Have you been wanting to work with me? Now is the time!
I’m looking for:
🖤 hair and makeup artists
🖤 stylists
🖤 models
🖤 dancers
🖤 artists
🖤 muses
Reach out to me if you are interested or have an idea!
Congratulations Alisha and Mike!
Congratulations to the Tingleys ❤️
Congratulations to Sydney and Roland on their beautiful wedding at the Wellsville Country Club & Restaurant yesterday!
Too funny not to share. Hang in there, dads… we can do this! #familyphototime #tistheseason
Congratulations again to Briann and Mike on their big day! Here is a highlight video from their wedding!
I love when wedding parties want to TikTok. ♥️
It hurts my heart when a same-sex couple is nervous about asking me to shoot their wedding. Recent semi-local events have prompted me to make this post.
I don't care if you are straight, gay, black, white, short, tall, blonde, brunette, or any other characteristic people use to divide us.
I would love to shoot your wedding.
Please don't be nervous to ask.
Love is love.
When you come to the studio to be photographed, obviously you will not be wearing a mask (although it does make for some interesting photos).
I am fully vaccinated and don't plan on wearing a mask during studio sessions.
If for ANY reason you feel uncomfortable and would rather I wear a mask during your photo shoot, please let me know. I am happy to oblige. No need to explain why, just let me know you would like me to put one on.
Want to know an amazing part about your best friend being a photographer also? Getting together to do collaborations! It was wonderful to work with CeeCee Photography to capture this video while she shot still photos. I think a great evening was had by everyone! Video is always an add on with nearly all of your photo shoots, just ask!