Thank you Elena & Asiel👰🏻♀️🤵🏻♂️ for having us💗 Snackcart in the Houston area ! Available for any event DM us for more info! Carrito de snacks en Houston mándanos mensaje para mas info ! #houstontx #snackcarthouston #houstonsnackbar #houstonsnackcart #houstonvendors #carritodesnackshouston #barradesnackshouston #fyp #parati #tostilocos #tostielotes #esquitebarhouston #fruitbarhouston #corninacup #fruitcups #chipslocos #latinaownedbusiness #sisterownedbusiness #supportlocalbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #michoacana
Thank you for having us, Aliana Turns 1 Elmo world with a Mix & Match of fruit and Esquite cups! 🍉🍍🥭🌽
DM us for more info on packages
#fruitcups #esquites #snackbar #snackcart #carritodesnacks #antojitos #fruta #elotes #corninacup #tostielotes #tostilocos #houston #smallbusiness #sisterowned #latinaownedbusiness
TostiElote Bar 🌽 Hire us for your next event✨ We offer different packages😋 Send us a DM for more info! 📨
#snackcart #snackbar #tostitospreparados #tostielotes #carritodesnacks #barradesnacks #houston #katytx #smallbusiness #latinaownedbusiness #sisterowned #weddings #quinceañera #parties #anniversary #catering #weddingvenue #afterpartysnack
Tostielote by Sissy's Snack Cart