This was such a special wedding for us. We were kindred spirits from day one. Their love for each other and our love for them…..throw Dave the planner in, and we made a great team. All of the planning and anticipation paid off. Amanda and Jason had hands down one of our best weddings. #winterwedding #winterweddings #winterweddingseason #hudsonvalleyweddings #hudsonvalleyweddingvenue #weddingrentalservice
We are so proud to have been a part of this beautiful wedding. Congrats Breanna and Jacob!
We were so happy to be a part of this beautiful wedding!
This was such a beautiful wedding. ❤️
Our beautiful bride Ruby with her father using our 8’ doors for a dramatic entrance. #hudsonvalleyweddings #weddingrentals #ceremonydecor #ceremonyentrance #ceremonyentry
ROOM FLIP. Getting double usage on your rentals is a must. #sweethearttable #sweethearttabledecor #sweethearttableideas #sweethearttablebackdrops #sweethearttablebackdrop
This was our debut for the new rental “wedding wagon”. Our little princess rode into the ceremony in style. ❤️ #flowergirlwagon #flowergirlwagoncuteness #flowergirlwagon🌸 #weddingwagon #weddingwagons #ceremonydecor #hudsonvalleyweddings
This is Forest Blakk’s new song which was written and played for his new wife at their wedding 6/21/23! Take a listen, because he has hit yet another home run! Maybe this could be your first dance, and maybe we could video you and send it to him!!!
Early set up for Friday’s wedding. #orangecountynyweddings #springweddings #sweethearttable #sweethearttabledecor
We are so excited to stage this baby shower tomorrow! More pics to follow.
It’s a beautiful day for a petal toss.
We needed a little humor tonight. No worries, it was fake, “butt” the crack wasn’t planned. Ken never ceases to amaze me. I almost peed myself laughing at him.
Startup Staging Sweetheart Table using our new table and LOVE seat.