⭐️ Thank You Too The Holiday In the Park Organized by The League City Proud Organization for having us provide DJ services this past weekend for The 25th The 25th Holiday In The Park "Bringing Magic To Main Street" By The League City Proud Organization Event!
⭐️ Always great performances from talented kids, men, and women. Looking forward to next year!
Mr. & Mrs. Cory & Lo Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Cory and Lo Clark walking through the fire 🔥 towards their future together ❤️ 🥳💑🎊🎉!!!!
Mr. & Mrs. Cory and Lo Clark
Had The Pleasure of Providing entertainment for Mr. & Mrs. Cory & Lo Clark Saturday Night. I wish them both the best in the future 🎉🎊💑
After Wedding Shenanigans 💍🔔🎉🎊
Looking back on some fun weddings from this past year!
Happy Thanksgiving 🍗🦃
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!
Wedding Lighting
Up lights can make all the difference. #eventwiseproductions #wedding #uplighting
🎥 Take By: EventSmith Productions