Friday night curling
Curling Winter season is coming to a close…spring league starts in March! Contact us for sign up!!
Public Skate Day
We squeezed in a Public Skate today 3:30-6pm!
MLK Day! Monday!
Monday 20th Kids are off from school, let’s have some fun on the ice! Drop in Hockey,Ice Bumper Cars and Ice Skating! Plus get your slushee and funnel cake fix at the cafe!
Merry Christmas Eve! Lots going on today!
Join us today at the Northwest Arena for drop in hockey ice-skating and ice bumper cars plus a blood drive is going on with the American Red Cross from 10 AM to 2 PM. We have a goal of 32 to 34 people to give blood today at the Northwest Arena!
Ice Bumper cars and ice skating….12-3pm, call for your bumper car time!!!
Drop in Hockey 10:30!
Ice skating ans Ice Bumper cars 12-3!
Join us this holiday season for all the fun on the Ice Thanksgiving week, Tuesday we have cheapskate and then we have Ice bumper cars and Ice Skating on Wednesday. We’re closed on Thanksgiving and Friday Saturday Sunday. We have ice available time for Thanksgiving. Fun log onto our website to learn more plus breakfast with Santa‘s on December 14 make sure you get your tickets for that great family. Fun event. You can skate with Santa!!! 🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻 and have breakfast plus a craft all in one wonderful morning and we have gift cards available too so make sure you pop in to get those gift cards for all your family members that love spending time together on the ice
Lots of Thankful info!
It’s Thanksgiving week. Click on the video and get all the information you need to know about what’s coming up during Thanksgiving week and the month of December plus learn how you can buy tickets to breakfast with Santa!!! 🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻 and gift cards.
@americanhockeyacademy dropped in for a little ice time at the arena!
Hockey all morning here! 🏒🥅
We had the American Hockey Academy CATS Academy Boston on the ice for a practice while they travel to a game in Ohio! #coolplacetoplay #hockeylife #hockeyplayer
Thanksgiving week and Breakfast & Skate with 🎅