Our beloved WATER CART DISAPPEARED sometime yesterday. This month marks THREE YEARS that we put it out in front of our business near the sidewalk, making it convenient for runners and walkers and strollers and bikers to get a cold drink of water. We put it out there even before we opened the store. this picture is from when I was first gathering the needed items. It was one of my first pleasures in serving our community. I literally cannot count how many times it has brought me joy to see someone getting a cold drink of water out of my little water station. And to see all the dogs in the neighborhood learn that there are treats as well as a water bowl out there for them.🥰 it is usually one of the first things that I do when I get here in the morning is to put fresh water out on the street for the neighborhood. Usually, it’s just ice water, but sometimes for fun we would spruce it up with lemon or lime or cucumbers. We have served water to SO many people. We have served water to middle school, high school and college students running with their teams. We put it out early on days that we knew 5ks were coming through the area. We have served water to young mothers with young babies. We have served water to old mothers and grandchildren. We’ve seen kids come by and play in the water and take too many cups.(watching with love because watching kids exuding joy brings me joy) we’ve served water to a 70+ year-old triathlete! numerous times! ! We’ve served water to numerous Homewood residence walking by trying to keep an eye on their health. I love to see a gaggle of young girls standing around the water cooler, laughing and drinking up the water and time together (and their youth). Once I was trying to tell someone where my business was and they said “oh by the water cooler?!“ Talk about bringing joy! THE water cooler. We have served hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of little cups of water. We’ve seen delivery people pulled over and refill their water bottles as well! What started as a simple gesture made with love and care for our community turned into one of the little things that I love about my day the most. So you can imagine my shock and heartbreak when I went out last night after working another long 12+ hour day to see that our little beat up water cart was gone. Don’t worry though. I will definitely get another one as soon as I can. It fills me up and keeps me going, and I know it quenches your thirst! Does anyone have a little cart that they want to get rid of? lol. Also, if some of you water drinkers are so inclined to donate a dollar or two to get it back out there quickly. You can Venmo me -Smith-85