Sally’s Song
Our carillon/automated bell tower has a huge song library, including “Sally’s Song” from A Nightmare Before Christmas!
Our carillon will also be playing seasonal holiday music this December.
Stay tuned!🔔🎄🎶
Wedding Reception
Great day for a wedding…and outdoor cocktail reception on our beautiful plaza!
We love when the young students of the Indianapolis Suzuki Academy are here filling our Grand Hall with music!
We had 13 harps altogether onstage today!
Just give it a little shake and our courtyard becomes a storybook snow globe! #indianalandmarkscenter #historicvenue #oldnorthsideindy #loveindy #do317 #winterwedding
The Deoc Ensemble provided a beautiful string trio for a wedding at Indiana Landmarks Center last week. We absolutely love how The Deoc Ensemble’s music filled Grand Hall and our souls. Grand Hall’s acoustics were so wonderful no microphones were needed.
#indianalandmarkscenter #indybride2b #indyengaged #circlecity #downtownindy #do317 #loveindy #indianapolismusic #eventmusic