Dear Flower lovers,
First off I want to formally apologize for canceling the Floral Master Class. 😞💔
I don’t mean to hurt anyone or give anyone a bad reputation.
I made the decision to cancel the Floral Master Class programed for October 29 & 30, 2024 because I have been going through a very difficult time health wise. I have posted before that I have been suffering with fibromyalgia and have recently discovered I also have rheumatoid arthritis. It is difficult to function day to day and this year my pain has worsen. It’s taken a big toll on me whilst planning the workshop. For this reason I can not continue with planning the workshop, it’s been draining my little bit of energy that I have. I again am so sorry to everyone and it breaks my heart to do this. It was a very difficult decision to make, but one that had to be made. 💔😖
Secondly, I want to apologize to Carlota Flower Lab . I am sorry for not going through with the Master Class. I really wanted to be able to have that experience again, working with such amazing people and an amazing company. My love and highest respect for you all. ❤️😥
I want to also apologize to all the collaborators who wanted to be apart of the amazing experience. I don’t mean to let anyone down. I want to give out my most sincerest apologies to you all. 💔😭
Lastly, I plan on taking a break from social media and working, to better my health and be better for my clients. My goal is to become well, and put my health first in order to become a better florist. I thank you all for your love and understanding.😞
- Jessy, Heavenly Surprises.