Dear Elder Kaufusi,
You have been recommended as one worthy to represent the Lord as a minister of the restored gospel.
As you devote your time and attention to
serving the Lord, leaving behind all other personal affairs, the Lord will bless you with increased
knowledge and testimony of the Restoration and of the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Your purpose will be to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel
through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy
Ghost, and enduring to the end. As you serve with all your heart, might, and strength, the Lord will
lead you to those who are prepared to be baptized.
The Lord will reward you for the goodness of your life.
#entertolearngoforthtoserve #thelordsarmy #onamissionfromgod #blessed #godsplan #gobegreat
As we near the end of the busy holiday season 🎄 we would like to say Māuruuru, Mālō Aupito, Fa’afetai Tele, Vinaka, Mahalo Nunui! We couldn’t have done it without all of your support for our small wahine Polynesian owned business. We hope to continue to create keepsakes that represent Polynesia where we go in the world. From our Ohana to your, Happy Holidays!
But if, by a still, small voice he calls
To paths that I do not know,
I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine:
I’ll go where you want me to go.
The time has come for Elder @manuleleahyou to leave his home field and consecrate his time to serving the people of the Philipines 🇵🇭 for the next 2 years. The fields are ready for you to harvest Elder!
#missionarywork #entertolearngoforthtoserve #thywillbedone #best2years
Meet Lose (low-say) also know as Rosie. Our cute niece is channeling her inner creativity juices and 🧶crocheting some cute fun stuffed characters and selling them to help with her upcoming club volleyball fees!! She’s already sold a few and trying to make some new ones. Stay tuned for pictures of what we will have available. We love seeing our youth thrive and find things that excite them. #teachthemyoung #youngentrepreneur #volleyballislife🏐
Kingsley Manulele Purcell Ah You
Senior Class President
Kahuku High School
Red Raider Rooted
Ready for the next field of battle✅✅✅
This stud isn’t skipping a beat and is ready to leave one field for the next. In July he will officially report to his next field to become a member of the Lord’s battalion and work to invite others to come unto Christ. So proud of you Manulele. The fields are ripe and ready for you to harvest. Show em how the country raised you!!
#kahukuredraiders #redraidernation🖤❤️ #ahyouready #faithfamilyfootball
Shout out to the beautiful @shace.niu who is graduating today from Taft College. ShaCe is a student athlete who played on the @taftcollegevb team👏🏽🤩! So proud of her for setting goals and crushing them💪🏽. Excited to see what she does next!!
#gradszn #collegegraduate #studentathlete #thefutureisnow
@napuaalahawaii has been a longtime supporter and client of MeiRava Designs. Grateful for the opportunities to be supported by local small businesses like them. Their branding and packaging have changed over the years but their product has been consistently on point displaying perfectly the fragrances of Hawai’i. Hands down the Pikake scent is the best one😍😍.
Seeing our designs come to life in print and being able to take product photos to send to Japan has been a dream come true. We are excited for our upcoming project with Napua’ala and can’t wait to show them off.
#madeinhawaii #madebyahawaiian #manawahine #supportlocal #koolauloabodycare
Aloha Lā Mei! 🌺Happy Lei Day in Hawai‘i. In the islands, we definitely love our lei. We love any opportunity to wear fresh sweet scented flowers. We need to normalize #makeleiwearleisharelei because a lei definitely brightens any day! Tell us your favorite lei to wear or make! #maydayisleidayinhawaii #puakenikenilei #tiarelei