Effort AMPlified - MAXimum Effort Solidarity Fundraiser for Max Myers - Car Crash Victim is tonight!!
I may or may not have went on a new tune hunting spree and may or may not have acquired a TON of new tunes! Only tune I didn't get that I want is a tune that Dj OnDaMiKe has that isn't out yet, so look for that one later in this run of shows!
KC - you know what to do! Show up and show out!
⚠️ If you cant make it, contribute to the gofundme here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-maxs-road-to-recovery ⚠️
Max is a hard-working and compassionate individual who is always the first to lend a han… Rhiannon Lentz needs your support for Support Max's Road to Recovery