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Poppin Popcorn Online 100% Virtual Fundraiser
✅ 50-75% Profit
✅ 100% Online - No Work Involved!
✅ Orders Shipped Direct to the customers Door!
✅ No Minimums!
Email to get free information & samples.- [email protected]
Call us with questions - 1-877-873-6297 ext 110
Poppin Popcorn's Virtual Fundraiser is 100% online and 50%-75% profit!
You can sign up anytime anywhere with this link
Selling is so easy! Simply post a link to your social media page and send text messages to your close family & friends. All orders are shipped directly to the customer so there is no work involved. When your fundraiser is over, we mail you a profit check! It really is that EASY!
Get your popcorn fix with our special promotion.
5 Gallon Sized bags for $50.00 with FREE SHIPPING!
16 Flavors to choose from.
Welcome to The Goodies Factory
My name is Matthew Burgess. I am a Fundraising Consultant and we offer Free fundraisers to groups all over the USA and I am here to help people in the US raise money for FREE. I work with all different types of groups and love to make a difference. I believe that everyday that goes by that I haven't reached out to help others is a waste of time and selfish. I believe the nation will only change if we all come together and start to live by the same standards of life. So if you know any Group, association, club, School, team, or individual that is in need of help please feel free to have them contact me or send me their information.
Our goal is to get 100% participation and to raise as much money as possible for your group! I suggest that you use our "It's Poppin Time Brochure". With this brochure you will receive the following.
- 50% profit (2 sale agreement offers 50% profit & 1 sale agreement offers 40% Profit)
- Free tabulation of your order
- Free shipping on product with no minimum order
- Free brochures and materials to run the sale
- Free incentive prize program
- Free Pre pack service (100 item minimum) We will pre-pack your product per individual student.
This is a free fundraiser! it cost you nothing out of pocket!
I am a highly motivated and professional fundraising consultant! I will give you all of the tools that you need to raise more funds than you ever have before with any other fundraising program. Follow My Program & You Will Succeed!
Lets get this Started! contact me today!
Fundraising Consultant
Matthew Burgess
Cell: (616) 204-4217
Office: (877) 873-6297 Ext: 126
[email protected]
HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN A DRONE? For every School that you get interested in our Fundraisers I will put your name in a drawing for this drone right here!!!!!
Call your local school PTA/PTO/PTC/PTSA/GSA and get them interested in checking out our Programs and I will GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO WIN FOR EACH ONE THAT SIGNS UP!!!!
ENDS March 15,2016!!!
Either have them message me on Messenger, call my Cell, Office phone, or Email me.
Cell: (616) 204-4217
Office: (877) 873-6297 Ext: 126
[email protected]