Fig and Fern Flowers

Fig and Fern Flowers Fig and Fern Flowers is a small-scale urban flower farm and flower design studio

Fireworks in flower form.

Fireworks in flower form.

I keep finding myself awake in the middle of the night rolling over in my head the concerns I have for each of my kids, ...

I keep finding myself awake in the middle of the night rolling over in my head the concerns I have for each of my kids, the ephemeral things I forgot to write down during the day to put on the to-do list, the big picture “are we focusing on the right things,” did I remember to reply to that text message (no)… and so on.

What I needed to read this morning was this truth from Psalm 121, maybe you do too. 💕 That there’s someone watching/keeping/helping over ALL of the coming and going at my house, no matter how mundane, reminding me to shift my gaze back to Him.

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over you—
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.

Hello 👋🏼 from my backyard. This no-makeup early morning cutting garden shot is brought to you by my own sweet Rose. I ho...

Hello 👋🏼 from my backyard. This no-makeup early morning cutting garden shot is brought to you by my own sweet Rose. I hope summer is treating you all well. As has been the case in recent years, I actually spend way less time in the garden in the summer even at its most abundant, because the abundant life of our family is extra full in the summer, and I want to squeeze out every drop.

June bucket of blooms ✂️. It’s been a lovely low humidity week, perfect for early morning cutting.

June bucket of blooms ✂️. It’s been a lovely low humidity week, perfect for early morning cutting.

Sweet pea season rivaling gardenias for my favorite summer scent…

Sweet pea season rivaling gardenias for my favorite summer scent…

This one is headed out the door for an Auburn graduation celebration today. 🧡💙 It is certainly celebration season!      ...

This one is headed out the door for an Auburn graduation celebration today. 🧡💙 It is certainly celebration season!

So many happy May arrangements headed out the door this weekend. I hope you are able to enjoy the flowers in your own ga...

So many happy May arrangements headed out the door this weekend. I hope you are able to enjoy the flowers in your own gardens this weekend!

Jude the Obscure, Olivia Austin, and the Alnwick Rose. English roses in April just cannot be topped. Trying to enjoy the...

Jude the Obscure, Olivia Austin, and the Alnwick Rose. English roses in April just cannot be topped. Trying to enjoy them at their very peak this weekend.

Mother’s Day: If flowers are on your list for yourself, your mama, or your wife, feel free to reach out for information ...

Mother’s Day: If flowers are on your list for yourself, your mama, or your wife, feel free to reach out for information and to put an order on my flower calendar! I’m taking a limited number of orders this year. 💐 Happy weekend!

The poppies are beginning to pop. Every morning this time of year there are new surprises in the garden.

The poppies are beginning to pop. Every morning this time of year there are new surprises in the garden.

The forget-me-not patch is going strong this week 💓.

The forget-me-not patch is going strong this week 💓.

Saturday armload in prep for a sweet tea party tomorrow afternoon. 🫖🌿

Saturday armload in prep for a sweet tea party tomorrow afternoon. 🫖🌿

Late April garden snips are the very best kind. ✂️🥇

Late April garden snips are the very best kind. ✂️🥇

Backyard blooms headed out the door today.

Backyard blooms headed out the door today.

Birthday blooms for a sweet friend, capping off a crazy busy and fun flower weekend. I think late April is my very favor...

Birthday blooms for a sweet friend, capping off a crazy busy and fun flower weekend. I think late April is my very favorite time in the cutting garden.

I’ve been savoring my helleborus all season, hoping that the timing would work to cut them for this weekend when several...

I’ve been savoring my helleborus all season, hoping that the timing would work to cut them for this weekend when several flower events converge at once. 🎯

Ruffles of orleya in the garden headed for some sweet bouquets later this week 🤍. I’ve spent the past few days doing a d...

Ruffles of orleya in the garden headed for some sweet bouquets later this week 🤍. I’ve spent the past few days doing a deep spring weed/compost/mulch; while I’m sore, it is so rewarding to see the garden at her most well organized point of the year.

Came back from spring break to this tulip goodness.

Came back from spring break to this tulip goodness.

My childhood bedroom wallpaper featured rows of tulips, and it makes me unreasonably happy every spring to grow my own l...

My childhood bedroom wallpaper featured rows of tulips, and it makes me unreasonably happy every spring to grow my own little rows.

Winter Rain, by Christina Rossetti Every valley drinks,Every dell and hollow:Where the kind rain sinks and sinks,Green o...

Winter Rain, by Christina Rossetti

Every valley drinks,
Every dell and hollow:
Where the kind rain sinks and sinks,
Green of Spring will follow.

Yet a lapse of weeks
Buds will burst their edges,
Strip their wool-coats, glue-coats, streaks,
In the woods and hedges;

Weave a bower of love
For birds to meet each other,
Weave a canopy above
Nest and egg and mother.

But for fattening rain
We should have no flowers,
Never a bud or leaf again
But for soaking showers;

Never a mated bird
In the rocking tree-tops,
Never indeed a flock or herd
To graze upon the lea-crops.

Lambs so woolly white,
Sheep the sun-bright leas on,
They could have no grass to bite
But for rain in season.

We should find no moss
In the shadiest places,
Find no waving meadow grass
Pied with broad-eyed daisies:

But miles of barren sand,
With never a son or daughter,
Not a lily on the land,
Or lily on the water.

I planted a pink perfection camellia a few years ago on the north side of our house. She has taken several years to get ...

I planted a pink perfection camellia a few years ago on the north side of our house. She has taken several years to get settled and happy, but I’m pleased to report that she has chosen this March to show off her classically southern beauty and grace 💞.

Tomorrow is March 1, which somehow crazily means prom season is on deck. Go ahead and reach out if you want get on the f...

Tomorrow is March 1, which somehow crazily means prom season is on deck. Go ahead and reach out if you want get on the flower calendar for prom this year - I’m closing orders in mid- March (for April proms) to get organized. 📝🌿🤍

Daffodils: William Wordsworth I wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o’er vales and hills,When all at once I sa...

Daffodils: William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

Hellebore season 💟

Hellebore season 💟

Wedding shower flowers - I love ilex season! 🍁💕❤️🍂

Wedding shower flowers - I love ilex season! 🍁💕❤️🍂

Loved putting together happy nosegays to celebrate the senior dancers at our local high school before their last footbal...

Loved putting together happy nosegays to celebrate the senior dancers at our local high school before their last football game performance🧡

Friday fall flowers 🧡

Friday fall flowers 🧡

Dahlia magic ✨. I honestly don’t love growing dahlias. They’re needy, relatively high maintenance and gangly in the gard...

Dahlia magic ✨. I honestly don’t love growing dahlias. They’re needy, relatively high maintenance and gangly in the garden. But a handful of fall dahlias creates a magic that just can’t be replicated.

The roses were fun to pick this morning, but let me tell you, before this I had to fish a dead rat out of the chickens’ ...

The roses were fun to pick this morning, but let me tell you, before this I had to fish a dead rat out of the chickens’ watering container. A reminder to me that sometimes you gotta deal with the varmints before you can deal with the roses 😆 - in life and in the yard. 🐀🌹

Mild September mornings are making me so happy right now. Wading through the weeds to pick these beauties, but it’s wort...

Mild September mornings are making me so happy right now. Wading through the weeds to pick these beauties, but it’s worth it.


Hoover, AL



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