first, to for taking charge until we could get him with to take over. They brought him back to life on the beach.There was life back in his eyes. He spoke words. The feelings where overwhelming. He is in the ICU right now & last update is he will be kept asleep for the next 72 hours in order to heal the best. right now we all need to send all of our healing energy & prayers his way. He is so strong and has so much life left in him. I love you so much big brother. I know he’d probably roust me for making this post cause he’s the real deal haha but I truly believe the collective positive energy and prayers make a difference so please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Let’s send all the Love,Strength,Mana, Healing , positive energy & Life his way. I love you so much big brother.