Happy Labor Day!!!
I hope that you all, family and friends are enjoying the time off and with your families!
We, the Brandywine Events partners and Team, have been busy the past few months, and the next few will be busier.
We have completed seventeen client expos in seventeen different cities. We have implemented a unique floor plan that allows more engagement between the exhibitors and the attendees. Helped the eighty different exhibitors as they load in, set up and navigate the locations, while welcoming and registering over 4,800 attendees collectively.
It has been a learning experience, working with the different hotels and their av companies to accomplish the job. As always, every time we go out, we learn another aspect of the Hospitality Industry, which adds to what we all do.
I am thankful for my partners, our team, our client, exhibitors, attendees and the works at each hotel/venue.
So my dear family, and friends, please know that while I may not be able to be in touch as much as I would like, you are all very much on my mind and in my heart! Thank you for your support and just being there.
All the best wishes, and God bless you all! -----Lou