Congratulations Hana and Evan!
📸 Pinky Photography Hawaii
Venue: St. Augustine and Ko’olau Ballrooms
Congratulations Seth & Kelly!
Congratulations Justine and Edmund! #ibarraeverafter081923 #edstineibarra #alohilaniresort #alohilaniweddings #hawaiiwedding #oahuwedding #weddingplanning #sttheresacatholicchurch
Congratulations Chris & Jessica! The vendors that made it all happen: @savannahs_events @jeffalencastre @boba_bros_hi @koolauballrooms @mdee_photo @image_creations @dj_takai @rollinwithray @photoopshawaii @revealhairandmakeup
Having fun with cold spark fireworks. Thank you @hawaiieventsunlimited for bringing the fun to the party! #coldsparkfireworks #weddingreception #endofthenightpartying #hawaiieventsunlimited
Old School Friday Waikiki.
Tickets Now Available at:
Hawaii Event Group.Com
@joecortez_808 @hyattregencywaikiki @jayjhawaii @hifoodwinefest
Download a FREE MIX to get a taste of what is about to go down in Waikiki. We’re taking it back to the Old School at The Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort & Spa. Start making plans with Friends & Co-Workers
Friday JULY 27th 9pm to 1am
Mix Credit: @djlx808 .
#waikiki #oldschoolwaikiki #hyattregencywaikiki #hfwf #hfwf18
#thedjhawaii #djtonyso #hawaiieventgroup #oldschoolclassic #reunion #70s #80s #90s #80sparty #90sparty #80sfashion #90sfashion #hawaii808 #808 #dance #hawaiivacation #thingstodoinwaikiki #thingstodoinoahu #thingstodoinhawaii
Apparently along with the many services that I provide as a coordinator, we now offer dinosaurs....Congratulations Kelsie and Brad! #dinoweddingcrasher #oahueventplanner #weddingplanner #lifeofaweddingplanner
Took a tour of @fourseasons at Ko'olina. Beautiful! Perfect place for a wedding! #fourseasonshotel #koolina #fskoolina #oahuwedding #hawaiiwedding #weddingvenue #lifeofaplanner #chapelwedding #outdoorwedding
Congratulations Lauren and Nick!! Happy Birthday Nick! Thank you @madcakez for making this awesome groom's cake! #happilycabebe #groomscake #madcakez #halekoaderussyballroom #halekoawedding #oahuwedding #oahueventplanner
Clips by @image_creations of Harry and Hazel's beautiful wedding. Ceremony at St. Augustine by the Sea and reception at @halekoahotel . @kaleopilanca @noobentertainment @savannahs_events @oshare_girl @alwaysflowers808weddings @josephesser #oahuwedding #hawaiiwedding #weddingplaner #oahueventplanner #halekoawedding #halekoabanyan #weddingvideo #aerial #lifeofaplanner
Clips from @image_creations of Kellen and Francesca's wedding @drkash @frenchfacerox @oahueventplanner @halekoahotel #dakashiwas #halekoahotel #halekoa #love #wedding #outdoor #groom #bride #groomsmen #bridesmaids #hawaii #waikiki #imagecreationshawaii #imagecreationsllc #imagecreations #oahueventplanner #videography #cinematography #drone #aerial #weddingveil #bouquet #bowtie #fashion #hawaiiwedding #kiss #hawaiiweddingpros #dancing #fun