As we head into this MLK holiday weekend let us hold dear the memory and honor of the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
We celebrate and honor all of the progress that he made towards achieving true equality and justice for all.
We must continue to strive for a more just and equitable world—one where everyone has the opportunity to achieve their full potential and participate as they wish to. May his legacy live on and inspire us to create a more equal and just world for all. May his courage remind us to always stand up against hate and to continue to strengthen our world to cherish and respect equality, authenticity, and dignity for everyone.
May we stand united to be of service to each other in community, motherhood, and parenthood.
May we take a page from his life and this is to be true to others, stand up against hate, and that it is imperative to be the kindness you wish to see in others.
⭐️posting some local happenings in the next slides in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King.
Feel free to tag us on additional happenings to share.
Thank you Dr. King, you were truly one of a kind. Selfless, loyal, and gracious.
When we talk to our kids about Martin Luther King, let’s remember to include the stories of ordinary people who contributed to the change. Our children need to understand how change happens, and how they can help.