Having a small business doesn’t mean our product is “Cheap “ Having a small business doesn’t mean our work is different. Having a small business doesn’t mean our products can me damage , mistreated .
Having a small business doesn’t mean we will charge less.
When I hear , see “ Can you do it for cheaper “ the word “Cheap “
Do it for cheaper knowing that I’m already working and meeting them halfway. It’s something I dislike .
I tried before not having a good feeling about it
Sometimes trying to help at the same time not giving respect to my time , dedication and professionalism.
Unfortunately the times I reduced my price the clients were very irresponsible and careless about my product. Causing damages etc .
I don’t do things for cheap i do not over charge I charge base on my product , effort , time and professionalism.
Small businesses are just like any big business out there .
Let’s respect each other .
Support .
And to my my clients and future clients
Thank you so much for your support.
Thank you so much for appreciating my work and time and for never suggesting to reduce my price .
For your respect.
New products coming up 🫶🏾🙌🏼