It took a team effort and a quick demo on ugly Christmas sweaters with beer storage features, but the team formerly known as Norm (and the Caregivers) walked away from the pre-Christmas edition of Anchor Valley Trivia with its second win in a row Wednesday, edging the Winnies and Menage a (Cheerful Christmas Message) by two points. It was perhaps a testament to the power of Christmas spirit that this was not a controversial victory, as the margin was due to the Norms’ ad hoc Ugly Christmas Sweater Competition win, which added three points to their total and let them walk with the belt. Ironically until a few minutes before competition tip-off your Trivia Master assumed we would have no Norms at all.
Almost immediately following their upset win on December 4, team spiritual leader Norm announced that the team would not be on hand to defend its crown. “The belt is up for grabs,” shouted the Trivia Master, and yet as competitors flowed in Wednesday (50 in all, a new AV Trivia record), there were the Norms. Props to Those Aren’t Eggnogs team captain Steve for ceding the Winner’s Lounge to the returning champs.
As noted, 50 players broke the previous standard of 48 and pre-holiday spirits were high. Fortunately, Wednesday also marked the return of the Sergeant-at-Arms, whose presence guaranteed that standards and decorum would be followed, though she did allow superteam the RaySpotsNetos to balloon to eight members, because, per always-controversial team member Beth, “Two of them aren’t doing anything anyway”
Competition began under a bit of a pall when stalwart bartender/server/cook/rally leader August announced their pending departure from the AV team to become a full-time freelance writer. Perhaps this explains the teams’ average score of 4.3 in the Current Events round, including a record-tying single point by semi-rookies and Tom Cruise enthusiasts Mission Impossible II.
Moving into Round Two (Christmas Songs), the leaders, with seven points, were Merry, Merry, Happy, Happy Holidays (AKA Menage a Fill in the Blank) and, as usual, the fast-starting RaySpotNetos. This remained the case after the round, which featured a very difficult question about “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” and a very creative answer to “Who Wrote ‘Feliz Navidad,’” by the always-creative Pantone 294.
Three rounds and a bonus, plus a Christmas sweater competition later, the Norms were on top, followed by the surging Winnies, who leapfrogged form fourth to second with a perfect ten in the Holy Christmas Special Triad category, and Menage, who are always at or near the top. Pantone and the Eggnogs followed with 42 and a fourth-place tie, with second-timers Scrooge This (formerly Texas Exes and rumored to still be comprised entirely of Texan emigres) and the RaySpotNetos, who proved that even an infusion of Hoyals couldn’t cure them of their late game fades. Death by Double Date Night finished eighth with 36 points but as usual, their value far outstripped their final score.
Finishing in the basement was MI2, back after a long absence but no less enthusiastic or committed to excellence. Notably, no member of this team shouted out any answers during competition, though one did threaten to divorce her husband at the close of the night.
Here are your weekly awards for December 4:
UGLY SWEATER WINNER: This title and three points went to the Norms, though competition was uncannily fierce. It is true that there is little that can top a sweater with a built-in cupholder for your beer.
COMMITMENT TO UGLY EXCELLENCE AWARD: Winnie team captain Erik arrived in his usual gear, unaware of the (admittedly last-minute) ugly sweater competition. One phone call later he was standing on a table wearing a Christmas onesie. That it didn’t net his team three points is a mystery on par with the origins of Stonehenge.
BEST DECISION OF THE NIGHT: When I offloaded the position of Ugly Sweater Contest judge to Peggy, August and Ellie.
MOST STYLISH HOLIDAY WEAR: Christmas sweaters come and go, but Death by Double Date Night John’s holiday lights sport coat lasts forever.
MY EYES ARE PLEADING FOR HELP AWARD: What you probably don’t know is that every week there’s at least one person in the room who stares me down after every question; often it is a teenager and the message is “Oh my God these questions are so dumb.” This week is was Amy of Texas Exes/Scrooge This and the message was “I don’t know any of the answers; can you please give me a clue?”
OFFICIAL BABY OF ANCHOR VALLEY TRIVIA COMPETITION: Seager had a difficult night on Wednesday; mostly hidden from view and perhaps feeling that his father got robbed in the Ugly Sweater Competition, Seager made his feelings known a few times. Also, Hadley got to wear the belt for a second consecutive week. At this point, it’s a toss-up.
CONSISTENT, BUT NOT IN THE WAY YOU WANT AWARD: To the RaySpotNetos; they came with a full squad plus two, they played hard, they jumped out to an early lead, they faded at the end. You could set your watch to it.
CONSISTENT BUT IN THE WAY YOU WANT AWARD: Can anyone remember the last time Menage a (Christmas when its Christmas) wasn’t among the top three finishers?
SIR, I MUST PROTEST: Noted, Eggnogger Rick, that some people consider The Grinch and Charlie Brown to be among the Holy Triad of Christmas Specials. I do not. If it’s not stop-motion, it’s not in the Holy Triad.
MULTI-GENERATIONAL AWARD: Three teams boasted multiple generations of the same family this week, including MERRY, MERRY, ETC. ETC., with two generations of Sutliffes, EGGNOGS with John, son of Nice Guy Mike, and PANTONE, with Jessica’s mom Tamara, who is a dead ringer for Emmylou Harris.
SAVVINESS AWARD: To Death by Double Date Night team member Jean, who knew to ask me how to spell JULBORD (pronounced YULE-bood) and and JULSKINKA (pronounced YULE-hwinka.
GRACE UNDER FIRE, BUT AT WHAT COST? It wasn’t just Steve showing good sportsmanship, giving up the Winners Lounge for surprise arrivals Norm; the entire team from South Loop cheerfully gave up their spot. Their reward was a marginalized spot around the corner, where the Trivia Master could not see or hear them, and the Trivia Master needs to see and hear Steve and Roe.
ROOKIE OF THE WEEK: Months after their now-legendary Tom Cruise gaffe, MI2 finally returned. They finished in the cellar, but that’s to be expected of a newbie team. What was impressive was afterward, when, after threatening to leave her husband, team member (I’m sorry I don’t know your name but it was your first time here in a long time) approached the Trivia Master and asked to have her team’s score sheets, so she could “prepare for next time.” I hope that next time comes soon, MI2.
That’s all for this week; please note that our next trivia session is JANUARY 8, the second Wednesday of the month. That’s right; we bumped yoga for trivia. Bask in it.