Without A Hitch -Weddings and Notary

Without A Hitch -Weddings and Notary Desoto and Shelby Counties surrounding - Licensed Marriage Officiant. Legally Ordained to marry in the State of MS/TN


Happy Valentine's Day!!
I will be at the Desoto County Courthouse for last minute weddings today. Come See me...

Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Kevin Hudson on their recent wedding. What a beautiful couple and wedding by the lake with...

Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Kevin Hudson on their recent wedding. What a beautiful couple and wedding by the lake with family.

Valentines week is filling up. Call now for appointments.


Takes about 20 min to get your license in the Desoto County Courthouse. The license application can be downloaded ahead of time and I can send you the download to save time. No witnesses needed. A Mississippi License does not expire. If you have been divorced within 6 months you must bring your papers with you. A valid photo ID is required. Example: passport, Drivers License. And you must be 21 years old without Parental concent.

My Courthouse Ceremonies takes about 7-10 minutes and I sign the Marriage License and turn in the signed required Mississippi paperwork you are given from the Marriage Office. All Ceremonies are not allowed to be done inside do we do them just outside the Courthouse. I usually do mine at the Side Doors where it is more private.

I will also go to parks, homes and venue weddings and I can quote for those arrangements.

Call for more info. Check out my website and page.

Without A Hitch Weddings And Notary Oxford, Mississippi- Town Square Panola County Chamber of Commerce Desoto Arts Council Tate County Circuit Clerk's Office Olive Branch Parks and Recreation Visit DeSoto County Hernando Main Street Chamber of Commerce Batesville Area Chamber of Commerce DeSoto County Government DeSoto Police Department Visit Oxford Lafayette County, MS City of Southaven Parks & Recreation Dept M.R. Davis Southaven Public Library Venue The Red Barn Reception Hall One Memphis St Hernando Jim Saucer Memorial Park Southaven Mississippi

Love is  in the air… Valentines 💘 Day is nearing and those that want to get married near that date need to get your appo...

Love is in the air… Valentines 💘 Day is nearing and those that want to get married near that date need to get your appointment now. I am booking up fast.

Monday January 27th and Thursday 30th next week are booked solid and Saturday Feb 1st is close. The following week Tuesday the 4th is booked early. Wednesday the 5th and 10th late are booked. Right now those are my bookings but that changes daily.

A few of my most recent weddings.
“Love has given you wings, wherever the wind carry’s you, you will be by each other side.” May I extend my love and support for your relationship to flourish.

One Memphis St Hernando Hernando Main Street Chamber of Commerce Hernando Happenins The Red Barn Reception Hall Desoto Arts Council Visit DeSoto County Oxford, Mississippi- Town Square DeSoto County Government Without A Hitch Weddings And Notary Olive Branch Parks and Recreation Lafayette County, MS Visit Oxford Panola County Chamber of Commerce Batesville Area Chamber of Commerce Tate County Circuit Clerk's Office DeSoto Police Department City of Southaven Parks & Recreation Dept Jim Saucer Memorial Park Southaven Mississippi M.R. Davis Southaven Public Library Venue

It has been a busy Christmas Wedding season. Wishing all these  couples a wonderful year ahead and beautiful life togeth...

It has been a busy Christmas Wedding season. Wishing all these couples a wonderful year ahead and beautiful life together.

“May the magic of Christmas fill your hearts with the same wonder and enchantment you felt on your wedding day”

Without A Hitch -Weddings and Notary Without A Hitch Weddings And Notary Desoto Arts Council Oxford, Mississippi- Town Square Tate County Circuit Clerk's Office The Red Barn Reception Hall Hernando Main Street Chamber of Commerce One Memphis St Hernando Visit DeSoto County DeSoto County Government Panola County Chamber of Commerce Visit Oxford Batesville Area Chamber of Commerce Lafayette County, MS Hernando Happenins

In Remembrance Of Our Veterans How Veteran's Day Came To BeTVMO COMMUNITY NEWSU.S. NATIONAL NEWS (TVMO) - As millions of...

In Remembrance Of Our Veterans

How Veteran's Day Came To Be

U.S. NATIONAL NEWS (TVMO) - As millions of people across America do not have to attend work today as it is a federal holiday, and hundreds of veterans get ready to head out and get their free breakfasts, lunch, and dinner. We thought that we would share with you all, how Veteran’s Day came to be.

Still image of Remembrance Sunday Parade in London November 10, 2024.
The origins of Veteran’s Day can be traced back to a cold and wet November day in 1918, when hostilities between the Allied Armies (Great Britain and it’s empire, America, and France) accepted the surrender of the Central Powers (Imperial German Forces and their allies) that brough about an end to one of the most bitter and bloodiest wars in human history, which was World War One.

Back then, the Armistice as it came to be known was an agreement that the Imperial German Army and their allies would surrender to the allied powers at the 11th hour, of the 11th day, on the 11th month. In fact, peace negations had initially started in early October 1918, after the Allied Armies commenced a new offensive in September 1918.

During the early stages of the peace negotiations, the Allied Armies has drafter a document outlining 14 points that would have to be part of the peace process, which initially Germany did not agree to. However, a mini revolution occurred in Germany on October 29 and 30, as the German population had grown sick of the war.
Then, late on the evening of November 7, 1918, a delegation of German representatives was allowed to cross the allied lines in Northern France and embark on a 10 hour journey across the war ravaged land under armed guard to a meeting with allied representatives in the Forest of Compiegne.

The setting for the meeting was a train carriage parked at a siding in the forest, which was the personal headquarters of the French commander, Marshal Foch. It was later reported that Foch only attended the meetings twice: the first time was on the morning of November 8 to ask the German delegation what they wanted, then on the morning of November 11 to witness the German delegation singing the peace agreement.

For 72 hours the German delegation tried in vain to change several of the points of surrender, as they the saw the terms laid out by the allied powers as to harsh. But then on November 10, allied news papers were running stories that the German Kaiser (German King) had abdicated. The Kaisers abdication weakened the German negations considerably, as now it was seen that the once powerful German nation was on a collision course to collapse.

Photo taken on the morning of November 11, 1918, of the allied commanders who brokered the peace deal with Germany after WW1 officially ended.

Shortly before 5:00 a.m. on the morning of November 11, 1918, Marshal Foch was informed the German’s were ready to sign the surrender. Then less than an hour later, the German peace delegates officially signed the unconditional surrender, which was set to come into effect later that day at 11:00 a.m.
Oddly, despite the German’s conceding defeat, this did not stop the slaughter. Because once allied commanders in the field had received news that the German’s had surrendered and the war would be officially over by 11:00 a.m., the American general in command of the 89th Infantry Division, General William Wright, ordered his men to assault the town of French town Stenay.

The reason for this bizarre order, which led to the loss of even more American soldiers in the closing hours of the war, was so that the General and his men could have access to a bath house in the German held part of Stenay. All the American’s had to do was sit and wait, as once 11:00 a.m. rolled around they would have access to it anyway. Yet, it seems Wright wanted one last battle before the war was over.

U.S. General William Wright former commander of the 89th Infantry Division who ordered the assault on Stenay for a bath house.

Over 300 American soldiers lost their lives in the Battle of Stenay, and when it came to light what Wright had done, despite being told to sit tight he was quickly replaced. Then then when families of the soldiers killed became aware of why Wright ordered the final charge into the town, there was public outcry.

However, other then Wright being replaced shortly after the assault on the town, nothing more was done to him. In fact, from the end of the war until the time he retired from the army in 1923, he was given some of the most sought after commands of the time.

By late 1919, the true human cost of the war has finally be tallied by the allied powers and they found they had lost over 1.5 million allied soldiers had lost their lives during World War One. Britain 885,138 deaths, France 1,397,800, Russia 1,811,000, Italy 651,000, Serbia 275,000 and the U.S. 116,708. On top of this over 1 million civilians had also been killed and the Central Powers had lost over 2 million soldiers.

Then in 1920, the Allies decided to mark the loss of so many soldiers on November 11 each year, by holding parades so that veterans of the First World War could march in their local towns and the nations capitols.

However, after the end of the Second World War in 1945, there was a growing movement in America to have a national day of mourning for WW2 soldiers. Whereas other allied nations simple made Armistice Day into Remembrance Day, with the closest Sunday to 11/11 being designated for parades.

U.S. World War 1 veteran Joseph Ambrose at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial dedication in 1982. Ambrose can be seen clutching the U.S. flag that was draped over his sons coffin, after he was killed in the Korean War.

By 1954, several veterans organizations in American had successfully lobbied congress to change the designation of Armistice Day to Veteran’s Day, which took effect in 1955. Then, to remember the fallen of conflicts America had fought in, Memorial Day was established in May of each year, which would also be a federal holiday.

Despite the designation of Veterans Day, up until the late 1980’s, many American veterans of WW1 and WW2 still officially marked Remembrance Day on 11/11, and even wore poppies like their allied counterparts in Britain, the Commonwealth, Canada, and France. However, as the WW1 veterans died off so did the parades.
By the late 1990’s, many people across America had all but given up the tradition of marking 11/11 as Remembrance Day and observed 11/11 as Veteran’s Day.

Memphis Veterans Day Parade Hernando Veterans Parade Visit Oxford Panola County Chamber of Commerce Desoto Arts Council Batesville Area Chamber of Commerce Visit DeSoto County Lafayette County, MS Hernando Main Street Chamber of Commerce DeSoto County Government Without A Hitch Weddings And Notary

Fall has begun and time has changed and these couples are beginning a new life together starting with November 2024. Whe...

Fall has begun and time has changed and these couples are beginning a new life together starting with November 2024. Whether it’s courthouse or the Southaven Waterfall you can have a beautiful ceremony.

You can call and I can meet you normally within around 30-1 hr depending on where you are in the surrounding area of the courthouse. Other arrangements can be made with appointment. Call or text for more info. 901-489-4669

The Red Barn Reception Hall DeSoto County Government Visit DeSoto County Desoto Arts Council DeSoto Police Department Tate County Circuit Clerk's Office Panola County Chamber of Commerce Batesville Area Chamber of Commerce Hernando Main Street Chamber of Commerce Visit Oxford Lafayette County, MS Without A Hitch -Weddings and Notary Happenins Olive Branch Parks and Recreation

It was a Spooky Halloween Wedding Day for these two couples. They asked for costume and I gladly said yes. For many peop...

It was a Spooky Halloween Wedding Day for these two couples. They asked for costume and I gladly said yes. For many people this is a Holiday they love to celebrate in fashion.

I’m available normally within 30 minutes for Courthouse and park weddings and appointments can be made for venue and home weddings.


Desoto Arts Council Lafayette County, MStDeSoto County Chamber of CommercerSenatobia Main StreetaPanola County Chamber of CommercerBatesville Area Chamber of CommercerVisit Oxford The Red Barn Reception HalleVisit DeSoto CountyDTate County Circuit Clerk's OfficelCity of Senatobia MS-GovernmentMMarshall County, MS Circuit Clerk's OfficelCity of Hernando, MS – Government Without A Hitch Weddings And NotarygShelby County Circuit CourtCOxford, Mississippi- Town Square- Town Square


Halloween is almost here. Looking for a Wedding Officiant in Costume? Call I’m booking up. 901-489-4669

Congratulations to a few of our newest couples. May you have years of happiness. Without A Hitch performs last minute co...

Congratulations to a few of our newest couples. May you have years of happiness.

Without A Hitch performs last minute courthouse weddings. With a phone call I can be there in 30- 45 mins sometimes less. And yes I also do home, park and venue weddings for appointments and rehearsal dates please call.

The Desoto Circuit Court issues the License and I perform the ceremony. It all can take place the same day if done during the weekday. I also will perform the ceremony on weekends if you already have the license. I also travel to other counties.

I can also perform Tennessee weddings but call for more info.

Check out my website for more info and downloadable forms for name changing after weddiHernando Main Street Chamber of CommerceiTate County Circuit Clerk's OfficebVisit DeSoto County City of Hernando, MS – GovernmentiBatesville Area Chamber of CommerceSMarshall County, MS Circuit Clerk's OfficeoPanola County Chamber of CommercetVisit OxfordiPanola County MississippioShelby County Circuit CourtoDeSoto County Chamber of CommercetCity of Senatobia MS-GovernmenthWithout A Hitch Weddings And Notary The Red Barn Reception Hallch Weddings And Notary The Red Barn Reception Hall

Check out our new website www.withoutahitch.net Available for last minute courthouse weddings.

Check out our new website www.withoutahitch.net

Available for last minute courthouse weddings.


I would like to congratulate my newest couple Mr and Mrs Reginald Felton!!

This was a first for me to have their son at the service by FaceTime and in the pictures. How special is that?

Call for last minute courthouse ceremonies or your in the future venue wedding. Janet (901) 489-4669


Desoto Arts Council Hernando Main Street Chamber of Commerce The Red Barn Reception Hall Panola County Mississippi DeSoto County Government Visit DeSoto County Holly Springs Main Street Chamber Visit Oxford Tate County Circuit Clerk's Office Shelby County Circuit Court Without A Hitch -Weddings and Notary Batesville Main Street Program City of Southaven - Municipal Government City of Hernando, MS – Government Senatobia, Mississippi DeSoto County Chamber of Commerce

Check out our new website…www.withoutahitch.netjanet@withoutahitch.net or for faster service 901-489-4669Still in the cr...

Check out our new website…


[email protected] or for faster service 901-489-4669

Still in the creative stage but working on it. Thanks for everyone who visits.

Panola County Mississippi City of Hernando, MS – Government Hernando Main Street Chamber of Commerce The Red Barn Reception Hall Without A Hitch -Weddings and Notary Visit DeSoto County Tate County Circuit Clerk's Office Oxford Town Square (Mississippi) Without A Hitch Weddings And Notary DeSoto County Chamber of Commerce Holly Springs Main Street Chamber Marshall County, MS Circuit Clerk's Office Visit Oxford Tunica County MS Panola County Chamber of Commerce City of Senatobia MS-Government Lafayette County, MS Shelby County Circuit Court Batesville Area Chamber of Commerce Oxford, Mississippi- Town Square

Discover our professional ministers available for rent to officiate your wedding ceremony. Courthouse weddings available too!

HOW TO WRITE A GREAT BEST MAN SPEECHThis is a chance for you to say some kind words about your relationship with the cou...


This is a chance for you to say some kind words about your relationship with the couple and your best friend. Wedding speeches are meant to be quick, lighthearted moments during the reception, so while you should expend effort crafting thoughtful words, you don't have to overthink it. Still, we know public speaking doesn't come easily for everyone, and if the thought of public speaking has your kneecaps sweating….

Typically, a three to five-minute toast meant to honor the couple, the best man speech is not only held in high regard, but is an age-old tradition many look forward to hearing at the rehearsal dinner or reception. These speeches are so popular, in fact, that countless TV shows and movies have immortalized this one special moment in a variety of ways.

• The Wedding Singer

In a scene from The Wedding Singer, actor Steve Buscemi plays a hilarious, but completely unhinged, best man. In his special toast during the reception, Buscemi's character delivers a drunken speech that includes topics like his stint in a rehab facility, family traumas, and exposed hidden secrets. While noteworthy and highly entertaining, this movie moment is a prime example of what not to do in the real world. https://youtu.be/lt9IJX0qI6o

• Friends (The One With Ross's Wedding: Part 2)

During Ross Geller (David Schwimmer) and Emily Waltham's (Helen Baxendale) rehearsal dinner, best men Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry) and Joey Tribbiani (Matt LeBlanc) take center stage to deliver a best man speech everyone will love. Unfortunately, they both fail. Though Chandler tries to be funny, his humor and sarcasm get lost in the crowd, which ultimately leads to an embarrassing toast. As for Joey, while his toast seemingly starts off great, the quirky character ends up going on several tangents completely unrelated to the wedding, like his love for New York City and the United States. https://youtu.be/8Tyh-NlP4Xo

• Four Weddings and a Funeral

Fictional best man speeches are usually those that can be categorized as catastrophic, inappropriate, and downright bad. However, in Four Weddings and a Funeral, best man Charles, played by Hugh Grant, delivers a lovely toast filled with humor, personal anecdotes, and a focus on the couple's love for each other—the perfect recipe for a best man speech. https://youtu.be/qTW2odOrMxY

• The Best Man

After almost completely sabotaging his best friends' wedding, Harper Stewart (Taye Diggs) redeems himself at the reception with a graceful and thoughtful best man speech. By focusing on the couple and highlighting the unbreakable bond between husband, Lance Sullivan (Morris Chestnut), and wife, Mia Morgan (Monica Calhoun), this toast is a heartfelt wedding moment that is remembered today as one of the best toasts in movie history. https://youtu.be/js11RqXLkZg

Find a Theme

A theme is a unifying idea that ties the whole speech together. Think of it as the takeaway of your speech, or the one thing you want guests to remember. The best way to identify your theme is by making a list of your favorite stories. "You’re not going to just write a speech from scratch. Start by brainstorming stories. Most importantly, what you’re looking for is the theme that comes out of those anecdotes," says Litt.

Build a Framework

The best way to organize your thoughts is to create a blueprint of the key points you want to hit first, sort of like a toast skeleton. After you've established the roadmap, fill it in with pertinent details and memories while still ensuring you're staying on point. "Think about it in terms of ideas," says Litt. "You can get in one or two short anecdotes, maybe three, and one big idea. If those are good, you don’t need more."

Brides Tip: Instead of thinking of yourself as the speaker, imagine that you're actually standing in the audience. Think about what the audience would like to hear, rather than what you want to do.

Nail the Opening

According to Cleare, your opening remarks need to be just right. Remember that you only have a few seconds to grab the attention of your audience, so make the most of them. "This can be a fun quote that the bride or groom always says, or you can use the story of your relationship with the [couple] as the opening," she suggests.

Focus on the Newlyweds

Most best men will include a story or two about their friendship with the groom, but don't center the whole speech on it. "Remember the relationship that you’re celebrating is the one between the two people getting married. You’re giving the speech because you can shine some unique light on that relationship," says Litt. "If the relationship that you’re really giving the speech about is the one between you and the groom, things [will get] awkward."

Share Your Feelings

Deliver something more meaningful than one joke after another. "Generally speaking, men think of the best man speech as a funny speech to give because we’re very uncomfortable sharing how we actually feel. But what makes a good, best man speech is the part where somebody shares how they feel. Humor is just the icing on the cake," says Litt. The newlyweds chose you to speak because you have something notable to add to their big day. Embrace your personal insight into their bond and don't try to dilute it by just being funny.

Panola County Mississippi City of Hernando, MS – Government Hernando Main Street Chamber of Commerce The Red Barn Reception Hall Without A Hitch -Weddings and Notary Without A Hitch -Weddings and Notary Visit DeSoto County Tate County Circuit Clerk's Office Oxford Town Square (Mississippi) Without A Hitch Weddings And Notary Batesville Area Chamber of Commerce Byhalia Area Chamber

The Best Man - Best Man's Speech: Harper (Taye Diggs) gives a speech as Lance's (Morris Chestnut) best man.BUY THE MOVIE: https://www.fandangonow.com/details...

The 18 Best Bachelorette Party Destinations in the U.S.******************************Need a Wedding Officiant call Janet...

The 18 Best Bachelorette Party Destinations in the U.S.

Need a Wedding Officiant call Janet with Without A Hitch Weddings. 901-489-4669

Are you planning a bachelorette for your BFF, but have no idea where you’re destined to go? Are you stuck deciding between bronzing on the beach, strolling Southern streets, or living it up in the big city? If you feel yourself nodding along, then you’ve come to the perfect place.

Here are some seriously detailed guides to the best bachelorette party destinations in the U.S. (north, south, east, west, and everything in between!)

Local sources have provided their top picks on where to stay, play, eat and drink in the cities they call home. They even provided the most IG-worthy photo spots.

Popular Bachelorette Party Destinations

1. Austin, Texas

Austin Expert: Shayda Torabi //

Where to Stay

Top hotels: The W, East Austin Hotel, The JW Marriott
Best area/neighborhoods to rent a house: East Austin, Rainey St., South Congress

Where to Eat

Brunch: Banger’s, Wu Chow
Lunch/Small plates: Odd Duck, Fresa’s, Swift’s Attic
Fancy dinner: ATX Cocina, Sway Thai, Comedor
Casual dinner: Elizabeth Street Cafe

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: The Roosevelt Room, Garage Bar
Best dive bar: Whisler’s, Nickel City
Best club/bar for dancing: The White Horse, Barbarella, Broken Spoke

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: Swim at Barton Springs, bar hop on Rainey St, tour the Texas Capitol, Kayaking or SUP Lady Bird Lake
Best place to take a group photo/Instagrammable spots: Greetings from Austin sign on S. 1st, hike Mount Bonnell, Zilker Park
Additional Tips & Advice
Here’s a google city map I put together for Austin

For more ideas, check out our full Austin Bachelorette Party Guide!

2. Charleston, South Carolina

Charleston Expert: Anabelle Barnett //

Where to Stay

Top hotels: Hotel Bennett, The Restoration, Hotel Emeline, The Dewberry
Best area/neighborhood to rent a house: Downtown near King Street or on one of the islands (Sullivans, IOP, or Folly!) The Inns is also a great rental option for groups!

Where to Eat

Brunch: Pages Okra, Mill Street Tavern, or Millers All Day
Lunch/Small plates: Saltwater Cowboys, Home Team Barbecue, Co-Op on Sullivans Island
Fancy dinner: Halls Chophouse, High Cotton
Casual dinner: 167 Raw, Tavern and Table, Little Jacks Tavern, Coastal Crust

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: Vintage, Bourbon and Bubbles, Frannie and the Fox, Camellias at Hotel Bennett, Citrus Club
Best dive bar: Henrys, Blind Tiger
Best club/bar for dancing: Uptown Social, Trio, Ink

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: Rainbow Row, Shem Creek
Best place to take a group photo/any Instagrammable spots: The Battery, Rainbow Row, any rooftop (Hotel Bennett and Uptown Social are two faves)

Make sure to check out complete Charleston bachelorette party guide for more ideas! https://modernmoh.com/bachelorette-party/charleston-bachelorette-party/

3. Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Fort Lauderdale Expert: Jillian Buleha // & fabulouslyfloridian.com

Where to Stay

Top hotels: The Dalmar, W Fort Lauderdale, Kimpton the Goodland Hotel, The Four Seasons
Best area/neighborhood to rent a house: Rio Vista, Coral Ridge

Where to Eat

Brunch: Burlock Coast, YOT Bar + Kitchen, Shooters Waterfront, Java & Jam, Milk Money Bar & Kitchen
Lunch/Small plates: Pura Vida, Lona Cocina Tequiliria, Sistrunk Marketplace and Brewery, JB&C Juice Bar, Bar Rita, The Poke House, Doc B’s
Fancy dinner: Ya Mas!, Boatyard, Chima, Del Friscos Grill, TAKATO, Heritage, Dune, Shooters, Lobster Bar Sea Grille
Casual dinner: Phat Boy Sushi, TacoCraft, Brown Dog Eatery, Park & Ocean

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: The Dalmar, The Wilder, The Sparrow Rooftop, Rivertail, Rooftop , Bar Rita, Roccos Tacos, Here and Now, Bodega
Best dive bar: Glitch Bar, 4:30 Boardroom Bar
Best club/bar for dancing: Rhythm & Vine, The Hub, The Wharf

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: Bonnet House Museum & Gardens, Las Olas, Lauderdale Beach
Best place to take a group photo/any Instagrammable spots: The Dalmar, F.A.T. Village Arts District, Eucalyptus Gardens, Breakers Ave

Additional Tips & Advice

Take a boat ride through the intercoastal! And visit The Wonder Shop!
Be sure to read full guide on planning the best Fort Lauderdale Bachelorette Party! https://modernmoh.com/bachelorette-party/fort-lauderdale-bachelorette-party/

4. Nashville, Tennessee

Nashville Expert: Emily Barrow //
Where to Stay
Top hotels: Thompson Hotel
Best area/neighborhood to rent a house: 12th South

Where to Eat

Brunch: Milk and Honey
Lunch/Small plates: Burger Up
Fancy dinner: Husk
Casual dinner: Taqueria Del Sol

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: LA Jackson
Best dive bar: Bastion
Best club/bar for dancing: Anywhere on Broadway!

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: Country Music Hall of Fame, Arrington Vineyards, Topgolf, Grand Ole Opry, Ryman Auditorium, all the honky-tonks on Broadway downtown
Best place to take a group photo/any Instagrammable spots: SO many- tons of murals in 12 South (Draper James stripes, I Believe in Nashville, Looking Pretty, etc.), the Gulch (wings, colorful walls) and East Nash, Winky Lux
Check out full guide to a honky-tonk bachelorette party in Nashville here. https://modernmoh.com/bachelorette-party/nashville-bachelorette-party/

5. New Orleans, Louisiana

Our New Orleans Experts: Alessandra Madrid & Maggie Robert // & babesxo.com

Where to Stay

Top hotels: NOPSI Hotel, The Chloe, Moxy Hotel, The Eliza Jane
Best area/neighborhood to rent a house: CBD, Garden District, Uptown

Where to Eat

Brunch: Willa Jean, Broussard’s, Justine
Lunch/Small plates: Domenica, Birdy’s, Curio
Fancy dinner: Commander’s Palace, Jack Rose, Couvant
Casual dinner: Sylvain, Pêche

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: Carousel Bar, Effervescence, Cure, Bar Marilou
Best dive bar: Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop Bar, Ms. Mae’s, Hi Ho Lounge
Best club/bar for dancing: Anywhere on Bourbon street!

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: Get yourself a map of the city, get a streetcar pass, and tour the French Quarter, Bywater, The Marigny, Mid City, The Garden District & Uptown

Best place to take a group photo/any Instagrammable spots: NOLA is filled with historical and ‘grammable spots!

Additional Tips & Advice

Check out full guide to a NOLA bachelorette https://modernmoh.com/bachelorette-party/new-orleans-bachelorette-party/

6. Savannah, Georgia

Savannah Expert: Megan Fowler // & beingmrsfowler.com

Where to Stay
Top hotels: The Alida or Perry Lane
Best area/neighborhood to rent a house: Ardsley Park

Where to Eat

Brunch: Collins Quarter
Lunch/Small plates: Flying Monk, Zunzi’s, Mrs. Wilkes, Jazz’d Tapas
Fancy dinner: The Pink House or Elizabeth’s on 37th
Casual dinner: Green Truck Pub, The Grove, or Treylor Park

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: Jen’s and Friends
Best dive bar: Pour Larry’s
Best club/bar for dancing: 51 Degrees
*There are AMAZING rooftop bars at The Cotton Sail, The Bohemian, The Alida, and Perry Lane

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: Shopping on Broughton Street, Trolley Tour, Haunted Pub Crawl
Best place to take a group photo/any Instagrammable spots: Forsyth Park Fountain, anywhere on Riverstreet, tons of murals scattered throughout the city, any of the squares, Waving Girl Statue on River Street

Additional Tips & Advice

While River Street is fun and there is a lot to do, all of the locals hang out in City Market. There is often live music playing and a ton of great bars in that area. Kendra Scott on Broughton will do Color Bar parties for bachelorettes and they will provide champagne.
Something fun to do during the day would be Savannah Slow Ride. It is a GIANT bicycle-type ride that plays music and you can drink. Savannah is also very close to Tybee Island so the beach is another great option.

Other great restaurants include The Grey, Husk, The Vault, Kayak Kportlanafe, Soho South Cafe, Rise, Better Than S*x Dessert Bar, Lulu’s Chocolate Bar, The Lady and Sons, and so many more! Savannah has risen to a “foodie” destination in the last few years.

7. Scottsdale, Arizona

Scottsdale Expert: Cynthia Sassi // & fabulousarizona.com

Where to Stay
Top hotels: W Scottsdale (right in the heart of everything fun in Old Town). Senna House – boutique hotel right in the heart of Old Town. The Canopy Scottsdale – right in Old Town as well, can be a little more affordable than W.
Best area/neighborhood to rent a house: Old Town Scottsdale (walking distance to restaurants, bars, pools, etc.)

Where to Eat

Brunch: Farm & Craft (fun, Instagram-worthy cocktails), Francine
Lunch/Small plates: The Herb Box
Fancy dinner: Ocean 44, Francine, Maple & Ash
Casual dinner: Hand Cut Chophouse, Olive & Ivy
Fun dinner: Mama Por Dios (this is quite a show. They are a restaurant from Hollywood, very over the top)

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: Second Story Liquor Bar, Outrider Rooftop Bar at The Canopy Scottsdale Hotel (great view!)
Best dive bar: Pattie’s
Best club/bar for dancing: Riot House

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: For a bachelorette party specifically, I say pool time at the W Hotel and Hotel Valley Ho, hiking (if not too hungover, lol), walking Old Town Scottsdale – the Waterfront and the Arts District.

Best place to take a group photo/any Instagrammable spots: Hotel Valley Ho (they have a really cute “It’s always sunny in Scottsdale” mural)

Additional Tips & Advice

Do a wine tasting at Merkin Wine Bar in Old Town
Big City Bachelorette Destinations
8. Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Expert: Christine // & thechicagogoodlife.com

Where to Stay

Top hotels: The Hoxton, Viceroy Chicago, The Robey
Best area/neighborhood to rent a house: River North, Gold Coast, Lakeview

Where to Eat

Brunch: Beatrix, Somerset (inside of Viceroy hotel), The Robey, Gather, Stax Cafe
Lunch/Small plates: Cafe Ba-Ba-Reeba!, Little Goat Diner, Big Star
Fancy dinner: Bavette’s, Siena Tavern, Aba, Cabra (inside The Hoxton)
Casual dinner: 90 Miles Cuban Cafe (great for large groups and BYO), The Purple Pig, Park & Field

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: The Violet Hour
Best dive bar: Lots of dive bars up and down Hubbard Street or Division Street, Howl at the Moon
Best club/bar for dancing: SUB 51, Underground

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: Millennium Park, Lincoln Park, architecture tours, water taxi, Wrigleyville
Best place to take a group photo/any Instagrammable spots: Cindy’s, The Hoxton Hotel, Punch Bowl Social, The Robey, City Winery at the Riverwalk
Check out complete Chicago bachelorette party guide for a full list of ideas! https://modernmoh.com/bachelorette-party/chicago-bachelorette-party/

9. Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas Expert: Margareth Martin // & whensheroams.com

Where to Stay

Top hotels: Wynn
Best area/neighborhood to rent a house: Downtown Las Vegas (close to a lot of attractions)

Where to Eat

Brunch: Bardot Brasserie
Lunch/Small plates: Firefly
Fancy dinner: Mon Ami Gabi (French) and Yellowtail (Japanese). Both restaurants overlook the Bellagio fountains
Casual dinner: Esther’s Kitchen

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: Velveteen Rabbit, The Chandelier
Best dive bar: Atomic Liquors
Best club/bar for dancing: Encore Beach Club

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: Bellagio Water Show, Seven Magic Mountains, Neon Museum, Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Fremont Street
Best place to take a group photo/any Instagrammable spots: Seven Magic Mountains, Downtown Street Art, Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Sign, Bellagio Conservatory & Botanical Gardens

Looking for more ideas, check out full Las Vegas Bachelorette Party guide! https://modernmoh.com/bachelorette-party/las-vegas-bachelorette-party/

10. Miami, Florida

Miami Expert: Taryn Walker // & misstarynwalker.com

Where to Stay

Top hotels: 1 Hotel South Beach, Faena, Edition, East Hotel. A super stylish and more affordable option would be the Cadillac Hotel.
Best area/neighborhood to rent a house: Renting a house on the Venetian Island is always a good idea, however, you can also stay in other places such as South Beach, or Brickell, and Downtown Miami for a more city feel. North Beach is also an option, however, it’s a bit further from the center of it all.

Where to Eat

Brunch: Swan, Zuma, Nikki Beach, Mandolin Bistro, Novikov, Beaker and Gray, Kiki on the River, and Seaspice are great for more of a party brunch.
Lunch/Small plates: Sugar Rooftop, Yardbird, Lokal Burgers and Beer, Mandolin Bistro, Pubbelly Sushi, Big Pink
Fancy dinner: Swan, Komodo, Baoil, Bagatelle, Seaspice (party dinners) Katsuya, KYU, Hakasan, Mr. Chow, Zuma, Prime 112, 1 Hotel Rooftop, Pao Faena
Casual dinner: P**c Yea, Yardbird, Mandolin Bistro, Pubbelly Sushi, Upland, Big Pink, B Bistro & Bakery

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: Sugar Rooftop, Komodo, The Anderson, Bar Bevy, Stubborn Seed, Broken Shaker, Swan
Best dive bar: Sweet Liberty, Broken Shaker, The ScapeGoat
Best club/bar for dancing: LIV, Story, Mynt, Baoli, Bagatelle, Seaspice, Sweet Liberty, Nikki Beach

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: Design District, Wynwood
Best place to take a group photo/any Instagrammable spots: Nikki Beach, Dior Cafe, Wynwood Walls

Additional Tips & Advice

It’s important to keep in mind that many places in Miami automatically include gratuity into the bill, be sure to check your bill always to see if the gratuity has been included to prevent double tipping!


11. New York City, New York

New York City Expert: Steffie Price // & steffieinthecity.com

Where to Stay

Top hotels: Pod Hotels has several locations and are generally inexpensive. For something higher-end, We recommend the Sixty Hotel, which also has a few different locations.
Best area/neighborhood to rent a house: SoHo

Where to Eat

Brunch: The Smith
Lunch/Small plates: Sant Ambroeus. For small plates I recommend ilili.
Fancy dinner: Scarpetta or any Blue Ribbon location
Casual dinner: ATLA

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: Gitano
Best dive bar: Doc Holliday’s
Best club/bar for dancing: Marquee, Le Bain, House of Yes

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: Top of the Rock, Times Square, Washington Square Park, Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge Park
Best place to take a group photo/any Instagrammable spots: https://steffieinthecity.com/the-15-most-instagrammable-spots-in-nyc/ I have a whole blog post on the most instagrammable spots in NYC. For group photo, I would say Times Square is a classic or something scenic like Washington St in Dumbo (has a view of the Brooklyn Bridge)

Additional Tips & Advice

You’ll save money if you buy an unlimited weekly metro card for $30. Skip the Uber’s unless it’s late, the train is faster and cheaper! Make reservations ahead of time if it’s going to be a large party of people.

Dress nicely & wear heels to the club – you’ll get in easier this way. A lot of clubs turn you away simply if you’re not wearing heels, no joke! A lot of places are cash only, so bring cash. Tip the bartender generously after your first round and he should take extra good care of your party!

Don’t limit yourself to just Manhattan! Explore Brooklyn too – Dumbo & Williamsburg are the best neighborhoods.
For more ideas and inspiration, read full guide for a New York City bachelorette party. https://modernmoh.com/bachelorette-party/new-york-city-bachelorette-party/

12. San Francisco, California

San Francisco Expert: Kendall Chase // & chasingkendall.com

Where to Stay

Top hotels: The Proper (although Virgin just opened a new hotel and I heard it’s amazing, just haven’t been in person yet)
Best area/neighborhood to rent a house: Hayes Valley

Where to Eat

Brunch: Zazie
Lunch/Small plates: Starbelly, Coquetta
Fancy dinner: Rich Table, Che Fico, Lolinda, Leo’s Oyster Bar, Wayfare Tavern
Casual dinner: Flores, or even more casual Puerto Alegre (great pitchers of margaritas)

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: Charmaine’s (rooftop bar), Pacific Cocktail Haven, Beretta (also a great restaurant), Bourbon and Branch (speakeasy)
Best dive bar: Zeitgeist or Teeth
Best club/bar for dancing: Bars in the Marina District

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: Park day at Dolores Park (pick up sandwiches from Rheas, pizza from Pizzeria Delfina, or snacks from BiRite Market and have a picnic), Sutro Baths/Lands End, Baker Beach (if sunny, great views of the GG bridge). Conservatory of Flowers.

Best place to take a group photo/any Instagrammable spots: Across the GG bridge to the right there’s a viewpoint and to the left is even better if you drive up the hill a little, top of Twin Peaks has a great city skyline, Leo’s Oyster Bar has the most instagrammable interior but not great for a group photo.
For more great ideas, check out full San Francisco bachelorette party guide https://modernmoh.com/bachelorette-party/san-francisco-bachelorette-party/

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Unique Bachelorette Party Destinations

13. Asheville, North Carolina

Asheville Expert: Brooke Williams // & thetonytownie.com

Where to Stay

Top hotels: Grove Park Inn, The Windsor Hotel, or the Grand Bohemian in Biltmore Village. Foundry Hotel (downtown). Kimpton Hotel Arras and Cambria
Best area/neighborhood to rent a house: Close to downtown/Montford or West Asheville to be around downtown/breweries; south Asheville for more of a mountain vibe. Also HIGHLY recommend booking at 45 Asheland Avenue; I stayed there and it’s perfection (more of a condo-tel)

Where to Eat

Brunch: The Edison at Grove Park, Sunny Point Cafe (west AVL), or Capella on 9 (rooftop bar/restaurant downtown)
Lunch/Small plates: Corner Kitchen (Biltmore Village) or Curate (downtown), Benne on Eagle
Fancy dinner: Red Stag Grill or Rhubarb (downtown), Cultura
Casual dinner: Mountain Madre, Chai Pani, or Asheville Pizza Co (downtown), Limones, Ukiah Japanese Smokehouse

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: Sovereign Remedies, Hemingway’s Cuba, Antidote (all downtown)
Best breweries: Sierra Nevada, Wicked W**d, Hillman Beer, Highland, Green Man
Best dive bar: Green Man (the smaller original location), DeSoto Lounge (west AVL)
Best club/bar for dancing: Maybe Ben’s Tune Up (not really a great dancing club here in AVL)

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: Biltmore, Sierra Nevada, Grove Park Inn, La Zoom tour
Best place to take a group photo/any Instagrammable spots: Haywood Road in west AVL has tons of fun wall art and murals, including the famous Dolly Parton mural on the corner of Haywood and Mildred Ave. Biltmore also has tons of beautiful photo ops!

Additional Tips & Advice

History, outdoor adventures, and breweries are the big things about visiting Asheville. Explore downtown and do the South Slope DIY walking brewery tour (details HERE), squeeze in a La Zoom bus tour, and try some good restaurants.
Visiting Biltmore and Grove Park Inn are like taking luxe little journeys through time, both incredibly beautiful and steeped in history. A trip out to Sierra Nevada is a must! Great beer, great local/craft food, live music on Saturdays and Sundays, huge outdoor area with games, fire pit, and rocking chairs.
You can also book outdoor adventures like river tubing (with coolers) and zip-lining. The River Arts District is a great place for crafters, makers, and creatives — lots of galleries plus the Wedge Brewery, District Wine Bar, and good food options.

For more tips and ideas, read full Asheville bachelorette party guide! https://modernmoh.com/bachelorette-party/asheville-bachelorette-party/

14. Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Expert: Sarah Bross //

Where to Stay

Top hotels: Fairmont Copley Plaza
Best area/neighborhood to rent a house: Back Bay or Seaport

Where to Eat

Brunch: Citrus and Salt
Lunch/Small plates: Quincy Market
Fancy dinner: Ocean Prime
Casual dinner: La Familia Giorgio’s

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: Envoy in Seaport
Best dive bar: Bell In Hand Tavern (oldest bar in the country)
Best club/bar for dancing: The Grand in Seaport

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: Copley Square- go in the Boston Public Library (it’s gorgeous). Shop on Newbury street. Walk through the public garden.
Best place to take a group photo/any Instagrammable spots: Go to The Lawn on D in Seaport for drinks and cute instas in the swings!
Additional Tips & Advice
Have dinner or a cannoli in the North End- the little Italy of Boston. Go out in Seaport. Go on a harbor cruise!!! (They have brunch/ lunch/ and dinner cruises) Kayak on the Charles river!

15. Key West, Florida

Key West Expert: Key West Foodies //

Where to Stay
Top hotels: The Marker or The Perry Hotel
Best area/neighborhood to rent a house: 800 Block of Duval or anywhere in the Old Town area

Where to Eat

Brunch: Azur, Oceans Edge, Hot Tin Roof (Sunday only)
Lunch: Amigos, Salute!
Small plates: Santiago’s
Fancy dinner: Latitudes, Ambrosia, Antonia’s
Casual dinner: Blue Heaven, Origami Sushi Bar
Best ice cream: Flamingo Crossing
Best donuts/coffee: Glazed
Best key lime pie: Blue Heaven or Kermit’s Key Lime Shoppe
Best happy hour: Alonzo’s Oyster Bar and Conch Republic Seafood Company
Best late night food: Mr. Z’s
Best Cuban sandwich: Kim’s Kuban or Cuban Coffee Queen
Best dessert: Better Than S*x

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: General Horseplay
Best dive bar: Green Parrot
Best club/bar for dancing: Rick’s

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: Sunset at Mallory Square, a drag show at Aqua, or a sunset cruise on the Fury Water Adventures. Southernmost Point, Fort Zachary Taylor Historic State Park
Best place to take a group photo/any Instagrammable spots: Southernmost Point and the wall outside of Cuban Coffee Queen on Margaret Street
Be sure to read full guide on planning the best Key West Bachelorette Party! https://modernmoh.com/bachelorette-party/key-west-bachelorette-party/

16. Napa Valley, California

Napa Valley Expert: Andrea Luke // & weddingcampnapa.com

Where to Stay

Top hotels: Andaz Downtown or The George Inn – both have options for “larger” groups
Best area/neighborhood to rent a house: Anywhere near downtown Napa- walking distance or within a 3 mile Uber. Yountville can also be fun, but limited.

Where to Eat

Brunch: La Cheve- the best!
Lunch/Small plates: At a winery! Chandon does a great lunch+tasting and Merryvale does Gott’s Burgers delivered WITH your wine tasting!
Fancy dinner: Oenotri for the best Italian in Napa, or head to Yountville for the locals’ favorite- Ciccio. Drive up valley to Press.
Casual dinner: La Taberna for Spanish Tapas or the new Los Agaves

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: Andaz or Napa Valley Distillery
Best dive bar: Downtown Joe’s no doubt
Best upscale tasting: Quintessa
Hidden gem: VGS Winery
Popular and beautiful: Hall Winery
Best view: Ovid
Best bach party winery: Frog’s Leap, Domain Chandon, Chappellet

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: A mountainside view- Cade Winery or Amizetta for a private experience. Splurge will you are here!
Best place to take a group photo/any Instagrammable spots: Welcome to Napa Valley Sign OR any impromptu vineyard photo shoot – OR a group shot while getting a saber at Be Bubbly

Additional Tips & Advice

Go Shopping! Napa has the best shopping in such a small radius, plan for this 🙂
For more ideas, read the complete guide on how to sip, savor, and celebrate your way around Napa Valley for a bachelorette party! https://modernmoh.com/bachelorette-party/napa-valley-bachelorette-party/

17. Palm Springs, California

Palm Springs Expert: Nicole Bowen // & thedarlingniki.com

Where to Stay

Top hotels: Kimpton Rowan – I love its downtown location plus the rooftop pool is one of a kind in Palm Springs and perfect for lazy afternoons with some rosé! The Parker – Nothing says a boujie bachelorette weekend like a stay at The Parker! The rooms are super chic, the restaurants are amazing, and there is an adults-only pool perfect for sunbathing and cocktails! Bonus: Their spa, The Palm Springs Yacht Club, is an ideal spot for a pampering afternoon.
Best area/neighborhood to rent a house: Raquel Club offers some of the most iconic Palm Springs mid Century modern homes, while Movie Colony is more of an eclectic mix of gated estates, Spanish style villas, and chic amid Centuries that are walking or biking distance from restaurants and bars.

Where to Eat

Brunch: Cheeky’s (be prepared for a wait), Farm (my personal favorite), and Wilma & Frieda are all great options!
Lunch/Small plates: Juniper Table at The Rowan, King’s Highway at The Ace
Fancy dinner: 4 Saints at The Rowan, Workshop Kitchen + Bar, Birba, Mr. Lyon’s, Sandfish
Casual dinner: El Jefe at The Saguaro, Las Casuelas, Rooster & The Pig

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: Bootlegger Tiki, Truss & Twine, High Bar, Seymour’s, Del Rey
Best dive bar: Village Pub, Peabody’s on Friday or Saturday night for Karaoke, Blackbook on Arenas, Shamrock’s
Best club/bar for dancing: Hunter’s is a gay club but so fun for dancing!

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: Moorten Botanical Garden, Canadian Dinosaurs, Joshua Tree National Park
Best place to take a group photo/any Instagrammable spots: The Windmill farm, Cabazon Dinosaurs, the breeze block wall at The Parker, Moorten Botanical Garden, the pool at Villa Royale (must be a guest)

Additional Tips & Advice
Guide to Palm Springs for more ideas as well! https://thedarlingniki.com/2016/09/13/the-ultimate-guide-to-palm-springs/

18. Portland, Oregon

Portland Expert: Laura Hall

Where to Stay
Top hotels: The Ace Hotel looks super fun and I’ve heard great things about it (I’ve never stayed there, but I’ve heard good things from other people). We stayed at the Sentinel Hotel the night before my wedding and LOVED it!
Best area/neighborhood to rent a house: Pearl District- close to everything and a nice part of Portland.

Where to Eat

Brunch: Mother’s Bistro, Pips Doughnuts, Voodoo Donuts
Lunch/Small plates: Por Que No, Cheese and Crack
Fancy dinner: Portland City Grill- they also have an amazing happy hour!!
Casual dinner: Breweries: Deschutes Brewery, 10 Barrel Brewing; Wings: Fire on the Mountain; Pizza: Apizza Scholls

Where to Drink

Best cocktails: Teardrop Lounge
Best dive bar: Low Brow Lounge, Ground Kontrol (barcade)
Best club/bar for dancing: Ponderosa Lounge & Grille (country line dancing), The Barrel Room (dueling pianos)

What to Do

Top attractions/Must-sees: Saturday Mark, International Rose Test Garden, Powell’s Books, Hiking (Mt. Tabor, Forest Park up to Pittock Mansion, or if you’re willing to drive around 30-45 minutes, go hike Multnomah Falls!)

Best place to take a group photo/any Instagrammable spots: There are so many fun murals and places to take pictures! If you walk across the Burnside Bridge, you can get the iconic Portland White Stag sign in the background, but it might be hard to get a good group photo. Another option is the Portland sign outside of the Schnitzer Concert Hall.


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