Hello everyone. I am announcing I will be taking a break for a little while. Working full time and trying to balance baking on the side is very tough. My energy has declined a little bit. If I can’t give 100 percent, I feel like it is time to take a break. I kept going back and forth on it. Ultimately, my customers deserve the absolute best and I feel I am not giving it at the moment. Im working on re working a lot things due to rising cost of ingredients. That has also been weighing on my mind heavily. I never want to make a product too expensive. I also don’t want to sacrifice the more expensive products that make everything taste so good! I will not be gone forever, I am just taking a couple months to regroup. Thank you to everyone who supports me! I am so grateful for everyone I have met the past two years. I hope you stay with me on this crazy adventure.
~I will not be attending the St. John farmers market this summer. I will be doing some much needed traveling and spending time with family~