Editing a wedding = Wediting. I’ll see myself out.
Keeping my fingers this winter thanks to mom 😅
What’s your love language? I used to be embarrassed to admit that mine is gifting because I thought people would think I was materialistic when I’m not - I could care less about designer labels and I try to be a pretty minimalistic person. There’s just something about receiving a really well-thought-out gift, even small, that makes me feel so special. Giving gifts to my people brings me an equal amount of joy. 🥰
Last week a bride emailed me worried about a scratch that her kitty gave her a few days before her wedding, wanting to know if I would edit it out. She also had a scar from a piercing she got when she was younger that she was curious if I’d remove, and I realized this is probably a concern that a lot of people have about their wedding photos!
My policy is, if it won’t be there in a couple of weeks, I’ll remove it without you having to ask. Blemishes, bruises, kitty scratches, etc.
I will never remove a scar or a beauty mark unless someone specifically asks that it be removed. These are a part of who we are. I have scars and moles that I feel weird about, and I completely understand the feeling. If your skin is stressed and you want me to smooth the texture or reduce redness, I got you!
I will never change your body to look slimmer, or remove prominent wrinkles on your face. Just as we all are vulnerable to the pressures of wanting to look a certain way because of media, wedding photos should be an accurate reflection of how we looked during this season of life. Plus - most of this is controlled by lighting and angles, which is why hiring a seasoned photographer can make such a crucial difference. If you feel concerned about a part of your appearance, don’t be afraid to share those concerns with your photographer. We’re there to find all of your best angles and hype you up on your wedding day. You should absolutely feel your best when you see your images. ❤️
Thought it was appropriate to reshare the time I surprised @jfowler_0_ with an Easter egg hunt at home 🐣