Houghton Performance Center Information
Located near Lake Michigan in Downtown Kenosha, Wisconsin. At the corner of 58th Street and Sheridan Road (Hwy. 32). Accessible from either Hwy 158 from the north or Hwy 50 from the south off Interstate I-94. AUDITORIUM ENTRANCE: Main Doors are located on the East side of the building on Sheridan Rd. For Practices please enter through the SOUTH STAGE DOORS
located on 58th St. West Doors may be open if another event going on in the Building. Unless your Event requires use of the Gym or Cafeteria NO ONE should be roaming the halls or building. Community Events and Concerts are held here. We are home to the Kenosha Symphony Orchestra. Some performances include: Harry Chapin, Michael Martin Murphy, Miss Kenosha Pageant, Jeff Ceasario, John McGivern, NPR’s Michael Feldman’s “Whad’ Ya Know?”
Museum Travelogues, Besty Ade and the Well Known Strangers, local dance studios hold recitals here, local area fund raisers and many school related events and concerts. We even had many old bands that played here such as Danny and the Juniors, The Diamonds, Box Tops, Rocket 88 and others. At a Capacity of 1385 we are one of the largest and oldest Auditoriums in the area, known to have the best acoustics between Chicago and Milwaukee. House Seating diagram available upon request. Handicapped accessible from 58th Street via ramp entrance. Handicapped restroom located in main lobby area. Restrooms located at balcony level. NO FOOD or DRINKS ALLOWED IN AUDITORIUM or STAGE AREA
No Food or Beverages are to be sold in the Lobby Area. Side Hall, Café, or Gym may be available for concessions
Parking available behind Auditorium/School in the West Parking lot. Located on 58th Street and 10th Ave. Additional parking lot across the street on Sheridan and 58th Street. Usage/ Rental/Technical Information
** Rental/Usage includes use of auditorium, available lighting, basic PA system, adjoining dressing rooms, and lobby area. Sound/Lighting Tech and additional equipment available for additional fee. Ushers and Stage Hands available for additional fee. Rental/Usage Does Not Include cost of facilities support and/or custodial coverage/cleanup after your event. You will be responsible for payment of these services in addition to the rental cost. Any school or school activity usage will be responsible for payment of custodial coverage and/ or custodial cleanup during their event if needed
** NO Fire/Flame of any kind. This does include use of candles, matches, etc.
**NO Confetti, Glitter, or any of these types of effects is not allowed. $100 Cleaning Fine will apply if used
Nothing can be taped to the Stage Floor without Facilities Management approval. This does include the walls in the House seating area, Lobby, and Auditorium itself. Any Damage to Floor / Walls User shall be responsible for repair
Stage Dress/Curtains: Reuther has the following curtains in place at the current time:
Grand Curtain
Traveler- located Mid-Stage (yellow/gold)
3- Sets of legs
Misc. borders
Cyc curtain-(black traveler)
Projection Screen- located back mid stage
Stage Area: Proscenium stage with apron. Dimensions of proscenium are 22’ high (approx.) x 43’ 9” wide. Stage Depth from center of apron to back wall is 31’ 2”
-Stage Apron to Grand Curtain Line is 11-12’ Deep
-Stage Apron to First Row Seating 9’+ Deep
Loading Area: South Stage Doors located on 58th St is suitable for loading/unloading equipment. There 2 small steps or we can provide a ramp. Note: These doors are double doors with removable center if needed. All Technical aspects of the event must be cleared by facilities management i.e. Special effects (fog, haze), sound/audio design, special lighting, set and stage designs, and user bringing in of own sound and lighting. All detailed arrangements regarding production must be made at least 2 weeks in advance of Performance Date with Facilities Contact such as production set up, stage set up, and front of house operations. Dressing Rooms: are located off stage right via door off stage and/or stairway off south door/loading area. Please keep them clean and neat any issues contact facility manager. We have 4 dressing rooms:
Dressing Room A: 1-3 people Dressing Room B: 3-7 people
Dressing Room C: Costume Storage Dressing Room D: 3-7 people
Restrooms: Groups practicing may use the Locker Rooms which are located in the South Hall / Back Stage area near the Cafeteria and West Doors. Any special needs see Facilities Manager. Additional Rooms: Gym, Cafeteria. Or Classrooms may be used at an hourly rate. For more information or questions call Reuther Facilities at (262) 359-6136 or Email: [email protected]