How To Handle Stress In Your Daily Life
Are you struggling because of stress? Tension is a natural part of life, but it doesn't have to control you. Finding healthy ways to manage pressure is key to maintaining balance and well-being. Whether it's taking a moment to breathe deeply, or simply talking things through with someone you trust, taking care of your mental health is essential. Watch this video to remind yourself it's okay to take a step back, prioritize self-care, and seek support when needed!
#StressManagement #MentalHealth #SelfCare #nancysolari #livingfullout
How to deal with embarrassing situations? With Nancy Solari
Get to know more about Nancy Solari, the founder and host of the Living Full Out show.
Our question for the day is: What does Nancy Solari do when faced with embarrassment?
Got a question for Nancy? Leave it in the comments below!
Learn How to Make your Dreams a Reality
Dream big and go after it! Whether you've always wanted to be a professional singer, an actor, or pursue another passion, there is no time like the present to turn those dreams into reality. Take that first audition for that role, apply for that job, or invest in learning the skills you need. Nancy, host of the Living Full Out Show, says it best: "Anything is possible; you only have to try." Your dream can be achieved when you put in the effort. So take that risk! Remember, the life you envision is within reach. All it takes is action, determination, and a belief in yourself. So why wait? Start today and live full out!
Are you ready to roll the dice and try to pave your path to success? Today is National Play Monopoly Day! This game is all about strategy, investing wisely, and calculating risks. Although it is just a board game, these are the same principles that apply to accomplishing your dreams. To represent me as I move along the board, I always go with the dog. Life is often referred to as one big game, and just like Monopoly, there will be ups and downs, but with long-term planning and resilience, you will find yourself on top. Take some time to plan ahead and think about what goals you want to accomplish, then go for it, make the hard choices, and put the work in so you can live full out. Let us know your goals in the comments below.
#LivingFullOut #NancySolari #BoardGame #Strategy #Risks
Learn How to Make your Dreams a Reality
Dream big and go after it! Whether you've always wanted to be a professional singer, an actor, or pursue another passion, there is no time like the present to turn those dreams into reality. Take that first audition for that role, apply for that job, or invest in learning the skills you need. Nancy, host of the Living Full Out Show, says it best: "Anything is possible; you only have to try." Your dream can be achieved when you put in the effort. So take that risk! Remember, the life you envision is within reach. All it takes is action, determination, and a belief in yourself. So why wait? Start today and live full out!
How to deal with embarrassing situations? With Nancy Solari
Get to know more about Nancy Solari, the founder and host of the Living Full Out show.
Our question for the day is: What does Nancy Solari do when faced with embarrassment?
A past #InspirationalGuest on the #LivingFullOutShow was Josh George, who survived a terrifying and life-changing experience. When Josh was just four years old, he fell twelve stories out of a window. At the time, his parents received the gut-wrenching news that his survival would be unlikely. Amazingly, Josh lived and he began to navigate the world in a wheelchair. Growing up with any disability can be difficult, but he brought himself up to a life of fulfillment. Listen to this 2015 interview between Josh and I where he discusses his compelling story of growth and how is now a remarkable wheelchair athlete. Click on the link below to learn how by living full out, you can reach life’s milestones and thrive with purpose.
#NancySolari #LivingFullOut #JoshGeorge #survivor #trauma #childhood #disability #wheelchair #athelete #milestones #paralympics
A past #InspirationalGuest on the #LivingFullOutShow was Donna Hartley, who survived multiple instances where she could have lost her life. In 1978, she nearly burnt to death in a terrifying exploding plane crash. Years later, she receives the gut-wrenching news that she has melanoma. Then, she was rushed to an emergency open heart surgery after having cardiovascular issues. Listen to this 2015 interview between Donna and I where she discusses her miracles and how she survived it all. Click on the link below to learn how bringing stability to your life will allow you to live full out.
#NancySolari #LivingFullOut #DonnaHartley #survivor #planecrash #cancersurvivor #cancerfree #stability #adoption #miracle #stable
A past #InspirationalGuest on the #LivingFullOutShow was Wendy Ida, who endured mental, physical, and sexual abuse for 13 years by her husband. She was told by other women to keep it together, but to Wendy, the entire marriage felt like a nightmare. One day, after reaching her breaking point, she escaped. Listen to this 2015 interview between Wendy and I where she discusses how her loyalty to her children is what motivated her away from a cruel household to now becoming a fitness guru, bringing her health and blessings. Click on the link below to learn how staying faithful to your dreams will let you live full out.
#NancySolari #LivingFullOut #WendyIda #Fitness #WendyIdaFitness #Escape #Blessed #Health #Journey #Story #Faith #Dreams
Perhaps you have an odd, ever-changing schedule. Maybe you simply refuse to keep a circadian rhythm in your natural state. However, did you know that poor sleep can lead to serious health problems? For example, a single night with inadequate rest can interfere with your ability to learn, process information, and even drive. A prolonged lack of shut-eye can lead to serious, chronic physical conditions, such as heart disease, kidney disease and strokes. Leave a like on this post if you enjoy frequent naps. Join our Facebook group to share your tips for getting a good night’s rest.
#NancySolari #LivingFullOut #CircadianRhythm #SleepSchedule #HeartDisease #Stroke #KidneyDisease
Group Link:
Learn How To Be More Considerate of Others
Have you ever judged someone before? In this video, Nancy reminds you to be more aware when it comes to making assumptions of others. You may want to ask questions respectfully before categorizing someone based off of looks and stereotypes. Being more thoughtful can lead to learning more about that person's past and how they got to where they are at today despite their hardships. Listen to Nancy as she encourages you to be more considerate of those around you so that you can live your life full out!
Click the link to learn more:
#NancySolari #LivingFullOut #considerate #thoughtful #encouragement
Learn How to Connect With Your Past
Do you have questions about your heritage? In this video, I discuss discovering your past and being mindful of the future. Reaching out to people in your life can provide you with answers. If you’re without anyone to connect with, consider investing time to document your own story. Try to keep track of your experiences so that you may share them with others down the line. Watch this video to learn how to live full out by appreciating the present while cherishing memories from long ago.
#NancySolari #LivingFullOut #heritage #future #past
Video link: