The Beatles Story & Hits of 1968, NOV 1&2, 2018
A very fun night of Great Music and Music History put on by the nationally-recognized HB APA MMET Students. Nov. 1 & 2 at FCC.
Tix at
CDs are here😀👌🤟🏼 get yours at the show for $5 before they run out!
Listen to the killer harmonies on “Apple Pie Bed” from “Playlist!” Grab your tickets online at or in the APA office!
Playlist 2018 CD
Check out the new CD from the MMET students!
Cailey, Maddie, Jillian and Aislyn SLEIGHING “I’m Dreaming Of A White Christmas.” See you at “Sounds of the Season” tonight!
MMET's On Channel 3!
Thank you to all who came and supported the MMET department this weekend! Channel 3 took an interest in the Beatles show, so stay tuned for an MMET appearance on TV in the next few months! Here's a behind-the-scenes look at the directors' interviews.
MMET Gets Funky for the Beatles Show
This is why we use click tracks...Come to the Beatles show on November 2-3 at FCC to see some MMET kids play more in sync than this video! Tickets available at!
Larson Should Have Gone to the Beatles Show
If you haven't already seen this, it's pretty cute! Go to MMET's fundraiser show to hear your favorite Beatles tune! Tickets at!
"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" is just one of many songs you'll know in this show's setlist! What's your favorite tune off the Sgt. Pepper's album?
Flying to the Beatles Show
MMET Freshmen & Sophomores Play Open House
Some of our underclassmen playing a cover at APA's Open House this past Saturday!
Beatles Show!