April Showers Florist

April Showers Florist Local florist /gift shop since 1974
Flowers, balloons, t-shirts
Chocolates, and Gift Baskets
Serving Jacksonville over 50 years♡

Delivering Jacksonville Area

Onslow Memorial Hospital


Did you know you can order stunning bouquets and arrangements right from our website? Whether you're celebrating a milestone, surprising someone special, or just adding a little floral magic to your day, we've got you covered!

💻 Browse & Order Online: www.aprilshower.biz
🌷 Fresh, Handcrafted Designs
🚚 Delivery Straight to Your Door

Because every moment is better with flowers 🌺💐


Looking for something unique for your loved one? Skip the vase and treat them to a custom wrapped bouquet, created just for them by our talented designers! Stop by today to order your personalized arrangement!


Today will be closed to Celebrate Linda Littleton's life the founder of April  Showers Florist.

Today will be closed to Celebrate
Linda Littleton's life the founder of April Showers Florist.


Who is ready for Spring?? Counting down the days!!


Does your loved one not care for flowers? Don't worry, we have a great selection of gifts for anyone in the shop! From windchimes, to T-Shirts, and everything in between. Stop by and browse around 😎



🌸🎨 Do you have a favorite artist who captures the beauty of flowers? 🎨🌸

We’d love to hear from you! Whether it’s classic botanical art or modern floral masterpieces, let us know which artist inspires you the most. Share your favorites with us in the comments below! 💬👇


Valentine's Day will be here soon! What are you planning on doing for your loved one this year?


465 Piney Green Road
Jacksonville, NC


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